"I'm leaving soon!" Lin Hui turned on the system and looked at the time passing by. As the time approached, Lin Hui found that his hand was shaking slightly: "Are you afraid? Or..."

"That's right!" At this time, Nangong Nayue showed a small head from the quilt and looked at Lin Hui: "Go, my man, you are omnipotent, you have never let us down , so, no matter how many difficulties you encounter this time, no matter how big a dilemma you encounter, you will definitely surpass, you will definitely overcome the past!"

"However, remember, this time you have to establish a world channel earlier, and we will help you earlier!"

Hearing Nangong Nayue's words, Lin Hui was immediately moved: "Nayuejiang, I really love you so much!"

Saying that, he held up Nangong Nayue's little face and kissed him. In the end, Nangong Nayue did not resist, but embraced Lin Hui and began to respond.


Early the next morning, Lin Hui put on his clothes and went under the Kabbalah Tree of Life. Looking at the top of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, the world that was truly his own was being formed. He stretched out his hand and gently stroked Kabbah. Pull the bark of the tree of life.

"Then, start now! This is a huge gamble! You can only win, not lose!" Lin Hui showed a smile.

Except for Lancelot, no one else will know about this matter, just because the world he is going to next enters with his current strength, it is estimated that he will be discovered immediately. After all, two digits are also in that world. There are only seventeen, and they will be discovered as soon as they pass by.

The three-digit number must pass through the gate of heaven to enter the lower realm, and the two-digit number cannot even participate in any gift game. This is an absolute law. Although the strength of the two-digit number is strong, it is not invincible, as before. Like the Demon King of the White Night, he was not defeated in the hands of others in the end.

As the Demon Lord, once the White Night Demon Lord is defeated, he will become the property of the opponent. Therefore, as the Demon Lord, defeat is absolutely not allowed!

Although Lin Hui didn't know what was required to become a demon king in Hakoten, Lin Hui had a feeling that his own existence represented the existence of a demon king, so he had to be prepared before that!

"Master!" Lancelot rolled over and dismounted in front of Lin Hui and knelt on one knee on the ground.

"Yeah!" Lin Hui entered the very center of his world. With Lancelot guarding here, coupled with the protection of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, this is an absolutely safe place.

Lin Hui flipped his hand and took out a stone: "The stone of origin, the 'spiritual consciousness' group of people really have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, they just regard it as the key to biological evolution, by constantly triggering the apocalypse to let human beings choose to evolve !"

Lin Hui has also studied it before, and he doesn't quite understand why this stone has the ability to make human evolution happen. It was not until Lin Hui reached double digits that Lin Hui really spied the tip of the iceberg of this stone.

When the world is born, there will be a chance to produce such stones. Such stones represent the messengers of the world. Their abilities are very special. In short, they are the stones of prayer that can realize any wish. Pray for the evolution of living beings, therefore, this stone will endow living beings with the ability to evolve.

It's just that this stone of prayer can't really fulfill wishes. Otherwise, the biological evolution in the original book will not fail. This is just a direction for the person who prays.

But, precisely because it represents a world, once the prayer begins and even ends, the stone disappears.

The world of the crown world, which was not originally Gao Wu, could have more than one stone like this. It really makes people have to say that it is very lucky, because other worlds have never discovered it.

However, the wish for the evolution of the creature where this stone is currently praying was taken out of the crown world, so the wish was interrupted, and now a new wish can be prayed.

Lin Hui placed it at the very center of his world: "I pray, I promise, I will continue to become stronger until I transcend all this!"

The Stone of Prayer accepted Lin Hui's prayer, but because of the limitation of ability, it was only to raise Lin Hui's strength to the limit of the world, but this was enough for Lin Hui.

And the stone of prayer has a great feature, that is, it can carry all the power as a carrier. As long as the power does not surpass the world, the stone of prayer can carry it.

Lin Hui resolutely offered his spirituality and integrated it into the stone of prayer. After losing the spirituality, all Lin Hui's achievements disappeared, and his strength continued to decline, from double digits in one breath. It plummeted to four digits, and the strength dropped by more than one grade. This was because Lin Hui himself had a double-digit strength to maintain it.

The loss of the spirit is the biggest thing. Just like the Demon King of the White Night, she lost the spirit and gained the godhead of Yaksha, and became Baiyasha. Retrieving the spirit rank will restore the strength of the original spirit rank, that is, during this period of time, the strength of Bai Ye's Demon King did not increase in the slightest.

However, this will also happen to Lin Hui, but it is different now. With the Stone of Wishing, Lin Hui's spirituality will undergo transformation in it, looking for breakthroughs in double digits, single digits, or even with the world. level.

After Lin Hui finished all this, he left. The strength of four figures was enough for Lin Hui to face the challenges he could face.

Lin Hui didn't say goodbye to anyone, but directly started to travel around the world.


"So, System, you guy, it seems that the free fall is not caused by Yakumo Zi, but by you!"

From a height of thousands of miles, four black dots started a free fall!

Chapter [-] begins, a game of boons!


"Hahaha! What is this?!"

"Really, don't always think of me as a rescuer, okay?" A rather helpless male voice came out: "Grab my hand!"

Lin Hui stretched out his hand to a girl with black hair reaching her waist.

The girl hesitated for a moment, and then directly stretched out her hand to Lin Hui.

Lin Hui grabbed the girl and directly pulled the girl into his arms, and said in the girl's exclamation: "Hold firmly! Hey, the girl and boy over there, get ready for a speeding trip!"

"OK, little brother!"


"The light between heaven and earth, give me the speed that surpasses the extremes of good and evil! I want to overturn the established results! I want to trace the passage of time! I will rewrite everything!"

Lin Hui and the girl in his arms instantly turned into a ray of light that took the girl and the boy over in an instant, and landed directly on the ground. Time was only a moment.

Lin Hui let go of his hand. Immediately, the black-haired waist-length girl and the flaxen short-haired girl fell to the ground. Then Lin Hui put the boy with headphones on his back and threw it out.

"Wow, little brother, are you too ruthless?" The blond headphone boy said with a smile.

"Really, how long do you want to stay on my back?" Lin Hui said speechlessly, "But you don't feel any discomfort, which surprises me!"

Well, yes, although Lin Hui deliberately slowed down the speed, the sub-light speed is still not something that ordinary people can resist. Just like the two girls on the side, the two have not slowed down yet.

"Hahaha, maybe, my physique is rather special, but, little brother, you are really amazing, that kind of speed is so strong, even if I try my best, I can't catch up, right?" A tame smile: "Introduce yourself, I'm Reverse Izayoi, a scum who combines the three elements of brutality, viciousness and hedonism!"

"That's such a coincidence! My name is Lin Hui. I'm a demon king who combines the three elements of arrogance, savagery and domineering!" Lin Hui still had a good impression of the reverse reversal Izayoi. This young man has a strong personality. the power of.

"Ah, really, let's not say why it is in the sky, after a weird flight, I actually heard such an amazing self-introduction, it's really uncomfortable, but for the time being, thank you in advance! My name is Jiuyuan Asuka!" The lady with black hair reaching her waist, with a crimson bow-style headband tied on both sides of her hairline, introduced herself with a noble temperament all over her body.

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