"I see! I want to see who dares to make trouble at Kuwang Academy!" Lin Hui was a little angry.

"Hahaha! Do you have this strength? Come fight with me again! Let me be happy!"



The two bodyguards who were protecting Elme had already lost their breath.

A huge figure rushed down from the sky: "Come on, fight me again!"

"Looking for death!" Lin Hui rushed out and kicked the figure out.

Lin Hui saw the figure clearly. It was a figure with a dragon head, dragon claws on both hands, and a huge dragon tail that was constantly swinging. There were a bunch of wings behind it, and it had dark green scales. The height of the huge dragon man with extremely strong fluctuations should be more than thirty meters. Lin Hui could see the endless madness from his silver-gray eyes.

"Ah, that's really good!"

Chapter [-] The newly mastered power!

"That's great, it's not me who picked this up, but someone else! Hahaha! Come on, bastard!" The huge dragon man directly abandoned the two vampires that he had beaten to the brink of death, and moved towards Lin Hui rushed over.

He punched Lin Hui with a punch, and the terrifying force blasted away all the surrounding air, forming a huge vacuum in front of him.

"I am the incarnation of the power of the world, I open up the world, I smash the mystery, and everything is smashed in front of me!"

At this moment, the slate in Lin Hui's body turned, and it turned directly into a stone carving that was half fist and half palm.

The powerful force was used by Lin Hui at this moment, directly facing the punch of the dragon man in front of him.


The collision between the fists of the two sides was like an atomic bomb explosion. The shock wave directly destroyed the surrounding buildings. Fortunately, today was a rest day, and there was no one in the school. Otherwise, there would have been heavy casualties.

Lin Hui snapped his fingers, and all of the surrounding buildings were restored as if they were going back in time. Then, Lin Hui threw a punch again, knocking the dragon man in front of him down into the distance.

In order to avoid affecting the surrounding environment again, Lin Hui directly opened up a huge space at that moment and threw the dragon man into it.

"Really fake? Really fake? A human fist actually smashed my arm. It's incredible! Wow!" The fist was dented, the scales shattered, and blood kept spilling out of it.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing, but even that bastard of Beowulf didn't dare to punch me! What! What! So there are still such good humans?! Bastard! Bastard Ah! Are you really human? That's great!" The dragon man roared, and the whole person looked extremely excited.

"It turns out that you are the 'big sin Tyrannosaurus' Glendale! But you should have been killed by the original Beowulf!" Lin Hui looked at the dragon man in front of him and couldn't believe it. The evil dragon really appeared in front of him again.

Lin Hui has always believed that life is a kind of miracle, it is an uncreated, incomparable miracle, because even now, Lin Hui is still unable to resurrect life, even with the power of the underworld, Lin Hui still has no way to make it happen. The deceased Su Sheng, I don't know why, Lin Hui just couldn't use this power, no matter whether it was going backwards in time or using the power of the underworld, Lin Hui could not achieve the ability to revive the dead from beginning to end.

However, it was different now. An evil dragon who was thought to have been dead for a long time actually reappeared in front of him, and he was alive and well.

"Hahaha, don't worry about that kind of trivial matters, come and come, it's the real business to fight with me!" Glendale couldn't listen to Lin Hui's words at all. For it, only fighting is serious business, and only fighting is the real business. It's the best enjoyment, it doesn't matter if it kills someone or it gets killed by someone else.

This is a lunatic, a battle maniac even crazier than Wally.

Glendale rushed to Lin Hui again: "Come on, bastard, human boy, fight me again!"

"As you wish!" Lin Hui dashed down sharply, and his fist collided with Glendale's other fist. The next moment, Glendale's other arm also exploded into blood mist.

"Don't you like fighting very much? Then I'll let you have a good time today!" Lin Hui kicked Glendale's chest and slammed it into the ground. Then he grabbed Glendale's body. The tail raised it fiercely and threw it out. Then, it appeared on Glendale's back, and it fell directly, slamming Glendale directly into the ground.


Under Lin Hui's series of attacks, Glendale was already covered in cyan blood, but at this moment Glendale smiled: "What? Isn't it very capable? Human boy, it's amazing Well, it's really a good fight!"

"Come on, let's continue, fight until one side is smashed to pieces!" Although Glendale lost his hands, he charged towards Lin Hui with a huge body.

"You, do you really want to be smashed to pieces? Then I will fulfill you!" Lin Hui clenched his fists: "All mysteries in my palms, my feet are broken into all kinds of Taoism, the ultimate state of martial arts, transcendence is here, I will use my body to open up a martial arts way beyond the apex the road!"

This is the complete incarnation of giant power, which fully combines all power and all martial arts, and kills the gods in an instant.

With one punch, one finger and one palm, Lin Hui and Glendale passed by in an instant.

Then Lin Hui turned around gently and looked at Glendale.

The stopped Glendale's entire body exploded almost in an instant, and the violent violent smashed into the body by Lin Hui with various techniques directly burst Glendale's body.

"In this way, it's over!" Lin Hui felt that the evil dragon really didn't have a normal mind, especially now that he had seen Glendale.

"It's actually done, obviously you're just a human, you've done a really good job!" A very familiar voice rang out.

Lin Hui looked over with a gloomy expression, only a mutilated head was left chattering over there.

"Ah, ah, I really want to continue fighting, but unfortunately I can't do it without my body. Forget it, anyway, as long as the soul is fine, I can just do another body, and then I'll have a good fight!" Glendale exclaimed wildly. smiling.

"What's your soul? Then, I'll take your soul!" Lin Hui slowly walked towards Glendale: "That's right, you can also experiment with my brand-new powers, but don't give up all at once. dead!"

At this moment, Lin Hui's body has an extremely dark aura, as if a very evil, dark and desperate monster is about to appear!

Chapter [-] Let me take your sister's place and teach you a good lesson!

"O covetous snake, make people fall! O cunning snake, make people sad! O devil snake, make people despair! Tell it, dragon snake whose name has been erased, talk about it, God blesses you The curse of the dragon, the hatred of dragons and snakes, this sin, even if it falls into the underworld, it cannot be eliminated, bear it, bear it, this is your sin!"

At this moment, Lin Hui's hand was wrapped in a large amount of black mist, becoming illusory, and at this moment, the mist directly transformed into a giant snake, which directly bit towards Glendale's head.


Glendale wanted to escape the serpent's mouth, but with only one head left, it couldn't do anything now.

"Uh uh..."

Glendale's vitality is getting weaker and weaker, and the breath is gradually disappearing.

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