"Alala, don't you still have it!" Tokisaki Kurumi gently lifted the chin of the black rabbit.

Himejima Akeno also said with a smile on his face: "Yes, doesn't Miss Black Rabbit have the most valuable things!"

Black Rabbit was so frightened that he hugged his body directly, trembling, and said weakly, "H...H is not acceptable."

"Then you can trade your beautiful legs!" Lin Hui said with a smirk.

Chapter [-] Run away in front of me, are you serious?

"No... No, this is absolutely impossible!" Black Rabbit said with a sad face, trying to stop Lin Hui's behavior, but unfortunately, there was absolutely no way!

This is worthy of being a Hakoba noble (shame), as a family member of Emperor Shitian, as a god, but he can only be played by Lin Hui, Black Rabbit is indeed the most popular in Hakoba!

"Forget it, I won't embarrass you anymore. As long as you promise me a condition, then I can help you catch Asuka and Yao, and in Izayoi, you have to find a way yourself." Lin Hui let go of the black rabbit. ear.

"What conditions?" Black Rabbit was very wary of Lin Hui, if he didn't get himself in, he would be finished.

Lin Hui pulled out a contract document: "As long as you can agree, you must be the referee for the large-scale events held by our seven deadly sins in the future!"

"It's that simple?" Black Rabbit blinked and looked at it carefully, that is, there is no referee fee, which is equivalent to free volunteers, but for Black Rabbit, it doesn't matter at all, because the development of the community now, Even without the black rabbit's referee fee, it can be supported, so it's nothing.

"Well, it's as simple as that, how about, promise?" Lin Hui looked at the black rabbit.

Black Rabbit nodded: "Then, Miss Asuka and Miss Yao will ask Mr. Lin Hui, and Black Rabbit will go and catch the biggest and most troublesome problem child!"

"OK, the deal is done!" Lin Hui snapped his fingers, and the black rabbit's hair changed from blue to pink again. At that moment, the moment when the black rabbit's hair fluttered lightly, the hair seemed to be streaked with beautiful strips. The trajectory, the waves emanating from the hair are like a beautiful moon halo.


Black Rabbit jumped out in an instant, and kept running towards the reverse Izayoi escape route that he had written down before.

"It's really a good plan!" Himejima Zhu Nai immediately saw Lin Hui's intention.

Lin Huiyang raised the contract document in Yang's hand: "Well, anyway, there are gains, why not do it!"

Shizaki Kuangsan snuggled up: "It was obviously Lin Hui who brought those three people here, and now you are selling them, and you have made so much money from the middle, what a black-hearted businessman!"

"You can't say that, I am also for the development of the community!" Lin Hui put away the contract documents.

Black Rabbit's original former residence was destroyed two hundred years ago by the ravages of Azi Dakaha, the final test of mankind. Now, as far as Lin Hui knows, the only Moon Rabbit left in the lower level of Hakoba Garden is Black Rabbit. Also, the moon rabbit itself is a plaything of the gods and Buddhas. It is very rare to see rabbits in the lower level of Hako Garden. Therefore, as long as the news is released that the referee of the gift game is a rabbit, there will be a lot of people to see the rabbit. To buy tickets, this alone is enough to make a lot of money.

"Okay, in order to make this contract document effective, I have to go out and catch Asuka and Yao, how about you two?" Lin Hui looked at Tokisaki Kurumi and Himejima Akeno.

"I'll take a look at the festival with Miss Kurumi for a while, what do you think, Miss Kurumi?" Akeno Himejima said to Tokisaki Kurumi with a smile.

"Well, it doesn't make sense, after all, our master is going to pick up girls, so we can't bother to bother!" Shizaki Kusan smiled and winked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui said angrily to the two of them: "Don't make me look like a hungry ghost, okay, then, I'll go first!"

The next moment, Lin Hui disappeared in place.

"It's really fast, Miss Zhu Nai, what do you think of Lin Hui?" Tokisaki Kusan looked at the street below.

"Lin Hui, it's really hard to judge! However, I feel that Lin Hui's heart still seems to be shrouded in mist." Himejima Akeno said about love with some anxiety.

Shizaki Kuangsan nodded: "Yeah, Lin Hui is still confused, maybe, this is something he didn't even discover himself, and it can only be solved by himself, I hope, it can be fulfilled..."


"Wow, Yao, look, there are not only walking candlesticks, but also flying lanterns. The North District is really a place full of dreams." Jiuyuan Asuka looked at the surrounding and the East District and the times he once lived in completely. Different cultural styles, I feel very excited all of a sudden.

That's right, Reverse Izayoi, Kuto Asuka, and Kasukabe Yō were all summoned to Hakoba from different worlds, so the time points at which the three once belonged were also different.

Among them, Reverse Izayoi comes from the modern world.

Kasugabe Yō is from a somewhat distant future world.

The Asuka, on the other hand, came from an island country that was still in the Showa era not long after World War II ended.

This also resulted in different cultural understandings among the three.

For example, in the era in which Asuka was living, it was quite exposed without covering her thighs. For this reason, Asuka has given opinions to Kuroto and Kasugabe more than once, believing that the two of them, as deep boudoir ladies, are really dressed up. Is indecent.

However, for Kasukabe Yō, who came from a distant future world, the atmosphere at that time was not as strict as Kuto Asuka, and he was wearing shorts, so strictly speaking, it could not be regarded as revealing.

As a former niece, seeing these things is naturally very novel.

"I wonder if there are monsters with pumpkin heads? It's the monsters that appear at that festival called Wan..." Asuka Kuyuan thought while Kasukabe Yō was by her side. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a voice.

"You mean Jack-o'-lantern? It's the pumpkin monster that appears on Halloween."

"Hey, that's right, that's it..." Jiuyuan Asuka froze the moment he turned his head.

"Yo, two young ladies, Xiaosheng is polite here!" Lin Hui made a very gentleman's etiquette.

"Why did Lin Hui come here?" Kasugabe Yao looked at Lin Hui.

Jiu Yuan Fei Niao looked at the smile on Lin Hui's face, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Invited by Black Rabbit, come to participate in the ghost hunting game!" Lin Hui showed his snow-white teeth.

"It's actually a traitor!!!" The two women exclaimed, and just as they were about to turn around and run away, their bodies suddenly couldn't move.

"Yo, you still want to run in front of me, are you serious?"

Chapter [-] The Unpleasant Meeting

Lin Hui walked around the two of them slowly, looking at the surprised expressions on their faces, as if seeing through what they were thinking: "You want to ask me how I did it?"

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