The Growth of the Richest Man

Chapter 172: chase after

Zhang Yong scolded in his heart, Wang Xing is simply a pig's brain this time. Because of the online promotion of Dibao Mall, the traffic of Renren Mall has dropped, so he forced all the merchants in the mall to cut prices together? Do you think they are all your employees? Since the traffic of Renren Mall is not as high as that of Dibao Mall, why should those merchants stay in Renren Mall? If they go directly to the treasure mall to open a store, it will be done!

As an online mall platform, it can attract many merchants to settle in, but these merchants can only share the joys and sorrows! This is also the helplessness of many online shopping mall platforms. Unless it is the first leading enterprise, other shopping malls must treat the business as an uncle, pampering and accustomed to it.

The development of Renren Mall to the point where it is the dominant one and Tubao Mall is due to the efforts of many people in the company for more than two years. Zhang Yong himself has also given a lot of planning for this mall, such as the marketing plan of Hammer mobile phone. , which was made by him himself. Now this situation makes Zhang Yong very heartache. What should I do now? Spending money on promotions by the mall? Now what Zhang Yong lacks the most is money!

No money for promotions? So what to do, not to engage in promotions? Impossible, if there is no promotion, maybe Renren Mall will slowly go bankrupt like Tengxun's

Zhang Yong began to conceive of his coup.

. . . . . .

Ma Yun was sitting in his office, eating his standard instant noodles and pickles, and listening to the people below report the data to him.

"From January to May this year, the total sales of online shopping platforms across the country reached 125 billion yuan, of which, the sales of our Duobao Mall was 48.7 billion yuan, and 39% of the cake was distributed; the sales of Renren Mall, According to the data released by them, it is estimated that it is 43.7 billion yuan, which is 35% of the cake. The two together account for more than 70% of the total sales of online shopping platforms, and they are in an absolute leading position in the industry. In addition, there are, Jindong Mall, etc., where there is little trouble, has little impact on us."

"However, Mr. Ma, the '6.18 promotional activity' you came up with caught them off guard. Especially after the high-level officials affirmed this activity, the popularity of our mall has been greatly improved. Ah, now the IP traffic has nearly doubled compared to before. I heard that the traffic of Renren Mall has dropped too much. Wang Xing, the boss of Renren Mall, forced all the merchants in the mall to reduce their prices together. Now many merchants refuse to lower their prices. , have already or are about to jump ship to our mall!"

"According to the estimation of the marketing department, in June, the market share of our Duobao Mall has exceeded 60%, and their Renren Mall has been a little broken. President Ma is amazing!"

Ma Yun is also very impressed with her own creativity. He hasn't been this cool for a long time since Renren launched the Renren Mall. Zhang Yong's creativity can often make him do not know how to defend. He has played against Zhang Yong many times before, and launched the balance wealth management function of Duobao Mall. Your financial management ability is not as good as Zhang Yong's, making customers lose a lot of money, almost Those customers came to the door of Baobao headquarters to pull up banners; you promoted domestic milk powder, there was a Sanlu incident, almost everyone went to Zhang Yong’s Renren mall to buy those imported milk powder; you learned from Zhang Yong to do charity Well, Zhang Yong's title of "the first good in the country", but after several major disasters in 2008, he played it out through solid operations. Although they worked hard in the treasure mall, they did not prepare in advance as Zhang Yong did. , I want to work hard, but I have money but I can't use strength...

This time, Zhang Yong forced all the merchants in the Renren Mall to cut their prices together and engage in promotions, forcing a large number of sellers in the Renren Mall to rebel or prepare to rebel. Keep suppressing... Wait, such a big stupid move is not in line with Zhang Yong's character. Although Zhang Yong's investment style is very aggressive, it will never harm the interests of his supporters: "It's Zhang Yong. Bravely forcing all the merchants in everyone’s shopping malls to cut prices together to promote promotions?”

"No, it's Wang Xing who is forcing all the merchants in the mall to cut prices and promote promotions. According to media sources in the United States, Zhang Yong recently went to the United States to have dinner with Buffett and Soros, and also went to Apple Global. It is said that the developer conference is going to be filmed there. We analyze that Zhang Yong is very busy there and has no time to deal with domestic affairs. "

This is good news!

The biggest difference between Zhang Yong and Ma Yun is that Zhang Yong does not focus on a certain industry. His company has been involved in many industries and departments. Different from Ma Yun's focus on building an online mall, Zhang Yong's biggest capital is not his online mall, but his Renren Fund, Hammer Mobile, and the entertainment industry.

If Zhang Yong really concentrates on those three industries, it may not be impossible to give up the online mall

However, the online mall industry is still very profitable, and Zhang Yong will definitely not give up without suffering. Ma Yun decided that he must burn a fire and burn Zhang Yong out of the online mall industry.

"The merchants in Renren Mall are relocated to Tubao Mall, and the store deposit is exempted!" Ma Yun began to talk about his new strategy to his secretary.

"In addition to the deposit waiver, the store's rating data, praise data, and sales receipts can all be copied here, and the old merchants in the Taobao store enjoy exactly the same benefits!" This strategy is cruel, many old merchants in the Renren mall , The reason why they are reluctant to relocate is because they already have a high store level here.

Just these two days of strategy, in fact, the Renren Mall that has been able to fight has collapsed, but to drive out the Renren Mall, it seems that it is still not strong enough to rely on only two. Ma Yun made a call that she hadn't called in a long time...

"After negotiating with our company's investor, Sun Zhengyi, Mr. Sun Zhengyi decided to invest an additional 10 billion yen in our company. We must make good use of this money, and we will launch any promotion plans they launch in Renren Mall. A more aggressive promotion plan will definitely bring down the Renren Mall!" Ma Yun offered his foreign aid from Dad Ali again.

Ma Yun's secretary recorded the strategies Ma Yun gave one by one, and felt a cold wind blowing from behind. Such a powerful strategy, it seems that the Renren Mall is really going to end. It seems that I have to work harder in Duobao. When Duobao becomes the only unicorn in the online shopping industry in the future, my income can also be higher.

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