It was really taken away. Lin Hui fulfilled all his words. Hades died, and his own strength became Lin Hui's nourishment. This is the godslayer, and this is what all gods fear. The object, in front of him, the gods are the prey, just the lamb to be slaughtered, and even Hades, the eighth-ranked in the world, was completely killed by Lin Hui.

When Lin Hui was about to leave, he suddenly saw the bones on the ground, and he waved his hand and put it away: "Just bring it back to Fenrir and its two children to eat, after all, it is a dog, and it must be gnawed on the bones. Yes, the bones of the gods should be qualified enough!"

Suddenly, countless gods felt a chill!

Chapter [-] Why didn't you say it earlier?

Lin Hui was too cruel. He was not only killing Hades, but also taking away his powers in the underworld. Now he has to collect the corpses to feed the dogs, which is the Nordic god-killing wolf Fenrir. A terrible word.

Lin Hui returned to the conference hall, put away his simulated star creation map, and let the power of the gods emerge again.

Only after losing can they know the taste of power, especially for some strong people, the terrible situation of losing power and their own life and death is in the other's mind, they have already tasted enough, especially when they see Hades After being brutally ravaged and killed by Lin Hui, this feeling became even stronger.

Lin Hui gently snapped his fingers, and suddenly, the big hole that Hades had knocked out was repaired like a time-lapse.

Another special ability!

The gods trembled when they saw the ability that Lin Hui showed. After all, Lin Huiguang is the kind of special power that can completely eliminate the power of the gods, which is enough to make all gods afraid. Killing gods like killing dogs is no joke. If Hui really wanted to do it, it wouldn't take long to slaughter all the gods in the entire world.

What Lin Hui said before was not a threat!

Rather, the fact!

"Godslayer, is this a bit too much?" After thinking for a while, Zeus finally decided to speak. After all, Hades is also a brother in their gods. Now feeding Hades' corpse to the dog is like a Throwing the face of Greek mythology to the ground and stepping on it.

"Over?" Lin Hui returned to his position and touched Orpheus's little head, took out a bag of snacks and handed it to Orpheus, who obediently opened the package and started eating.

Lin Hui looked at Zeus: "When this guy took out Samuel and wanted to deal with Orpheus, I already decided to sentence him to death, but you are lucky, you handed it before I went to attack hell. With the idea of ​​holding a meeting, I originally wanted to slaughter the Greek pantheon by myself, in order to shock the pantheon of the whole world, and let you know that I'm not to be messed with, after all, Hades not only released Samai In addition to you, the army of the gods of death was also sent, if it was just the army of the gods of death, I would only kill Hades!"

"But he still dared to covet the power of Orpheus, then I decided to kill all of your Greek gods! You should be thankful for your decision, so I only killed Hades now and fed his corpse. Even if the dog has uncovered this account!" Lin Hui's words were not so cruel, but they made Zeus and Poseidon feel extremely cold all over their bodies.

It turned out that they actually turned around at the gate of hell. Fortunately, Zeus listened to Athena's advice and planned to hold a meeting. I didn't expect Lin Hui to have the idea of ​​​​slaughtering the Greek gods before this.

Now Zeus and Poseidon don't feel sad for Hades at all, they deserve it, who asked you to provoke this monster, and almost affected the entire pantheon.

As for the other gods, I dare not fight against Lin Hui, otherwise I am afraid that I will not be at peace after my death!

"However, the Lord of Hell is dead, and no one can deal with the souls in hell. So, have you figured out what to do?" Shiva looked at Lin Hui.

"Of course!" Lin Hui summoned a god of death directly from hell using the ability of the Lord of the Underworld that Hades had just captured.

"You... who are you? Why do you have the power of Lord Hades in you?" The moment the new Death God saw Lin Hui, he felt as if he could see Hades, the lord of the underworld.

"What's your name?" Lin Hui looked at the god of death.

"I'm Orgas, the most senior god of death, but Lord Hades?" Orgas looked at Lin Hui.

"Dead, killed by me!" Lin Hui said lightly.

"Dead? This, what to do with this? If the soul of hell is not dealt with, the world will be in chaos!" Orgas was a little anxious: "Although Lord Hades does not do well sometimes, but …”

"Oh? It seems that you are also dissatisfied with Hades' approach?" Lin Hui did not expect that he would summon a god of death at will, but he was also dissatisfied with Hades' approach.

"I can't say I'm dissatisfied, I just have some opinions on the actions of Lord Hades. However, what should I do next?" Orgas suddenly looked at Lin Hui, because this man summoned him, that is to say, This man has abilities similar to Hades.

"From now on, you are the lord of the underworld!" Lin Hui looked at Orgas, and a huge power emerged from Lin Hui's hand and directly penetrated into Orgas' body: "Now, hell is yours. !"

"Huh?!" Orgas was stunned.

Not only Orgas, but even the gods present felt incredible. Unexpectedly, Lin Hui handed over the power of the underworld to a god of death.

"Anyway, the power of the underworld is still in my hands. You are equivalent to the embodiment of my underworld will. Let's deal with the souls in hell. By the way, by the way, deal with the gods of death from the Hades faction!" Lin Hui looked at Orgas: "You know how to do it, right?"

Orgas was seen by Lin Hui's hair, and knelt directly on the ground: "Understood, I'll wait for the master!"

Afterwards, Orgas returned to hell and brought a big purge to hell. These are all for later.

"Hahaha, you handed over the power of hell to someone else, aren't you afraid of his betrayal?" Di Shitian looked at Lin Hui.

"It doesn't matter, I gave him his power anyway. If he betrays me, he can take it back!" Lin Hui really didn't care about these rights. After all, his goal was the world.

"As expected of the monster that defeated Orpheus! Was that the trump card you used to defeat Orpheus just now?" Shiva looked at Lin Hui and sighed.

At this moment, people from other gods were startled, especially Zeus and Poseidon.

Even Di Shitian shook his head: "No wonder Orpheus will lose to you. With such a terrifying ability, even Orpheus can't do anything, right?"

Well, co-author Di Shitian is also aware of it.

Zeus said bitterly, you two sluts, if Lin Hui can defeat Orpheus, you should say it earlier, Hades really died in vain.

Who is Orpheus?

Since the appearance of the fight, he has occupied the throne of the world's No. [-] powerhouse with infinite power. He did not expect to be defeated by Lin Hui. No wonder Lin Hui said at the beginning of the meeting that everything could be settled. It turned out that Orpheus couldn't beat Lin Hui, so they It's a ghost if you can beat it.

Chapter [-] The world's number one powerhouse?The last force?

Zeus and the others are like this, but if Shiva or Dishatian know their thoughts, they will definitely give them a face, even if they say it at that time, a few people will believe it, then even if one of them is the second strongest in the world One of them is the fifth strongest in the world, and he can't hold his face. It would be better if someone jumped out and tried Lin Hui's jin liang.

Moreover, Shiva and Di Shitian also rely on the ability of Lin Hui to eliminate the power of the enemy in case Lin Hui's strength is the ability to eliminate the enemy's power, then they want to hide and attack outside the range of ability to see if they can crack this trick .

As a result, Lin Hui came up to develop that ability, and when he fought Hades, he was not very close to here, which means that the range was huge, which made Shiva and Di Shitian die.

In this meeting, Lin Hui's appearance was used to compete with various myths, and then he crushed and killed Hades. Finally, Lin Hui symbolically explained that he was the restraint of the peace agreement, half-advising and half-threatening to let all the gods consider it carefully. a bit.


The summer vacation is almost over, and the meeting is nearly ten days away.

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