Afterwards, Lin Hui looked at the three god-killing tools lying on his desk, the holy spear at dusk, the demise of fog, and the creation of monsters.

"It's really been ruined!" Lin Hui couldn't help sighing. If these three god-killing tools exploded completely, unless Lin Hui used all his powers, it would be very uncomfortable. In addition, the users are all human. My own simulated star chart cannot eliminate the ability of human beings, which is very uncomfortable.

"The will of the God of the Bible!" Lin Hui grabbed the holy spear at dusk and gently urged it. In the next moment, Lin Hui felt a divine power erupting.

"You are already dead, so you don't have to linger in this world. From now on, there will be no more gods in the Bible!" Lin Hui erased the will of the gods on the holy spear at dusk, and was about to start transforming his trophies. After all, these three god-killing tools are ready-made products, and they only need to be transformed.

And these days, the production of these god-killing tools has also been studied, and they must be modified to suit their girls.

The night passed quickly.

After Lin Hui completed the transformation of the Holy Spear of Twilight, Lin Hui received a contact from Rias.

Because of the preparation for the start of school, Rias returned to Kuo Academy with her family, while she was left by Sazex to continue to supervise the signing of the peace treaty.

"Someone wants to meet you? And it's from the vampire family?" Lin Hui was a little surprised: "Isn't that faction very exclusive?"

"Yes, but I don't know why, I always feel that the other party may come to contact us because of something. Therefore, we want to ask the teacher to come back. After all, the teacher used to be..." Rias also knew , Lin Hui's past story, the former Lin Hui is also the true ancestor of the vampire family, so it is better to have Lin Hui in charge.

"I understand, I'll be back right away, you wait for me a little!" Lin Hui tidied up a little, but in fact he had nothing to do. After explaining the situation to Sazex and others, Asachel said I asked to go with Lin Hui, because the vampire side was the last force, no matter what the other party's intention was, I had to witness it myself.

"I'll only say it once, we just want to use Gasper's power!"

Chapter [-] Is your blood nobler than mine?

A princess wearing a medieval dress, with an overly upright delicate face and long wavy golden hair, a petite figure, and eyes as red as blood, looking like an ingenious doll. , The girl who gave off an unusual beauty sat upright on the sofa, her skin was pale, rather than fair, and she looked about sixteen or seventeen years old.

However, although the age looks relatively young, the tone is very large, and the arrogance of the other party can be vaguely heard from the tone, which is a gesture of a superior and a inferior.

"Rias, I'm here!" Lin Hui deliberately broke the current situation and attracted everyone's attention to himself.

The vampire girl just glanced at Lin Hui, then continued to look at Rias, because Gaspar was Rias' family, so the final decision should be in Rias's hands.

"Let me introduce you, this is Elmaine Sheltine Gerstein, who is also a member of the vampire family who came to meet us!" Rias said to Lin Hui.

Then Rias introduced to Elmaine Sheltine Gerstein: "This is the human king Lin Hui, who is currently the world's most powerful person, a witness to the peace treaty, and a restraining force, this is a fallen angel. Governor Azazel."

Hearing this, Elmaine Xherting suddenly became interested: "Oh, are you the king of men? I really can't see it, you can just call me Elmay. Since the two of you are here, then I will Straight to the point, we need Gasper's strength."

Asachel suddenly took over the words: "Speaking of which, Gerstein's surname seems to be regarded as the highest-ranking noble in the Camilla faction. I wonder why this eldest lady uses the power of Gasper?"

"So you all know? Well, let me tell you, someone in our vampire clan has become the host of the God Slayer Tool!" Elme said directly.

"You are from the Camilla faction, and you want to use Gaspar's power. That is to say, the host of the God Slayer Tool is a member of the Caipesh faction, right?" Lin Hui suddenly said, "It is still unclear who the host is. Whose God-killer only has two, Sephiroth's Cup and Telos Karma, then, which God-killer does the other party have?"

Elme was quite direct: "It is the Holy Grail of the Netherworld, and that's why we need to use the power of Gasper to fight."

Lin Hui smiled, and now it became clear that the other party held the Holy Grail of the Netherworld, which was second only to the four superior gods, while Gaspar's ability was to create the Holy Grail of the Netherworld. Injuries that can't be recovered can be called a nemesis. Under such circumstances, the people of the Camilla faction would think that they need Gaspar's strength to fight.

"I didn't expect the legendary sacred relic to fall into the hands of the vampires? It's an unimaginable fate!" Asachel was rather regretful.

That is the Holy Grail of the Netherworld, the Holy Grail, one of the three holy relics, the Holy Grail, and the three holy grails as a set of God-killing tools. Legend has it that it was used at the Last Supper to hold the blood of Jesus.Items that can subvert the common sense of life.A life-reversing or twisting power that enables others to achieve a degree of immortality or resurrect the dead.

"Don't make a mistake, it's a vampire from the Tzepesh faction, not our Camilla faction, so you hand over Gasper to us to deal with the Teppesh faction, and we promise that nothing will happen to him, and at the same time, We will also conclude a peace treaty, our queen has decided to accept your goodwill and peace agreement, this is the greatest goodwill, if you refuse, then our vampires will no longer open the door to you!" El Mei seems to be confident.

"A peace treaty in exchange for Gasper?" Rias looked at Elme.

This is a very difficult thing to decide. For Rias, if it is another demon, maybe it will be handed over immediately, because this can exchange for an excellent reputation, but Rias is different, she is The existence of family members is regarded as family, and it is precisely because they care about the feelings of their family members that they will not arbitrarily make decisions for their family members.

But the peace treaty is related to the peace of the whole world. If Rias refuses, she doesn't even know what expression she should use to see Lin Hui, Asachel and even her own brother who paid so much for the peace treaty.

And the Camilla faction spoke to the world, they wanted to make peace, but they were rejected.

In this way, from now on, the extremely xenophobic vampires will be able to justifiably no longer have contact with other forces, and other forces will no longer have reason to target this point and let the vampires conclude peace talks.

"Rias, why did you think about it for so long? Wouldn't it be better to just refuse? What are you thinking about?" Lin Hui said directly, taking a sip of the black tea brought by Himejima Shunai.

"What?" Ermei didn't expect Lin Hui to say such a thing.

This is something that even Rias can't think of. Instead, Asachel guessed something. After all, Lin Hui is a donkey. In the same way, Hades' leg bones are still being gnawed by Fenrir and his two children.

"You actually refused?!" Ai Ermei even thought that Lin Hui was crazy, and refused the hard-won peace just for the sake of a servant. How could this be possible?

"When you persecuted Gasper in the past, why didn't you consider that he would help you in the future? Really, now that I feel in danger, I hurried over and asked Gasper to help you, how can there be such a good thing! Besides, what is the purpose of the peace treaty? It is to avoid any more sacrifices. In the end, only sacrifices can be made in exchange for the establishment of peace. This kind of peace is not worth it!" Lin Hui looked at Ermei, and there was no room for compromise in his eyes.

"You guys actually refused because of a servant with an impure bloodline?" Elme called out directly.

"So, is your bloodline as noble as me?" Lin Hui closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his wine-red pupils released a huge pressure!

Chapter [-] The real king of the vampire family!

Elmei couldn't resist Lin Hui's huge pressure from the highest bloodline of the real vampire, and her whole body knelt down, and the two guards behind her couldn't resist Lin Hui's coercion, and knelt directly under Lin Hui's. in front of it.

"How is that possible?" Elme's heart is full of questions now, why the food of the mere vampire clan can unleash the coercion of the king that surpasses the two factions, this is impossible.

"I hate the use of bloodlines to describe the distinction between high and low. Only strength is the last word, and bloodlines are no more than that. Whether it is strength or bloodline, you can't compare to me!" Lin Hui walked to Elmei. in front of her, jumping her chin up: "You said, right?"

"You... Who are you?" Ai Ermei's whole body trembled with blood, and the trembling engraved in her soul made Ermei unable to imagine Lin Hui's identity, as the highest-ranking member of the Camilla faction. Nobles, apart from the two two big families with the names of factions, are the most noble of them. Even those two big families can't make Ermei kneel, but the man in front of him just released his bloodline. The coercion was enough for Ermei and her guards to kneel directly on the ground, unable to resist at all.

"You ask my identity? Indeed, I am a human now, with a very pure bloodline, but, in the past, I should be regarded as the true ancestor!" Lin Hui said softly.

Ai Ermei looked at Lin Hui, her eyes almost popping out.

True Ancestor, that is a very long-standing legend. In the legend, only the first vampire born is qualified to be called True Ancestor. That is, in the true sense, the source of the origin of all vampires.

"No...impossible? How could you be the true ancestor?" Ermei was frightened, also frightened, and even a little angry.

Although she said it was impossible, she knew very well that it was possible for her to kneel down without the power to resist, and only relying on the coercion of blood, only the legendary true ancestor could do it, that is true , the highest bloodline of the most noble family of vampires.

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