"Could it be that Mr. Lin Hui really intends to challenge?" Black Rabbit widened his eyes.

"Of course, otherwise it would be meaningless for me to propose this gift game!" Lin Hui wouldn't mind much.

"Then it's limited to today!" Black Rabbit estimated the time: "Then, the competition is established!"

Suddenly, something like parchment floated down from the sky.

The name of the gift game: Lin Hui and the Moon Rabbit bet

Rule description:

From now on, within today, Lin Hui will defeat the strongest player in this forest area

Lin Hui's bet is to join the Black Rabbit community, and the Black Rabbit's bet is the Black Rabbit's ears

Oath: According to the above rules, "Black Rabbit" and "Lin Hui" will play a gift game.

"Today? Do you look down on me too much? Hahaha! Black Rabbit, you've miscalculated. Let me tell you, in the outside world, some people call me the Demon King, and they call me the God Killer!" Lin Hui smiled. smile.


Suddenly, Lin Hui disappeared in place, and a huge pit was stepped on the ground directly by Lin Hui.

"Wow, isn't this physical ability too amazing?" Jiuyuan Fei Niao looked at the crater-like pit left by Lin Hui when he left.

Kasugabe Yao nodded.

"Hahaha, it's really interesting. It's really right to accept the invitation. After the little brother finishes the game, I will have a fight with the little brother to vent it! My blood is boiling!" Liu Ye was in high spirits.


A huge sound rang out, and the sky-high water column directly caused the four people standing on the spot to show their thoughtful eyes.

After a while, a light and shadow fell in front of the four of them.


"Yo, I'm back!" Lin Hui threw the tail of the huge white snake in his hand on the ground: "So, the game should be counted as me winning, right?"

Black Rabbit was stunned when he looked at the snake god who fell to the ground: "Impossible, human beings actually defeated the 'Godhead' gifter, how is this possible?"

Afterwards, Lin Hui walked up with a smile and grabbed one ear of Hei Rabbit: "Then, according to the agreement, Black Rabbit, your ear belongs to me!"

"Oh, please wait!" The black rabbit wanted to cry without tears, but instead of pulling such a terrifying human being into the community, he sent out his ears.

"It's really interesting, the gift game, little brother, would you like to come and have a game with me?" Back to Izayoi looked at Lin Hui.

"No, don't worry, your personality is still very appealing to me, and besides, you don't have anything that I like now, but it's still okay to have an equal battle, because you seem to be very Free!" Lin Hui smiled softly.

"Oh, what about you, little brother?" You will press your fist at Izayoi: "It should be about the same as me!"

"At least teaching you a lesson is enough!" Izayoi was crazy, but Lin Hui was more arrogant than him: "Also, there is one thing I'd better tell you before the game, as long as you are still human, you will absolutely There's no way I can win!"

"Is it really good to say so? Look at the fist!" Reverse Izayoi directly threw a punch.

Lin Hui jumped away in an instant, and the black rabbit suddenly screamed "wow wow", and the whole person directly avoided.


Back to the sixteenth night directly blasted a huge pothole on the ground, just like a small meteorite hit the ground, and suddenly flew sand and stone, making it impossible to imagine all this.

"Cough, I said you two, start fighting as soon as you come up, is that appropriate?" Jiu Yuan Fei Niao was coughing all over.

Kasugabe Yō retreated just in time.

"Izayoi, this world is super interesting! But it is true that the strong eat the weak. As I said before, the winner gets everything, and the loser loses everything!" Lin Hui clenched his fists: "Let me do it now. Take your class!"

Chapter [-] Lin Hui VS Reverse Return to Sixteen Nights!

"It's exactly what I want!" Neihui Izayoi rushed forward, his right hand tightly clenched into a fist, as if a terrifying amount of power had been accumulated in it.

Lin Hui also aimed at Reverse Izayoi and threw a punch.


The shock wave vibrated towards the surroundings like the sky and the earth cracked, and all the surrounding trees were broken and flew out.

"Hahaha, it's really amazing that someone can actually take my punch!" Izayoi was so excited that he fell on the ground and threw a punch directly at Lin Hui.

"Come and try this trick! It's savage, but it's also one of the tactics - that's how treasure is used! Gate of Babylon!"

Immediately, nearly a hundred ripples of crimson space appeared behind Lin Hui, from which various golden weapons of different shapes poked out.

"Are you kidding? Impossible, those are all divine weapons?!" Black Rabbit was extremely shocked.

"Is it a divine weapon?" Izayoi became even more excited when he heard it.

"Whoa, whoa—!"

Nearly a hundred Noble Phantasms shot out at high speed, and slammed down directly towards the reversed Izayoi.

"Good job!" Reverse Izayoi waved his fists continuously to bounce all the Noble Phantasms away.

This scene made Hei Rabbit's face almost twitch: "This, this kind of power? Even the godhead weapon can bounce off, what kind of gift does this have to have!"

"Hey, little brother, don't you just use this power? If you use the speed of light you used to move, I may really have nothing to do with you!" Nihui Izayoi smiled wildly at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui clenched his fists: "Naturally, it is impossible to use that, because this is a mutual fight, and it is impossible to use the power to move! I have no intention of running away!"

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