"But, but, but..." Le Fei didn't know what to say anymore, but Le Fei did feel the filling power in his body.

"It's a big deal, how about being my girlfriend? I think the conditions are okay!" Lin Hui scratched Le Fei's little nose.

"Ah, Lord Lin Hui, uh, yes, yes, but I'm afraid of being known by my family!" Le Fei was a little overwhelmed.

"Why?" Lin Hui was a little surprised: "Speaking of which, I don't know why you joined the Troubled Group? After all, the Pendragon family should not be considered a small family in the human world, right? Why did you join Vali? in the team?"

Le Fei looked at Lin Hui and pondered for a while: "Lord Lin Hui's words should be fine, it's like this!"

After listening to it, Lin Hui had a general understanding of the situation. Well, this is another tragic drama, or the kind of bloody love drama at eight o'clock.

Roughly speaking, Arthur, as the person who inherited the name of the first King Arthur, was not ready to accept the marriage arranged by the family, because he fell in love with a maid in the family before that, and knew that he could not get the approval of the family, so he decided to accept the marriage. He ran away directly from home, ready to break out into a career without the help of his family, to marry that person, so he joined the group of misfortune.

Lin Hui looked at Le Fei, and Le Fei was a little embarrassed to be seen by Lin Hui: "That's the way it is, but brother and sister Irene are really in love!"

"I see, sigh, if there is a chance, let Xiao Mo accompany you home! It's just a matter of words anyway!" Lin Hui is a little indifferent. If Le Fei really becomes his own woman, then he The uncle's matter can't help but help!Anyway, the ancestors have come forward, can those people still disagree?

Even if Mordred's deterrence is not enough, I will go back to Chaldea and summon the Dumb King to see if it is enough!

"Really? Thank you so much, Lord Lin Hui!" Le Fei suddenly jumped up happily: "That's great, now my brother doesn't have to worry."

"However, Le Fei, why do you want to sign a contract with me? I remember that magicians should be able to summon demons to sign contracts by themselves?" Lin Hui was a little curious.

"Because I wanted to find someone I liked, and then I fell in love with Lord Lin Hui, so I wanted to sign a contract with Lord Lin Hui, but I suddenly forgot that Lord Lin Hui is not a devil, but now I have Lord Lin Hui. , so it's all right!" Le Fei smiled happily.

Chapter [-] Dangerous characters!

"But why me?" Lin Hui felt a little curious, it was impossible for him to fall in love with his own for no reason.

Le Fei suddenly said with great excitement: "Because Lord Lin Hui is very powerful! I can go to the underworld alone for the girl I like and defeat those bad demons!"

Saying that, Le Fei waved his little fist and made a fierce expression, but it gave people a very cute feeling: "It's like a hero!"

"Ah, I remembered, sorry, Lord Lin Hui, I forgot!" Le Fei quickly apologized.

"What?" Lin Hui looked at Le Fei.

Le Fei said with a serious expression: "Lord Lin Hui, please be careful of the heroes of the group of disasters."

"Hero faction?" Lin Hui's mouth showed an untraceable smile.

Le Fey nodded: "Yes, that faction has assembled the descendants of many heroes in history. The leader is called Cao Cao. He is the person with the strongest god-killer. He is very powerful. My brother and I joined at the beginning. Hero faction, later my brother felt that he couldn't communicate with Cao Cao, so he left and joined Vali's team!"

"It's interesting, the strongest god-killer, but why should I be careful?" Lin Hui touched his chin.

"Because Lord Lin Hui is the King of Humans, and he also possesses the weapons of all heroes in the world. It can be said that Lord Lin Hui is a natural hero. Such a person will definitely be favored by Cao Cao. If Lord Lin Hui is not ready to join The hero faction must be careful, according to my brother, even if Valli uses Juggernaut Drive to fight Cao Cao, he may not win!" Le Fey felt a certain concern about this.

"What's more, there are not only the one in the hands of Cao Cao, but there are three pieces in total in the hero faction. Lord Lin Hui, please be careful."

"Oh, if I don't join, will Cao Cao fight me?" Lin Hui smiled.

Le Fei thought for a while, and then said: "Even if he joins, Cao Cao will have to test Lord Lin Hui, not to mention that Lord Lin Hui has publicly stated that he is a godslayer, this will make Cao Cao even more. They're interested."

"As far as I know, Cao Cao and the others joined the Troubled Group to challenge the limits of human beings, although I don't understand why, but each of them has a strong strength, and all of them have artifacts. So be careful!"

Lin Hui rubbed Le Fei's little head: "I understand, thank you for taking the risk to tell me this!"

"It doesn't matter, because I like Lord Lin Hui more than Cao Cao and the others! That, Lord Lin Hui, do you really want me to be your girlfriend? This..." Le Fei's face turned red again, as if Somewhat embarrassed.

Lin Hui hugged Le Fei, wrapped his arms around Le Fei's neck, and kissed him directly. Le Fei was stunned for a while, and he didn't react at all, so he could only let Lin Hui do what he did.

However, after that, Le Fei suddenly felt a lot of magic spells that he didn't know entered into his mind, some of them were very profound, and he couldn't show them now, but even if he could only study it, he would not be able to use it. The Way of Magic will also make great progress.

Afterwards, Lin Hui let go of Le Fei's mouth: "This is a gift I gave to my little girlfriend, are you satisfied?"

"Lord Lin Hui?" Le Fei couldn't believe that Lin Hui would actually hand over so many magic spells to himself, many of which were enough for him to study for a long time.

"Although there will be a time limit for what I send to you, I have solidified it. As long as you learn one of them, even if the magic of the faction you belong to disappears, you will still remember it again. So don't worry, the most important thing is to take the time to learn everything you can learn, this is the safest way, of course, if you really don't have time, come to me, I will continue to learn what you haven't learned Leave it to you!" Lin Hui said to Le Fei with a smile.

"Well, I see!" Le Fei nodded and bowed to Lin Hui: "Lord Lin Hui, please be careful!"

Lin Hui nodded and directly teleported Le Fei away. After all, it's not good to stay here, and it will be troublesome if someone finds out.

"Is it Cao Cao? This is really interesting. It seems that this time there will be a big harvest, but I don't know if it will disappoint me? Heroes, it's interesting now!" Lin Hui thought about heroes The fact of the faction, in fact, in the plot, the hero faction will act mainly to challenge the great red, then they will go to arrest Yasaka, but this time the hero faction should focus on himself, so, It is possible that he will come to contact him first. If he can do it in advance, at least he will have an explanation for Jiuzhong.

"Gurefiah, can you hear me? Remember everything I said!" Lin Hui thought for a while, but decided to take precautions. After all, Cao Cao is a hero, although this one is not the Three Kingdoms of Cao Cao, but he still looks a bit like him.


"Godslayer? Possessing the weapons of all heroes from ancient times to the present? This is really interesting!" The young man with a spear became excited when he heard this information: "Did you hear it? This is simply true. Like a hero, kill the gods! This is consistent with our purpose!"

The rest also smiled.

One of the women asked, "Do you want to make contact with him?"

"No, wait for a while, we still have more important things to do, although contact with him is also very important, but this matter has been prepared for a long time, we can't give up halfway!" The young man with a long spear stood in a On the mountain peak, looking at the brightly lit city in the distance...

Chapter [-] Confession

After three days of deliberation, Lin Hui gave some further instructions. At the same time, he contacted Gabriel and Asachel, and informed Sazex about some things. After that, Michael also participated in several people. During the discussion, after all the next things were finalized, Lin Hui finally confirmed the layout. After confirming it was correct, he waited for the other party to cast himself into the net. Of course, if the other party did not come, he and others did not. The loss, just, this way shows the cunning of the other party.

However, when the bait was thrown one by one, Lin Hui couldn't believe that the other party would not take the bait. It was just that the other party's action pattern was not easy to guess. After all, the other party was someone who acted purely with malice, and liked Vali as much. To fight against the strong, Cao Cao is different from others in order to challenge the limits of human beings. The other party just thinks that whatever will bring pain to others, the other party will do whatever he wants. on the guy.

Lin Hui also knew that Cao Cao and the others would definitely be caught by the bait he threw, but the other party would not be sure, otherwise they would not show up at the end, and even cause so much damage to everyone at the end. The troubles caused by the war even triggered the eternal battle. For such a guy, Lin Hui could only make more arrangements.

However, before that, Lin Hui still has one thing to explain clearly, and with all the girls, this must be explained, because it is very important.


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