Chapter 33, I want to eat you right

Old Mrs. Liang asked Liang Jin and Mrs. Wu to go back first and ask them to bring Nanny Xu to stay with her for a few days.

Liang Jin asked her if she could do it alone.

Mrs. Liang said it was okay, "What are you afraid of? I am an old woman, how dare they bully me?"

 No matter what age, no one would mess with an old lady for fear of being blackmailed.

Mrs. Liang is not afraid anyway. She is not an old lady that no one cares about. Her family is doing well in the town, so Mrs. Chen is not so bold as to recruit her.

Liang Jin also knew that there were sensible people in the Chen family, so he went back first.

The woman had just given birth, and he, a man, was not suitable to stay, so he had to go back first.

Mrs. Wu also has to go back to burn incense and worship Buddha. She also has to prepare things for the New Year and has to go back.

So the couple saw the child and took the carriage back, while Aunt Xu came over.

Seeing that her parents were back, Sister Ying reached out to hug her.

Liang Jin reached out and hugged her, and said to Wu as he walked, "I was so out of breath just now that I was so scared."

Mrs. Wu also said, "When a woman gives birth to a child, it is like going through hell. Life and death are mysterious."

Liang Jin sighed, "Looking at sister like this, I don't even dare to let you give birth."

 Young couples have the best relationship.

Last year, Mrs. Wu gave birth and suffered a lot, which made Liang Jin very distressed.

He is not the kind of man who treats women as reproductive tools. When he saw his wife bleeding heavily during childbirth, he almost fainted from fright and was filled with heartache.

 Coupled with what happened to the eldest sister today, he was quite frightened.

Mrs. Wu hurriedly comforted him, "This is an accident. Aren't the two sons that the eldest sister gave birth to before are fine? Don't scare yourself."

Sister Ying also reached out and patted her father on the head to express comfort.

Liang Jin really relaxed a little when he was looked at by her big innocent eyes.

"Yes, it may be an accident. I hope that after giving birth to this baby, my eldest sister will not have another baby. We already have three sons, which is enough."

He is the only son in their family. Just having one son is enough. There is really no need to work so hard.

  "In the future, it will be good if you have another son, and you will not have any others if you can."

He was quite frightened today. Giving birth would be life-threatening.

Mrs. Wu smiled helplessly and asked him, "What if I give birth to a daughter next time?"

Liang Jin frowned, looked at the plump Sister Ying, and smiled like a father, "Actually, my daughter is pretty good too."

 He has never felt anything wrong with his daughter. They are all his own children and there is nothing to dislike.

I'm afraid my mother will say I'm sorry to my ancestors or something.

Sister Ying hummed, then reached out and pinched the side of her father's face, meaning that boys are not allowed to be favored over girls.

Liang Jin laughed at her. Looking at his daughter's cute little face, he said with relief, "Forget it, it doesn't matter what happens, as long as mother and child are safe."

Mrs. Wu was warmed by him, and she smiled and leaned on his shoulder. The couple looked at each other quietly, feeling warm in their hearts.

Sister Ying also stayed close to her parents, keeping each other warm with them.

  It must be said that God was very kind to her, allowing her to be born into such a good family.

Most people nowadays favor sons over daughters, but his father is so enlightened and understands that human life is more important than the inheritance of the family line. Otherwise, if her mother had a husband who insisted on having a son, she would probably have to give birth to a son even if her belly was broken.

 Fortunately, her father still cares about her mother very much, which is good.

The couple talked for a while, and Liang Jin continued to study.

 Now he wants to become a scholar more and more to help his parents' family.

 Only with success and fame can we provide better guarantees to our families.

Mrs. Wu saw that he was working hard, so she took Sister Ying to the kitchen to help, and did not dare to disturb him.

Since Grandma Xu was not here today, Xiaohong went to the bacon shop to help, and Mrs. Wu put on an apron and started frying the meat skewers.

The meat skewers have been marinated in advance, and the oil will be hot before they are cooked.

Mrs. Wu put Sister Ying on the cart, gave her a big fruit, and asked her to hold it and chew it slowly.

Sister Ying is also good. Her mother is busy and doesn’t bother her. She just stares at the meat skewers.                        Niang.


Mrs. Wu understood, put on an apron, looked back at her, and smiled, "Want to eat some meat?"

Sister Ying swallowed her saliva and said, "Again~" Rourou.

This month I can actually pronounce a few sounds, but my tongue is not easy to control, and I have a milky voice when I speak, and I can't pronounce any of them correctly.

Wu smiled and picked up a piece of fried meat, cooled it and handed it to her, "Eat slowly, be careful not to choke."

She knew that her daughter knew how to swallow, so she dared to give her meat, otherwise she would choke if she swallowed it later.

Fortunately, Sister Ying was also afraid of death. She grabbed the piece of meat with her two chubby hands and nibbled the fried meat with her four small front teeth.

 Oh my god, it smells so good~

Her mother’s cooking skills are amazing, and it’s really delicious.

Mrs. Wu saw how good she was eating, smiled, and turned back to continue frying.

The cook was also making meatballs and chattering to Mrs. Wu, "How's the situation with the eldest lady?"

Mr. Wu chatted with her while the explosion was going on, "It was a bit thrilling. I'm glad mother and son are safe."

The cook sighed and sighed, "It's really scary. A woman giving birth is like going to hell. It's very scary."

This cook herself has given birth to three sons and two daughters, so she can certainly understand the pain of giving birth.

However, her five children are all married, and her daughter-in-law is not a generous person. She just worked as a cook. She thought the Liang family was good, so she signed a long-term employment contract and stayed.

 Wu finished frying the meat skewers and started frying the sweet potato balls.

Sister Ying chewed the fried meat for a while, smelled the aroma of sweet potato balls, and wanted to eat sweet potato **** again, "Nang Nang~" Niangniang.

Mrs. Wu turned around and scolded her, "You haven't finished eating the meat on your hands yet. Eat the meatballs after you finish."

A **** kid, eating from the bowl and looking into the pot, it’s so funny.

Sister Ying pouted in disappointment, "Da da." Disgusting~

Looking at her little expression, Mrs. Wu knew that she was speaking ill of herself, so she immediately pretended to be mean to her.

 “Huh? Who is talking bad about mother?”

Sister Ying pouted and said "ta da~" in anger.

Wu Shi smiled and said, "You dare to shout "beat me", be careful and your father will beat you up."

He was not a black face and moved Liang Jin as a bad person.

Sister Ying doesn’t believe her father would beat her.

 Her mother can be considered a tigress.

  Wu looked at her while frying sweet potato balls.

 After frying the sweet potato balls, start frying the peanut crisps.

These are all things that must be fried during the Chinese New Year, and she is already familiar with them.

 At night, Mrs. Liang did not come back.

 In the evening, it was just the three of them who had dinner.

 Normally, I don’t feel that there is suddenly a missing person in this family, as if something is missing.

For the first time, Mrs. Wu felt that it was quite strange that Mrs. Liang was not in the house.

He said to Liang Jin, "My mother is not here. It feels strange, like something is missing."

Liang Jin felt the same way, "Yeah, we usually eat as a family, but now we suddenly have no mother and Aunt Xu, so it's a lot quieter."

Sister Ying didn’t feel it at first, but now she also feels that without her quarrelsome grandmother, there is indeed a little less joy.

Liang Jin had no choice but to tell Wu, "Why don't our whole family go over and have a look tomorrow?"

 Always go and see if your eldest sister is feeling better before you feel relieved.

Mr. Wu nodded, "Okay, let's go there together tomorrow."

 (End of this chapter)

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