Staying by Lin Hui's side is very safe and reassuring, and there is a feeling as if returning to the interdimensional gap. Because of this, Orpheus did not plan to let Lin Hui help her defeat the True Red Dragon God Emperor.

"Take Orpheus, at least she can help you, and neither of us can!" Nangong smiled lightly that month.

"You can help, but leave it to me for the time being!" Lin Hui grabbed Orpheus' small hand: "Get ready to go, Orpheus!"

Orpheus's expression did not change, but looked at Lin Hui quietly, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Six Actually I can come here, I underestimate you!

In Kyoto, Gurefia had almost no power to fight back against the human youth in front of her. The opponent's strength was very strong, especially the god-killing tool in her hand was almost impossible to avoid, and the opponent had a nirvana to deal with women. , but the other party didn't use it, but, for that matter, the opponent's power has already suppressed Gurefia, who has the strength of the demon king.

"Bastard, bring my mother back!" Kunou shouted, dragging her tired body.

"Little girl, we only need to use your mother's power, don't worry, it won't hurt her life! Now this space has been sealed by the absolute fog, no one can break through, unless it is that It's time to start, Gorok!"

"Yes!" Geerok released Yasaka, who had transformed into a nine-tailed fox, and at the same time controlled Yasaka, using the spiritual veins of Kyoto to display a strong magic circle.

"What on earth are you trying to do?!" Kunou stepped forward.

"Ninfold! There is no way out!" An extremely powerful magic power emerged from Gurefia's hand.

"I can't let you disturb you!" Cao Cao looked at the expanding magic circle around Geerok, and pointed at the spear in his hand: "Girl treasure!"

Immediately, Grefia and Kunou, as well as the other female monster on their side, were deprived of their power and could not move at all.

"We just want to challenge the legendary dragon, so we will use this place to summon it, defeat it, and prove the limit of human beings, but it's very polite, that one is not there, otherwise, just Interesting, the legendary King of Humans, the real King of Humans, wait until the end of a battle to see him!" The corner of Cao Cao's mouth showed a very confident smile.

"If the master is here, you can't succeed at all! It won't let you succeed!" Gurefiya's whole person was sealed in place.

"Can you please not move? We don't want to hurt you either. After all, we humans can't bear the wrath of the King!" Several holy swords appeared in the hands of a blond beauty, and they directly stabbed Grefia. Imprisoned in place.


The power in the body was suppressed by the light of the holy sword. Gurefia was a demon, so she could not fight against the holy sword, and the whole person felt very powerless.

"Sister Gurefia!" Kunou wanted to stand up, but was suddenly pressed to the ground by a big hand: "That's why you'd better not move! Wait quietly for the result to appear!"

A tall man with blue hair pushed Kunou to the ground.

"Ow, ooh—!"

The nine-tailed fox incarnation of Yasaka seemed to be in great pain at this moment, and the huge body swayed.

"Lord Mother!" Jiuzhong called out when he saw this scene: "Don't! Lord Mother will die! Stop it!"

Seeing Yasaka in so much pain, Kunou's tears flowed out instantly, and her little hand grabbed five deep ravines on the ground, and the ground was stained with blood.

"No, I won't die, I'll just be weak for a while, I said, just wait a little bit, why are you so anxious?" Cao Cao resisted the gun and watched the moment when the huge magic circle changed.

Lin Hui, Master, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Master Lin Hui!

With the moment when Gurefia was weakly besieged by the holy sword, I remembered Lin Hui's words: "If there is an accident, call me immediately, and use all your strength to let out your cry from the depths of your heart! Then, be full of hope. Looking forward to all this happening, waiting for my arrival!"



"What?!" Cao Cao saw a huge black shadow crashing towards him, and he stretched out his hand to catch it. It was Hercules who was holding down the ninth layer, while the blonde beauty on the other side was kicked in Hercules. When flying, it left the place, and all those holy swords were swept away.

A silver-haired black-clothed man was holding Gurefia in his arms, pulling up Kunou with one hand, with a black-haired waist-length little girl beside him.

Looking at the figure in front of her, Gurefia gently stretched out her hand: "I'm sorry, Master, I didn't protect Yasaka-sama well, so she was taken away by the enemy, I'm sorry!"

"Brother Lin Hui, help, save Mother Mother!" The moment Kunou saw the man in front of him, he seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw.

"Orpheus, protect the people here!" Lin Hui saw a lot of monsters falling down here, and at a glance, he knew that they were knocked down by Cao Cao and others.

Looking at the huge nine-tailed fox who was screaming up to the sky, the whole person's expression became cold and disappeared in an instant.

"Gerok, be careful!" Cao Cao shouted immediately.

Geerok wanted to stop the release of the magic circle immediately and leave, but he didn't expect that his eyes suddenly turned black, and there was a severe pain in his abdomen, and the whole person was kicked and flew out.




It stopped after crashing through several houses in a row. At this moment, Geerok felt like his whole body was about to fall apart. Lin Hui's kick directly shattered the defensive technique he had set up, leaving a slight gap. They didn't help Geerok to win it, as if all magic had no effect in front of Lin Hui, as Lin Hui declared, unless it was a mysterious magic that could cause damage to God or work on God. force, otherwise, all will be ineffective.

Then a punch was swept out, directly shattering all the magic circles, the whole person fell on Yasaka's head, and stretched out a hand: "Elf between heaven and earth, I am neither evil nor good, I only Pray for a lifetime of worthy of your heart! Come, cheer for me, cheer for me, and help me restore everything to its peak!"

Immediately, all the people on the field, except the hero faction, were all recovered by Lin Hui, and even Yasaka was de-brainwashed by Lin Hui and reincarnated into a human form.

Lin Hui carried Yasaka back to the place and let Gurefia take care of him.

"I didn't expect that the King of Humans would come here! This is really unexpected!" Cao Cao looked at Lin Hui, feeling very unbelievable, but he thought it was reasonable: "It's really surprising to me that it can be done. Coming here, it looks like I really underestimate you!"

Lin Hui looked at Cao Cao with disdain in his eyes: "Did you underestimate me? There are many places where you underestimate me!"

Chapter [-] I'm really ashamed of those heroes!

Lin Hui's body exudes faint fluctuations. In the past, Lin Hui would never let out a breath before the battle, but now Lin Hui was hurt and angry because of the people around him, so he couldn't control himself. Mood, produced incomparable killing intent.

"It's so strong, I can feel it just from being here, so strong killing intent, so strong!" Cao Cao was amazed and his blood boiled: "It's really great, I can feel it, as a The blood of human beings is whispering and fearing, and the person standing in front of me is extremely noble, I wait for the king of the human race!"

"That's right, that's right! That's it! Sure enough, the identity of the King of Humans is not fake. The breath alone makes us almost unable to raise the determination to resist, but this is not enough!" Cao Cao looked at Lin Hui, the whole person's eyes became high with fighting intent: "Human Wang Lin Hui! Let's see your strength, who once killed the gods!"

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