Tacheng Baiyin called out softly, then opened his eyes and looked at Lin Hui: "Teacher, is it already morning?"

"Well, Bai Yin, you can continue to sleep!" Lin Hui stroked Tacheng Bai Yin's little head.

"Yeah!" Tacheng Baiyin continued to hold Lin Hui's arm, without any intention of letting go: "I want to sleep with the teacher in my arms!"

"No problem, you can hold it for as long as you want!" Lin Hui gently kissed Tacheng Baiyin's forehead, well, after all, she is still a little girl. Matured early, but still a little girl in every other way, it's time for snooze.

However, looking at Tacheng Baiyin like this, Lin Hui felt that it was time to take a look at the other girls. Let's not talk about anything else. The loli here are Baiyin, Ravel and Kunou, Austrian Although Feith looks like it, his essence is a dragon god who has lived for an unknown number of years.

However, Tacheng Baiyin is attached to himself, and even uses immortal techniques to nurture his body to make it mature as soon as possible, in order to not want to fall behind, so Jiuzhong and Leville probably will have this idea, although I don't know if they will Lin Hui had to make a plan for what method to use, but in terms of age, Bai Yin, Ravel and Jiuzhong were all about the same age. Bai Yin was eaten by himself, and the other two definitely didn't want to fall behind. , it's a little trickier now.

And Rias's family also has Himejima Akeno. This girl is definitely unable to escape. As for Wisteria Irina, well, she has been led astray by Xenovia, and she wants to have a child all day long. , the most important thing is that since you need the best genes, then you have the triple identity of the world's No. [-] powerhouse, human king, and god slayer, and you don't want it.

Borrow from yourself?Isn't this a joke?

Ah, by the way, yesterday Le Fei and Tacheng Heige also came, so there are four loli here, but Le Fey can't say, Tacheng Heige has been eaten directly.

Ah, my head is so dizzy. Fortunately, I brought Nayuki sauce this time. Otherwise, I don't know what it will be said after I go back!

Lin Hui put his hand on his heart: "Hey, Zi, what are you doing now? Why haven't you responded to me?"

I miss you so much, Zi!



Lin Hui was a little surprised. He didn't expect to come here at this time, but fortunately, as long as the Tacheng Baiyin cover is covered, no one will be able to find it, but who would it be so early?

At this time, a small head came out.

Lin Hui was suddenly stunned: "Orpheus, why are you here?"

"I can't sleep when you're not here." Orpheus's words revealed a little sense of loss, as if he felt a little lonely for Lin Hui's absence.

Lin Hui smiled bitterly. In the past, when he was at Gremory's house, he slept with Orpheus by himself. Now, because he is busy with work, or secretly having sex with other girls, well, after all, he has not been intimate for a long time. Now, I miss him a bit, so Orpheus is often handed over to other girls by Lin Hui to sleep with him, but he never thought of killing Orpheus on the last day.

"Well, after you go back, I'll continue to sleep with you tonight! You go out first, I'm going to get ready to change!" Lin Hui gently covered Tacheng Baiyin with a quilt. After all, Tacheng Bai Yin's body is relatively petite and difficult to spot.

"Just sleeping?" Orpheus tilted his head.

"Can't you? Do you want me to help you take a bath?" Lin Hui didn't feel anything, after all, helping Orpheus to take a bath was not once or twice.

"I want to play too!" Orpheus seemed to be interested.

Lin Hui suddenly had a bad premonition, and this premonition was very effective. Every time he was hit, it seemed to be a curse-like thing. Unfortunately, he was carrying too many curses, and he didn't know where it came from. contaminated.

"What do you want to play?"

"The game you played with the kitten last night!" Orpheus raised his hand: "The kitten should still be sleeping with you now, Lin Hui is good or bad, only sleep with the kitten, play with the kitten, no Come with me, I want to play too!"

Lin Hui suddenly slapped his forehead: "Orpheus, where did you see me playing with Bai Yin?!"

"Xenovia and Irina said it last night, and then Xenovia sneaked over with Irina, and I followed them and saw it." Orpheus perfectly matched Xenovia and Wisteria Ily. Na is sold.

Ah, it turned out to be these two, Xenovia has been taking Wisteria Irina on a crooked road, and the more and more she takes it, this is good, not only Wisteria Irina, but also Orpheus. It's not on purpose, but it's not good for me to broadcast live to Xenovia like this!

"Looks like it's necessary to get these two little girls first!" Lin Hui felt that sometimes girls who are too cute are not cute, but there is one advantage, that is, there is no scheming, just say whatever comes to mind, look , Orpheus didn't sell Xenovia very successfully?

"Lin Hui, can you play with me?" Orpheus walked towards the bed, suddenly his nose twitched slightly: "What's the smell?"

Lin Hui waved his hand to dispel the smell. He gently took Tacheng Baiyin's arm away, grabbed the clothes on the bedside, and put them on in an instant. Using his space ability to dress, Lin Hui could be considered as such. A precedent has been set.

Lin Hui squatted down and touched Orpheus's little head: "If Orpheus thinks, there is no problem, but I hope this is what you came up with after thinking for yourself, if you want to play that kind of game with me , then you won't be able to return to the eternal silence, because, I won't let you go back!"

"Even if it doesn't matter, there is no problem on my side, so, Orpheus, I hope you can think for yourself, and then come up with your own ideas, don't ask others, because this is between me and you 's little secret!"

Lin Hui looked at Orpheus and said very gently: "If you want to return to eternal silence, I can also help you, I now have enough power to defeat the great red and send you back, or you It doesn't matter if you want to stay here for a while, I will wait for your answer."

Chapter [-] Seraphlu who sneaked out!

This should be a difficult choice for Orpheus. After all, it has always been her wish to return to eternal silence. For this reason, she has even followed Lin who has the ability to help her regain eternal silence. beside Hui.

However, if it was in the past, Orpheus would definitely take Lin Hui back to the eternal silence without saying a word, but now, Orpheus feels the beauty of the world. Many little friends who look similar to her play around, learn a lot, taste delicious food, and follow Lin Hui, who makes her feel at ease. However, now she has to let Orpheus return. In the dimensional gap where there is nothing, Orpheus doesn't know what to do.


After Lin Hui made a breakfast for Tacheng Baiyin, Rias knew, and Rias almost gave up. She could see that her family members were robbing her for men.

Lavelle and Jiuzhong were also unwilling, but Lin Hui still refused on the grounds that they were still young, while Tacheng Baiyin was already physically mature and used the unique magic ability of the cat to make Your body develops early.

All right now, both cats have become Lin Hui's women. Lin Hui has already planned to start preparing for the sisters to sleep together. After all, this kind of thing is unstoppable, such as red pupils and black pupils!Heina and Naibai!There are also eight dance sisters, these are all things that make people imagine.

Orpheus is a little different from the past, a little silent. Although he is usually silent, at least he doesn't appear to be thinking about something.

Lin Hui saw Orpheus like this on the way back and was a little worried about Orpheus, so he gently touched Orpheus's little head.

Orpheus looked at Lin Hui, and Lin Hui smiled at Orpheus: "Don't worry too much, just think about it slowly."

"Wang, we have already arrived!" At this time, Ai Ermei said to Lin Hui with a half-bow.

Elmei volunteered to be Lin Hui's maid. Although she was the eldest lady of a famous family, her status was still very low compared to Lin Hui. The True Ancestor was compared, but Lin Hui chose her as an assistant when dealing with the aftermath, which was enough to see how much Lin Hui valued Ai Ermei.

Therefore, Ai Ermei voluntarily followed Lin Hui to Lin Hui's house to become a maid, and the queen of the vampire's Yuan Camilla faction expressed her appreciation, at least it is a good thing that someone on her side can follow Lin Hui, and will not lag behind Caipei Even sent.

Well, after all, the Caipesh faction is only related to the family of Rias, one of Lin Hui's women. If you have the ability, you can send the girl with the god-killer, but now Valerie and Gaspar It's getting hot right now, which is a good thing.

Lin Hui has also studied the Holy Grail of the Netherworld and asked Valerie for advice. Valerie said that her Divine Destruction Tool does have the power to reverse life and death, but it requires a huge amount of magic power to use, and it needs to enter the forbidden world. The hand state, if it doesn't work, then there is no way to revive others. The most important thing is that the soul of the other party must still exist. If there is no soul, resurrection is just an empty shell.

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