"Mom!" Yuanshen Rinxu cried out, then jumped out of Lin Hui's arms and ran to Yuanshen Rinne's side: "Dad has finally come back to see us, he shouldn't be considered abandoning his wife and children, right? "

Lin Hui sprayed it on the spot, I'll go, what the hell is this?Abandoning wife and children?Rin, where did you hear these words?

Even the garden god Rinne was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Rinxu, who told you these words?"

Garden God Rin Ou thought for a while, and then said with certainty: "It's Erya's mother, she said it when she was drunk last time!"

"Cough!" Lin Hui coughed, and then showed a very sunny smile: "That, Lin Ni, I'll deal with personal affairs first!"

The garden god Rinne also smiled gently: "Please, by the way, you should remember Erya's room, right?"

"Of course, I'm impressed!" Lin Hui walked towards the stairs.

At this time, a maid in the house was hiding in the corner and shivering. Lin Hui's smile was still unforgettable to this day, and it was not an exaggeration to call it a nightmare.

Then, a sound was heard from upstairs.

"Ah, ah, ah! Lin Hui, what are you doing? Wait a minute!"

"What? Did I ever say that? When drunk?"

"Please, it's nonsense when you're drunk, it's nonsense, it's not telling the truth after drinking!"

"Oh, spare me, I dare not!"

"Wait a minute, my game, my comic, you can't take my life!!!"


Accompanied by an incomparably miserable cry, Honjo Erya's voice stopped abruptly in the next moment.

Then Lin Hui walked down with an expressionless face and threw a lot of things on the ground: "Who, Ailian, yes, it's you, throw these things to me!"

Ailian rushed over immediately after hearing this, and hurriedly took all these things out of the manor.There is no way, Lin Hui is the most majestic in this family, anyone can ignore what anyone says, but Lin Hui has to listen. Ai Lian doesn't want to try again the punishment that Lin Hui showed Ai Lian before she left. Well, Elaine was having nightmares for weeks after that.

"What's wrong? Erya made you angry again?" At this time, the real hostess of the family appeared.

Lin Hui rolled his eyes: "It's not that I want to do this, but Erya really is, alas! The family is unfortunate!"

"Pfft, it's me who said this!" Lin Mio laughed after hearing Lin Hui's words.

Lin Hui spread his hands: "It's a fact, it's my fault that I didn't discipline me well. Fortunately, Rin Xu hasn't gone astray, otherwise what should I do if I ignore my father?"

Lin Mio rolled her eyes at Lin Hui: "Really, who made you come back for so long!"

Lin Hui also had some headaches: "No way, I will come back often next time!"

Chapter [-] A lively family!

After receiving Lin Hui's return, a strange scene appeared in the entire Tiangong City. Several young girls rushed towards a place at a speed beyond ordinary people.

"Lin Hui!" A cute and energetic girl pushed open the door and looked towards the living room.

"Huh? Tohxiang, why did it come so quickly? I remember that it didn't take long for the news to be released, right?" Lin Hui was a little surprised. After all, the location of the snack street where Tohxiang is located is not close to here, and it was only a little over three minutes. Arrived, somewhat surprising.

"Hehe, because I miss you so much, Lin Hui!" Tohka hugged Lin Hui directly and started acting like a spoiled child.

"Okay, I understand, I'm sorry for making you miss me so much!" Lin Hui hugged Tohka and began to comfort him. At the same time, he used a long-term useless telepathy to start a wave of induction to the outside world. .

"Hey, hey, did you see it just now? That girl ran so fast! She disappeared in the blink of an eye!"

"Is it flying just now? I don't have dazzling eyes? Those two little girls can actually fly?"

"Impossible? A girl can run faster than a car against so many things?"

"Let me go, who is this? How could this be possible?"


The outside world is really chaotic!

Now that Ratastock has received the news, he was immediately confused by the news of Lin Hui's return. Coupled with this wave of incidents from the girls, Lin Hui rolled his eyes helplessly.

Afterwards, Lin Hui began to use the privilege of the King of Humans to directly connect the consciousness of the world to modify all the memories of those who saw the incredible phenomenon. As for the problem with the electronic equipment, it would be either Shou Ju Yahe or Shou Ju Nai a long time ago. After processing, it is impossible for these things to exist on the Internet anyway.

"I told you, why did you make so many troubles as soon as you came?" Or Shou Junai was speechless.

Lin Hui was a little embarrassed: "Ah, Junai, please!"

Or Shou Juya persuaded: "Okay, Ju Nai, don't be petty!"

Or Shou Junai pouted, but the processing speed in his hand was not slow at all. He directly destroyed all the recorded videos, and deleted all the amazing scenes captured in the monitoring equipment. It can be said that in the field of electronics, the only people who can compete with the two are the blue feather mother and daughter known as the electronic queen and the electronic queen.

"Che, did someone still take the lead in the end?" I saw a girl with short white hair walking in against a huge box.

Ah, the guy who ran faster than the car while resisting the box was this one, right?

As for the two little girls who can fly, it should be unsurprisingly the seven sins and the Yoshino, and as for the crashing of the car, although Lin Hui is very curious, he doesn't think it is the six ghouls, right?It seems that the six ghouls should not be so violent, right?

But having said that, Lin Hui was curious about what was in the box that Yuan Yi Origami was resisting?

"Origami, don't you live here? Why did you go out with a box! What's in it?" Lin Hui regretted what he said now after seeing the contents of the box.

Yuan Yi Origami's eyes suddenly lit up: "Does Lin Hui want to know?"

Lin Hui blinked, then thought for a moment: "This..."

Before Lin Hui could answer, "Patta—!"

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