You must know that Lin Hui's current defense is enough to resist the attacks of gods and even gods with mysterious powers. Even most physical attacks, space fragmentation, space-time turbulence, etc. can be resisted, but he can't stop Fenri. Er's teeth, enough to see the power of Fenrir's teeth.

"Let me think about it! It's decided!" Lin Hui smiled softly: "Just give it to Akashia!"

Lin Hui did what he said. After opening up the different space, a strong flame appeared in his hand and began to burn the God-killing Fang. Lin Hui slowly melted it, removed the impurities, and kept starting it. After condensing the properties, Lin Hui began to continuously put various magic circles and various spells on the gradually formed artifacts.

The so-called artifact is that it can continue to become stronger with the master's thoughts, and this is especially the case with the god-killing tool. If the year of missing is not strong enough, it is impossible to make the god-killing tool change so that it can be banned. In that case, it would be better. It's better to use normal artifacts.

"The next moment is the most critical moment!" Lin Hui stared intently at the object in front of him.

Chapter [-] runs through the real killing sword!

The artifact itself was created by the God of the Bible and granted to human beings, so that ordinary and fragile human beings have the means to fight against powerful existences, such as demons in the Bible, fallen angels and other existences. For this reason, the use of artifacts is strictly controlled. The limitations, at least, will increase the use of physical abilities to a certain extent.

This is the original ability of the artifact. Then, the power of the artifact will be continuously enhanced according to the user's thoughts. Then, when a drastic change is reached, the forbidden hand can be completed. At that time, the power possessed by the artifact is only be truly liberated.

And this is even more so with the God Extinguishing Tool. After liberating the power, it will gain unimaginable amazing strength. Even God can kill it. Otherwise, it is not enough to become a God Extinguishing Tool.

Moreover, ordinary divine tools have only one ability, but Shenmieji has at least two or more abilities and possesses extremely powerful power.

For example, the cage hand of the Chilong Emperor has as many as four kinds of abilities. Multiplication is the most basic. Along with growth, he has the ability to transfer, and then penetrate. When the last seal is unlocked, it is even the gods. A fire that can burn to death.

But because it was given to Akashic as a gift, then naturally you don't have to worry about whether Akashic's body can withstand this issue, because Akashya is the true ancestor of vampires, and the basic ability of the body surpasses others too much. Therefore, there is no need to consider enhancing the ability of the body at all, only need to consider how to maximize the ability of the God-killing Fang.

It was the first time to make a god-killing tool, and it was the use of such a precious item as the god-killing tooth. Lin Hui naturally couldn't hope to fail.

Akasha's best weapon is the sword, so Lin Hui forged the God-killing Fang into the appearance of a long sword.

Afterwards, Lin Hui continued to input his own power into the long sword, sealed his own power into it through one magic formula, and at the same time used more power to transform the power of the long sword.

The first is the hand-forbidden mode of the long sword. Lin Hui has already considered it. Since it is a weapon, it must gather extremely strong attack capabilities. Therefore, the hand-forbidden power is to increase the destruction and power to the extreme, and it can also After all, the banning of large-scale strikes ignores defenses. After that, Lin Hui turned the power enclosed in it into the same ability as the tyrant's caged hand, allowing it to reach a higher stage.

The ultimate lethality combined with the ultimate destructive power and a wide range of AOE capabilities, this weapon has very high requirements on the user's ability, plus there is no ability to increase the user's physical strength, therefore, this God destroyer. If an ordinary human gets the tool, once it awakens, it will die immediately.

Unless you are a powerhouse of Vali's level, you can use this god-killing tool very well, and Akashia's strength is slightly worse than that of Valli, but in terms of the ability of the true ancestor of Akashia , the use of this god-killing tool is enough to support the consumption of a battle.

"'Throughout the Real Killing Sword', this is the name of this God Killing Tool!" Lin Hui held it in his hand, and then the long sword merged into his body, Without releasing it, Lin Hui's fist fused with the divine weapon contained a strong penetrating ability, and could cause a certain degree of damage to the inside of the enemy's body. In the hands of people who are in the extreme realm of martial arts, it can be said that they are even more powerful.

The next moment, Lin Hui summoned it from his hand and held it in his hand. At this moment, Lin Hui felt a slight tingling sensation on his arm, like a needle stick: "Well, It's still within the acceptable range, then, the next step is the last experiment!"

"Balance Breaker!"

Immediately, a burst of extremely powerful arrogance emanated from the long sword. Immediately, starting from Lin Hui's hand holding the sword, the shoulders were all covered with silver light.

"It's a bit like Tony's idiot's Silver-arm the Ripper! However, it's much more practical than his abilities!" Lin Hui said with a smile.

Yes, the Silver-arm the Ripper is really powerful and can cut through almost anything, but ah, there is a downside to this power, and that is the lack of a wide range of attacks, which is A straight line, as long as you avoid it, you are not afraid.

However, the banning of the Real Killing Sword (Throughout the Real Killing Sword) made up for the lack of a large-scale attack. At this moment, in addition to Lin Hui's arm changes, Lin Hui's back Like a treasure wheel, a total of nine long swords that were exactly the same as the long sword in Lin Hui's hand were suspended behind Lin Hui's back, like an open wing of light.

Lin Hui swung the long sword, and the long sword behind Lin Hui swung it all at the ground in front of him and bombarded it, like a missile washing the ground. It has become a ruin.

"The power is good, and the destructive power is enough. As for the side effects, it's not that there are no side effects, it just makes the arm feel sore for a while, and with the banning of the hands, this side effect has also disappeared. It seems that my body can bear it. This has changed!" Lin Hui swung the long sword, and suddenly the space in front of him was cut open.

Lin Hui kept swinging his long sword. At that moment, the space that had been opened up suddenly became scattered, and then completely disappeared. Lin Hui did not lift it this time, but because of the space itself. Small, and was almost completely smashed by Lin Hui after that, naturally he could not survive any longer.

Afterwards, Lin Hui forced the artifact out of the body, and the artifact lost its luster as if it had lost its soul, quietly waiting for the next owner to appear.

"It's enough to use it as a gift for Akashia!" Lin Hui put the long sword into the treasure of the king.

Chapter [-] The Ice Flame Empress!

After making Throughout the Real Killing Sword, Lin Hui took a break. After all, there is less than half of the time until the end of the summer vacation.

In the past few days, Lin Hui also paid a little attention to Rias and the others' debut battle. It was a battle with the new-generation female demon from Agares, and they won the victory very easily.

This is also an inevitable result. Because of Lin Hui's training, Rias, including her family, has grown tremendously. In addition, after everyone has untied their knots, um, although Himejima Akeno did not admit it. Baiqiu, but he has also solved the knot in his heart, so it can be said that it is like a destructive force. The strength shown by everyone is not like a lower-level demon at all. In addition, Rias's command is excellent, it can be said that no one quits. win the situation.

All the demons will not think that the female demon of the Agares family and her family are too weak, but Rias's family is too foul, Kiba Yuto's banned hand, the holy magic sword of double tyrants He has strong damage to demons, so he restrained the three dependents of Agares. In addition, Himejima Akeno has become a witch of lightning, and using the power of lightning to make a knight of the opponent retire at the beginning.

The most important thing is Gaspar's time-stopping evil eye. After another divine weapon was ordered to be sealed by Lin Hui, the time-stopping evil eye's training results during this period were revealed. With Rias' tactics, and then Coupled with the magic ability of Tacheng Kitten, the opponent's two soldiers plus a castle were withdrawn in one breath.

Then Xenovia opened the breach in one breath, defeating the other two bishops.

Wisteria Irina and Ravel excluded each other's queen, Rias played against the opponent's king, and at the end of the fierce battle, she defeated the opponent's king and won.

And Cang Na also won a big victory. Although some of the family members were injured and retired, they still won the victory, and now they have begun to prepare for the establishment of a demon academy with no class. Due to the threat of Lin Hui, he still No one dared to stumble Cang Na, after all, no one wanted to be bitten by Fenrir, it would be fatal!

However, when Lin Hui heard the news, the whole person almost spat out.


In a demon arena, a male demon is fighting with people. From the fluctuation of the breath, it can be seen that the opponent is a superior demon. However, even if he uses his full strength, he cannot hurt his opponent. In the slightest, it can be said that it is extremely embarrassing.

The long ice-blue hair fluttered in the wind: "Hahaha, what's the matter? Come again! Fight with me with all your strength!"

With a wave of his right hand, countless ice thorns aimed at the male demon.

"Just kidding?! Is she a monster?!" The male demon couldn't believe it. Suddenly, the flames in his hands melted all the ice picks.

"Haha, that's how it must be!" Esdes slapped the ground with his palm, and suddenly, countless icebergs rose.

The male demon was immediately forced back.

"Then, let's start!" Esdes had a caged hand on his left hand, and the caged hand showed two colors, half black and half red, and suddenly, the green gem began to emit light.



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