Lin Hui approached Gaocheng Saya: "So does Miss Gaocheng like me?"

Gaocheng Saya directly threw a punch: "You said it!

"Okay, okay, I won't say it! But judging from the strength of your mastery of this god-killing tool, you should be able to kill the gods with the last attacking character, right?"

Gao Cheng Saya rolled his eyes at Lin Hui, and then, with a wave of his hand, the sky changed color.

"This is?" Lin Hui blinked.

"The power of Thor! We all know the fact that slaughtering gods becomes stronger, so we have prepared very well. If elder sister Sangzi or elder sister Luo Hao will attack the gods who are not obedient, they will be beaten half to death, and then we will slaughter them. Kill it, and then Pandora will hold a reincarnation ceremony for us with the Dark Christmas Festival!"

Looking at Gao Cheng Saya's brows, Lin Hui couldn't help but feel a little distressed. When he was working hard, the girls were also working hard in their own way, and kept getting stronger, just to get closer to him.

Is killing gods easy?No, it's not easy at all, don't look at Gaocheng Saya's words so lightly, but facing the gods, and even killing the gods, to transcend that kind of fear, to transcend one's own limits, this is simply extremely difficult to do. The thing is, the average person is stiff all over and can't even move when facing the gods.

Even a god who was beaten with only one breath left would not be so easy for ordinary people to approach, but Gao Cheng Saya succeeded in killing the god, which is enough to explain everything, no matter what, she is a god-killer, The Demon Lord who rules the earth.

Possessing the power of a god-killer and a god-killer, Gaocheng Saya is already a very powerful being.

"Shaye!" Lin Hui held Gaocheng Shaye in his arms.

"Lin Hui... idiot! Big idiot! Asshole! I know that my strength is very weak, I can't help you, and I can't do something to help you, but Lin Hui, you have to remember that I, Gao Cheng Saya, can help you. You manage this world!" Gao Cheng Saya cried in Lin Hui's arms.

The time Lin Hui allotted to them was too little, really too little, and he often set off again after returning for a while.

Lin Hui accompanied Gaocheng Saya well that day, and didn't care about other things. Others seemed to have a good heart and did not come to disturb the two.


"I guessed that you would come here!" Miyamoto Li sorted out the documents on the table, then stood up and looked at Lin Hui: "Hey, do you want to guess, what power did I gain?"

Looking at Miyamoto Rei like this, Lin Hui said with a wry smile, "How can I guess? However, I still have a gift for you!"

The God Slayer Tool, the Holy Spear of Twilight, it is known as the strongest God Slayer Tool in the beginning. It has an extremely terrifying stand-up collar that penetrates the chest of the Holy Son Jesus for a while.

"Is this the gift you brought us back from another world?" Miyamoto Rei asked with a smile.

"Well, it's okay!" Lin Hui looked at Miyamoto Rei holding the Twilight Spear.

"Of course, I already knew it, but I didn't expect such a thing to exist. If I had this thing in the first place, it would not be so difficult to kill a god!" Miyamoto Li complained: "At that time, even if there was a child Senpai still makes me feel scared when I'm around!"

"But, you've survived, haven't you? You've worked hard!" Lin Hui stroked the girl's hair, and before she knew it, even Miyamoto Rei had grown a lot.

Miyamoto Rei is now the person in charge of the dark side of the forest empire, all the things that are unfavorable to the forest empire are all arranged by Miyamoto Rei to kill it in the bud.

If the famous Hysteria is called the Queen of the Night of Light, then the dark Rei Miyamoto is the existence of the purgatory angel who is called blood by everyone!

Following Miyamoto Rei's order, I don't know how many people will be killed and how many people will be implicated.

But fortunately, these are the conditions that only happened in the early days of the establishment of the Lin Empire and when it was attacked by the Vampire King three times. Li can be regarded as one of the pillars, and Lin Hui can be said to be extremely gratified to see the growth of Miyamoto Li.

Chapter [-] The slain Valkyrie and the still cute angel in white


A falling leaf turned into tiny particles smaller than powder and invisible to the naked eye in a burst of knife light, making it seem as if the leaf had disappeared little by little.

"Clap clap clap!"

At this time, there was a burst of applause from the door on the side.

Kazushima Saeko turned around to look, and suddenly smiled.

"It's amazing, Saeko!" Lin Hui gently lost the sweat on his forehead for Saeko Dushima.

"No, if it were you, I would definitely be able to do better, to the level of a real atomic slash! And Sister Luo Hao can do it too!" Saeko Dushima was not proud, but rather modest.

Lin Hui shook his head: "Not necessarily, Atomic Slash, I just put forward an idea, it is you who really realize it, Saeko!"

"If I use other abilities, I can definitely do it, but if it's just swordsmanship, it's not necessarily. So, Saeko, you are not only talented, but even harder than me. If this is the case, I can still If you surpass you, it will be too unfair for you!" Lin Hui smiled softly.

Indeed, Lin Hui is not lying, but in terms of swordsmanship, Lin Hui is not at all comparable to Saeko Dushima, but once he uses his powers, Lin Hui can instantly become proficient in any weapon, proficient in any martial arts, and surpass the extreme realm of martial arts. Extremely strong.

"Okay, I see, then Lin Hui, are you planning to date me today?" Saeko Dushima knew that Lin Hui was back, but unlike the past, Lin Hui took the initiative to make a date this time. Girls, all the girls are a little surprised.

Unlike in the past, Lin Hui met the girls. If it was in another world, Lin Hui might not go to that world to look for it, but would wait for everyone in the source of the world. If there is something he can't come, then I can only miss this meeting.

"Well, I haven't been with you for a long time, so I want to have a date with you!" Lin Hui admitted generously.

This is not apocalypse, but a world of blood-devouring and maddening attacks. For Saeko Poshima, this world is more suitable for her. After all, there are countless strong people here. Even if she becomes a godslayer, she can still find strong people here. Enemy comes to fight.

"Send it to you!" Lin Hui took out a wooden object like a jade pendant and gave it to Saeko Dushima.

Dushima Saeko took a look and saw that the wooden jade pendant in his palm melted directly into Dushima Saeko's body.

"The guardian of the seal dragon?" Saeko Dushima looked at Lin Hui.

"Well, Saeko, your attack is very fierce and your strength is very strong, but you are more than tough, but you are not enough in defense, so I want to prepare some defensive things for you, after all, this body is my treasure! "Lin Hui gently caressed Saeko Dushima's face.

"I understand, I won't let your treasure appear a single scar!" Saeko Dushima obeyed Lin Hui's words very much.

The two embraced each other and kissed each other.


The next morning, Lin Hui looked at Saeko Dushima lying beside him, and smiled lightly. Under the sunlight, Saiko's purple hair looked so dazzling and noble.

Lin Hui covered Dushima Saeko with a quilt, pulled the curtains, put on his clothes, and left.

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