Chapter 38, Wang came out to quarrel

Mrs. Wu walked around with Sister Ying in her arms. When she saw many people, she stopped to say hello.

Sister Ying has a round face, big dark eyes, and very long eyelashes. Women all like her when they see her.

As she walked through the country road, the women all liked to hug her.

 She was hugged here and there, without crying at all, and even pinched their faces with a smile.

The women were surprised to see her being so open-minded, and they all praised her, "Oh, you are so good, you are not afraid of life."

Mrs. Wu said modestly, "She doesn't cry much at ordinary times. She can be hugged by anyone. She is very well-behaved."

 The other women liked it even more after hearing this, "We also have two girls in our family, but their eyes are very small. They follow their father's example. They are very ugly and dark, unlike your family. They are more beautiful."

When Sister Ying saw that she was praised for her good looks, she immediately showed her two small front teeth happily to her mother-in-law and aunt, smiling with crooked eyes, making the women laugh.

Mrs. Wu was afraid that their enthusiasm would frighten her daughter, so she took the child over.

 Several of the women looked at Wu’s belly and asked her, “A Ning is pregnant?”

Mrs. Wu shook her head, "Not yet. Her father only comes back a few days a year, so it's not that fast."

After hearing this, everyone nodded and said, "Then you have to hurry up and get pregnant with another child while your husband-in-law is at home."

 Nowadays people love to have children, the more the better.

It seems that the more children a woman has, the more stable her status will be in her husband's family.

Mrs. Wu was not upset after hearing this, and even discussed it with everyone.

 Some women told her how to get pregnant as quickly as possible, and Mrs. Wu listened carefully.

Sister Ying, on the other hand, opened her eyes as big as grapes when she heard this. She thought to herself that these aunts and aunts can really say all kinds of things, and she is still a baby.

 But no one thought she could understand it as a baby, so the discussion was still very exciting.

Mrs. Wu also wanted to get pregnant as soon as possible, so she secretly wrote down many methods to try when she was ready to go back.

 After chatting for a while, Wu’s mother also came out to join in the conversation. She brought melon seeds and snacks and stood at the door and started chatting.

Sister Ying felt that this scene was so unified between ancient and modern times, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh twice.

Seeing that she knew this skill, everyone laughed at her, "Hey, sister Ying, can it be that she understands what the aunts are saying? She even covers her mouth and laughs."

Sister Ying suddenly buried her head in Wu's arms, feeling shy.

The ladies laughed when they saw how funny she was.

 In the evening, they dispersed and prepared to cook dinner.

 The Wu family also had a sumptuous meal in the evening.

Wu’s mother asked her grandson to bring the food to Mrs. Wang, but Sheng would come out to make trouble again later.

 But Wang went out to the dinner table for the first time in the evening.

 Because she was sitting there looking so weird, no one could laugh.

Only Sister Ying was not affected. The little fat finger pointed at the sauced elbow in the bowl and kept asking Mrs. Wu to cut a small piece for her.


Mother, mother-in-law, I want to eat soy pork elbow.

Mrs. Wu understood what she meant, smiled, cut a small piece for her, fed it to her mouth, "Eat slowly."

When Mother Wu saw this, her old face said lovingly, "I know she is greedy for meat, so I specially stewed her into a paste. Give all this to Sister Ying."

 My granddaughter only comes once a year, and a lot of food is specially cooked for her.

 Wang immediately felt strange after seeing it.

“Mom is also partial. When my nephew came, I didn’t see you stewing pig’s trotters. Could it be that you don’t like my nephew?”

 This is not nonsense.

 What is the relationship between your natal nephew and the Wu family?

 Sister Ying is her granddaughter. She only comes back once a year. What’s wrong with giving her some stew?

Wu’s mother was angry, but she didn’t want to quarrel with her. She just didn’t look good. However, Mrs. Wu couldn't see her mother being talked about, so she immediately retorted, "What did my sister-in-law say? What does your nephew want to eat? He won't go back to his grandmother's house? Why does he still need to come to my house and let my mother serve him? Could it be Wu? Does your family owe money to your nephew?”

 Everyone knows that the Wang family owes money to the Wu family.

  Wu Shi deliberately wanted to make Wang Shi lose face.

The older Mr. Wang gets, the more confused his brain becomes. The whole family is obviously striving for a well-off life, but she wants to cause trouble all the time, which makes her angry.

Her mother is such a good mother-in-law. There is no such good mother-in-law in the whole village. How dare she try to squeeze her mother? She felt uncomfortable looking at it.

Sister Ying also glared at Mr. Wang angrily. She pretended not to pull the elbow with her little hand and threw it directly into Mr. Wang's face.

Ms. Wang was already unhappy about being scratched by Mrs. Wu, but now she was thrown something by the little baby, and she instantly stood up in anger.

"What are you doing! Why are you so embarrassed? Do you have any education?"

She seemed to be taking all her anger out on Sister Ying, with her eyes wide open and a look of resentment on her face.

Mrs. Wu saw that she was pointing her finger at Sister Ying's face, and she immediately became angry.

  "Who is uneducated? Whose daughter-in-law dares to disrespect her mother-in-law so much? She has hands and feet, and she still wants her mother-in-law to take care of her? You are shameless and uneducated if you tell me!"

Ms. Wang didn't expect that her sister-in-law would dare to scold her in person, and she immediately became angry.

"Okay, you and your family are all working together to bully me, right? You just see that my natal family is in decline, and you are starting to think about divorcing me. Let me tell you, there is no way!"

"I gave birth to two sons to your Wu family. If you want to drive me away, you can't even think about it unless I die!"

This is all related to something, and the more I talk about it, the more unpleasant it becomes.

Mr. Wu's veins bulged out. He stood up, grabbed Ms. Wang and tried to drag her back into the house.

 But Wang refused and insisted on making trouble.

She shook off Boss Wu's hand, pointed at him and began to scold him, "Wu, please tell me today whether you can help my brother or not. If you don't help, you won't be able to live this life." "

Mr. Wu has put up with this woman for a long time. He always wanted to live a good life with her for the sake of his children.

 She was not clear-headed and kept wanting to take the money back.

He had already suffered this, and said angrily, "I will tell you one last time, if you steal money to help your gambling brother again, you should go back to your house and never come back!"

Seeing how noisy they were, Wu's mother hurriedly tried to persuade them, "Please stop saying a few words."

 But Wang shook off her hand and continued to accuse everyone.

"Don't you think my brother is worthless? He's just a bunch of snobs, and he pretends to be aloof. Damn, I have to make a fuss today. If you bully me again, I'll tell the village chief. , let the whole village come and judge me!"

No one here bullied her at all, and I didn’t know what she was thinking. She always felt that people were trying to bully her.

Boss Wu knew that she was brainwashed and alienated by the Wang family, but there was nothing he could do.

 Because she doesn’t listen to anything you say and only listens to the Wang family.

So at this moment, Mr. Wu became angry and glared at her, "I'll say it for the last time. If you make trouble again, go back to your house and write a divorce letter. It has nothing to do with it."


Wang didn’t expect that he would actually say the words to divorce his wife. After being stunned for a moment, he immediately fell to the ground and started howling.

 “You have no conscience~, you have no conscience~”

 It was late in the evening, and the ghosts started crying and wolves howling like this. They were all criticizing the Wu family.

 The neighbors were all laughing after hearing this.

"Wang, I really can't figure it out. I can't live a good life, so I have to do it. Just wait, wait for the day when the Wu family boy becomes heartbroken and divorces her directly. Let's see where she regrets it."

Another woman also said, "Even so, I like the Wu family boy very much. He is young and promising, and he is the breadwinner of the family. The day he divorces his wife, I will marry my daughter to him."

The other woman laughed and said, "Just be poor."

 (End of this chapter)

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