However, the school trip is quite good. Maybe you can relax a little. Recently, Lin Hui's nerves have been too tense. It is time to relax. Lin Hui is also preparing for the battle force, in order to cope with the biggest disaster in the world. , but if even Lin Hui falls, then there is really no one in this world that can compete with that calamity.

Orpheus is only infinite in power, and he can't fight at all. All power is to be crushed. It is difficult to fight against the same level. Otherwise, he will not be driven out of the dimension by the real Chilong God Emperor. gap.

And that Calamity was on the same level as Orpheus and the True Red Dragon God Emperor. Whether Orpheus's fighting power can be expected is still a question.

"Then, take this opportunity to relax!" Nangong decided that month.

"Alright, I've been feeling a little tired recently!" Lin Hui yawned, "Then I'll prepare first!"

Rias looked at Lin Hui's slightly tired look, and felt a little distressed: "Mr. Nangong, will Lin Hui's pressure be too much?"

"Rias, you have to know that Lin Hui has more than your world on his shoulders, there are other worlds waiting for him, he can only keep forcing himself, pressing himself, and making himself keep moving forward, he, Never stop, although we hope he can stop and look behind, but what he can really see is the endless darkness, he doesn't even have anyone by his side." Nangong looked at Lin Hui that month. , a bead appeared in his hand, and this bead had stored a very huge amount of energy.

"I do hope that Orpheus can stay, because Orpheus is the only one who can truly be called advancing with Lin Hui so far! To be honest, I'm a little jealous of Orpheus. Even if I use Divine weapon, I am afraid it is not as good as Orpheus."

"But why is Lin Hui forcing himself like this? It doesn't seem to make sense at all!" Rias knew that there must be something hidden in it, but Lin Hui didn't say it: "Please tell me everything!"

Nangong looked at Rias that month: "Alright, you are also qualified to know. In fact, Lin Hui's real enemy is..."

The more Rias listened, the more surprised, the more she couldn't believe it, how terrifying, how terrifying, and how hopeless the enemies Lin Hui would face in the future.

This is also the reason why Lin Hui can't stop, because he can't stop, once he stops and waits for the time to come, if he doesn't have the ability to deal with it, he will lose, he will die, and everything will be lost!

Only at this time did Rias really understand the reason why Lin Hui was so powerful, which made Rias feel even more distressed.


No third person will know about the conversation between Nangong Nayue and Rias.

At this time, almost all the girls were preparing for the next day's school trip, and only one person was quietly in contact with others.

"Then, please, don't mess up, this time, I must not fall behind!" Kunou said confidently.

"By the way, are you ready for 'that'?" Kunou suddenly blushed.

"Miss, do you really want to prepare? If the general finds out, he will kill us!" A very embarrassed voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'll talk about it with your mother, so don't worry at all! This matter is my own decision, because this is the only way!" Kunou's tone was very serious.

"Okay, but, Miss, we can only do this. Don't forget that the strength of that adult is not something we can compare!"

"Okay, I get it, you just need to do the preparatory work, and I'll take care of the rest myself!" Jiuzhong said impatiently, "Don't make any mistakes!"


Chapter [-] Nine-tailed beast-like creatures!

"Ha..." Lin Hui yawned, lying on the chair and looking at the people playing behind him, he couldn't help but sigh, "It's great to be young!"

Nangong glared at Lin Hui that month, making you feel as if you were old. However, Nangong couldn't say those words that month, because Lin Hui's age was really huge. Hundreds of millions of years old, although Lin Hui looks like he is only in his twenties, but in fact, he has already been finalized.

The current Lin Hui can be said to have set his strength and body at the most outstanding stage, and all growth and plasticity are the highest.

In that month, Nangong and the others were bound to the Origin of Myriad Realms. As long as the Origin of Myriad Realms existed, they would never end their lifespan, and their appearances were also distorted by Lin Hui from the long river of history. , making them people who are attached to human history but semi-detached from human history.

The human history of the origin of the ten thousand realms is attached to Lin Hui. As long as Lin Hui does not die and Lin Hui does not die, then the origin of the ten thousand realms will not die out, but in the final analysis, if Lin Hui is killed, then the origin of all realms will not die It will also dissipate automatically, and all the worlds in the source of Myriad Realms will perish. This is also the same as the two restraining forces in the world of Xingyue dare not bet on Lin Hui.

However, Lin Hui doesn't care. After all, his strength cannot continue to grow due to the increase of the world. He has to take that step.

Lin Hui leaned his head on the chair: "That Yuejiang, I'll sleep for a while, and call me when we arrive!"

After that, Lin Hui fell into a deep sleep.


"Where is this?" Lin Hui felt that his consciousness seemed to have entered a very mysterious space, possessing a powerful and terrifying power that made people feel very strange, as if it was a vast expanse.

Lin Hui lightly touched a spot of light.


The spot of light immediately released a strong light that enveloped Lin Hui.

"Please, save those people who are still kind-hearted!" The Son of Heaven's voice echoed in Lin Hui's ears.

Afterwards, Lin Hui withdrew from the spot of light: "Who is that?"

Lin Hui glanced at his side and lit another black spot of light.

"Kill you!"

A man stabbed another man to death with a sharp knife. When the man reacted, he threw the knife away with trembling arms: "What should I do? What should I do? I killed? I killed!"

The man immediately hugged his head and cried.

Lin Hui retreated again, but when Lin Hui saw someone died, Lin Hui felt as if he had caught something, but disappeared without a trace.

Lin Hui watched the black and white light spots side by side, watching what he had experienced and what he had not experienced. Lin Hui seemed to be aware of something, but he couldn't tell what he was missing.

Lin Hui is very clear that this is his inner world, and it is also the place where he has the biggest trump card. It is called the place where the simulated star creation map is located, and the simulated star creation map cannot exert its full power because he still lacks something, but What exactly is it, Lin Hui has never been able to say it, as if it is in his own hands, but he can't say the content of that thing.

The pictures you just showed should all be related to that thing, but what is it that you are missing?


"Brother Lin Hui, it's already here!" At this time, a crisp voice awakened Lin Hui.

Lin Hui opened his eyes, looked at it, and saw that the people next to him had already started to get up, and Nangong was instructing everyone to get out of the car that month, and it was Jiuzhong, who was the host in Kyoto, who came to call him.

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