"Dad, you shouldn't have forgotten, right? I set up the space conversion device here. You are all in, how could I not know?" After speaking, a young girl opened the space door and walked out.

"Cute onion..." Lin Hui blinked: "Okay, I really forgot!"

Lin Hui smiled bitterly: "But you guys came so fast!"

"In order to help you hide from other mothers, we have worked hard, otherwise, we would have arrived already!" Lin Lingcai provoked Lin Hui.

Lin Hui twitched the corners of his mouth. Anything is fine, but he doesn't like it. He always likes to contradict himself.

"Hee hee, Lin Hui, you are really disgraced!" Shizaki smirked while covering his mouth.

Lin Hui patted Shizaki Kusan's butt again: "Don't talk, no one treats you as a mute!"

"Oh, this can't be done! You haven't told me the story of how you met those dozen sisters!" As he spoke, Tokisaki Kurumi put his arms around Lin Hui's neck.

Immediately, Lin Hui was a little speechless. It's not good for girls to have too much personality. At least they are making trouble for themselves at this time!

Chapter [-] is finally done!

After spending a lot of time playing with girls in the dating world, Lin Hui calculated the time. It was only a little more than a week before the opening of the channel with the DXD world, so Lin Hui planned to visit the person who was married for the first time. wife.

Falling on the land of this world, Lin Hui looked around, um, after a few decades, the place has indeed changed a lot, and there is a feeling that the technology is very advanced.

With the scientific and technological support from the Blood-devouring World, it is impossible to make a change here. Looking at the high-tech buildings and the vehicles full of futuristic atmosphere, it really makes people feel a lot.

Once upon a time, there have not been so many changes here. People and monsters still cannot live in peace, and even attack each other once they meet. Now, monsters can be seen everywhere on the street, but most of them maintain the appearance of human beings. He revealed his own monster body, but he was also working.

Now this world, after decades of hard work, has finally achieved a perfect peaceful coexistence with people and monsters.

The one who used to be the king of the monster kingdom. Many years ago, he hoped to build a kingdom where humans and monsters could live in peace, but he was attacked by humans. After the war, he survived due to his strong vitality. Leaving with a young girl.

His name is Arkad, and he is known as the oldest vampire man, the ancestor of the vampires, who in the past almost destroyed mankind by himself.

However, he was later defeated and killed by Lin Hui, and his body was also used as a parasite by the killing intent of the angels to wage war against humans all over the world, and was finally completely defeated and killed by Lin Hui. Hui traveled through time and space back to more than [-] years ago, and was able to rescue Akashia, and met and fell in love with each other, and finally gave birth to his daughter Chiye Mengxiang.

Now humans and monsters coexist peacefully, and one of them is because Arkad launched an attack on humans, and the monsters dispatched to protect humans and fight against Arkad, so that the monsters can walk in the sunshine in such an upright manner and fight with Arkad behavior is inextricably linked.

In addition, due to the efforts of Akasha and others, it finally ushered in a happy ending.

Maybe there are some monsters or humans who may not be able to adapt to this kind of thing, but now it is the world of young people. You must know that there are always a few human friends around the new generation of monsters, and humans are also able to bond with monsters. Proud to be friends.

In addition, banshees are very beautiful, and they are even more attractive to young men.

And in this world, there is a school. There is a school established by the king of humans and monsters. There, there is one of the three kings of Hades, who is called the second strongest human and monster among monsters. In the academy, humans and monsters coexist peacefully and study together.

The name of that school is Yanghai Academy!

Now countless young students aim to enter that academy. After all, that academy is the academy established by the strongest king of humans and monsters today. There, the school rules listed by that person must be followed. This is an absolute right. , and there are various deeds left by the former one, it is simply a holy place!

Lin Hui sighed that his original behavior seemed to be a bit of a sensation. He fully exposed the existence of monsters, and with the help of the incident in Arkad, the whole world was promoted in one breath, and it became a world where humans and monsters coexist.

This may seem simple, but in practice it's not easy at all!

But in the end it was successful.


"Akasha, I'm back!" Lin Hui looked at the girl who was sitting in the yard. Decades passed, but time could not leave a trace on this girl's body.

Akashia was reading a book, and when she heard this voice, the book fell to the ground. When she looked back, she saw a young man with silver hair and black clothes standing at the door.

"Sh... No, it's Lin Hui, isn't it?" Akashia looked at Lin Hui, worried that it was her own phantom.

Lin Hui stepped forward and hugged Akashia: "It's me, I'm sorry to keep you waiting!"

Akashia touched Lin Hui's face: "It's true, it's true, why haven't you come once for so many years?"

Even a gentle and virtuous woman like Akasha can't help but feel a little resentful. Don't forget, she is the head of the three Hades and the only true ancestor of vampires in this world!

And the other two are her and Lin Hui's daughters - Chiye Mengxiang and Chiye Mengxiang!

"I'm sorry, I'm late, I've worked hard for you!" Lin Hui hugged Akashia and kissed gently.

Akashia's grievance disappeared without a trace at this moment. After all, she is not really to blame Lin Hui. Monsters have a long lifespan. Although some humans and monsters are combined, the future will be more painful. , because humans always die before the monsters.

And now Akasha wants to solve this kind of problem, otherwise, it would be too miserable.

Humans and monsters can't be together, no matter how much they love each other, it's the same, because if you don't want to live in pain all the time in the future, you can only do this, but even so, some people are desperate, because love makes people blind. !

Under such circumstances, Akashia and the other two discussed it, but so far there has been no good solution.

But fortunately, with Akashia's support, the strongest in this world has returned. Akashya knows that if there is nothing he can do, this man will definitely share his worries. Moreover, this man can travel countless worlds. Then there must be a solution.

Chapter Thirty-Three Collection of Monster Girls!

After Akasha and Lin Hui mentioned this matter a little, Lin Hui thought for a while, then nodded: "Let me handle this matter, no matter what, let humans and monsters live in peace It was also proposed by me, you have done a good enough job, and I will be responsible for solving this kind of thing!"

Akashia looked at Lin Hui and said with great confidence, "Well, I believe you can do it."

"Sister Akashia...Sister, Lin Hui?" A young girl's voice rang out.

Lin Hui looked back and saw a vermilion-red girl with two double ponytails standing there, looking over there in disbelief.

"Yo, isn't this my beloved? Long time no see, what's wrong? Are you too happy to see me?" Lin Hui greeted.

"Lin Hui, you guy, why are you only here now!" After speaking, Zhu Ran's beloved threw a punch directly at Lin Hui.


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