However, it is estimated that the fact that he was caught has already been told to the main body through the avatar of Tokisaki Kurumi who was hiding in his shadow.

In order to storm the "Salamandra" who used to be a four-digit community, it is necessary to rely on the strength of the companions who belonged to the seven deadly sins (Seven Deadly Sins) in the northern district, and only rely on the two people of Tokisaki Kurumi and Himejima Akeno. Naturally it is impossible to attack.

Although Lin Hui wanted to resist, all these people had to get down, but considering that Asuka Kuto and Kasukabe Yao came for this festival, in order to continue to participate in the gift game without being disqualified, Lin Hui did not resist. , Anyway, it is "Salamandra" that is easy to send God to God at that time.

Under the escort of the gendarmerie, everyone soon met in the operation headquarters of the "Fire Dragon Birth Festival".

"Yo, Izayoi, you made a big noise! ​​But it's pretty miserable, you were actually arrested!" Lin Hui greeted Nei Hui Izayoi without anyone else.

Reversely, Izayoi also responded like a normal person: "Well, aren't you also arrested? But, little brother, you are really not loyal enough to be seduced by this rabbit, alas!"

"The ancients said: food color, sex! After all, this rabbit is so fun, why do you want to play more?" Lin Hui directly pushed all the faults on the black rabbit's head.

"You two problem children!!!" Black Rabbit took out a paper fan and slapped Lin Hui and Nihui Izayoi on the head: "Stop talking! Be quiet now!"

"Enough, just no name, to bring such a big mess to our festival. We originally planned to punish you, but now we 'Salamandra' are completely ignored!" One is a stern look. , the horny man with antlers on his head shouted angrily.

"'Salamandra'? I'm sorry, I really don't have this idea. After all, with the words you just said, a mere 'Salamandra' dared to arrest me, I must have made up my mind. If I don't pay compensation equivalent to mine, it will be very difficult for me to deal with it!" Lin Hui looked at the stage.

In addition to the man, there is also a young man of about eleven or twelve years old, with a bright red head tied to his head, wearing a crown made of dragon horns, and wearing a brightly colored costume like a dancer. girl.

"You..." The man was about to shout angrily, but was frightened by Lin Hui's eyes.

What a look of indifference to life, as if all life in the world died in front of Lin Hui's face, and Lin Hui's heart couldn't be shaken. What was even more terrifying was that the red light that flashed in Lin Hui's eyes simply shocked him. His mind made him unable to continue speaking, and that terrifying aura was only aimed at him, as if it was strangling his throat.

"Okay, boy, do you want to kill?" At this time, the white girl in a kimono opened her folding fan and said.

"No, no!" Lin Hui closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, everything was back to its original state.

The man sat directly on the ground regardless of his image, all the clothes behind him were soaked, God knows what he experienced just now.

"I'm really sorry, I apologize to everyone for the rudeness of Brother Mandela. I hope you don't blame Brother Mandela. After all, this time the festival was organized by Brother Mandela, so there is a reason for him to be nervous. ." At this time, the girl stood up and said to the crowd.

Just when everyone wanted to speak, Lin Hui laughed loudly: "Apologize? I'm sorry, this apology is not acceptable, after all, I have suffered an innocent disaster, and the person who helped you stop the trouble clearly is here. Being reprimanded by you, what is this! Besides, it's too late!"


"Hahaha, Your Honorable Fifth Primogenitor, I heard that you were actually arrested by the people of 'Salamandra', but I rushed over immediately!"

The gate was smashed, and all the soldiers belonging to "Salamandra" fell to the ground. The blond man strode out, and behind him was a giant golden snake.

"Who are you?" Mandela's pupils shrank when he saw the blond man.

Lin Hui looked at Mandela and Sandora, and said in a flat voice: "Let me introduce myself again, my name is Lin Hui, I'm just a diners with no name, and now the leader of the seven deadly sins of the community! "

Chapter [-] I don't like such an ally!

"The leader of the seven deadly sins?!" Mandela looked at Lin Hui.

He knew that he seemed to have offended those who could not be offended.

The seven deadly sins (seven deadly sins) are a well-known community in the lower layer of the small garden. No matter which one comes out of the community, they are extremely powerful beings, and they can become the main members in any community.

However, miraculously, all the opponents are actually concentrated in one community, whether it is Luo Hao, who is known as the King of Martial Arts, who has penetrated into the fifth tier, or Bing, who has swept the seventh tier and has won consecutive battles in the sixth tier. The Fire Queen is still the "Night Attack" who is constantly rising in the sixth stratum, or is called the True Ancestor in the Northern District, that is, the two people who exist at the top of the vampire family and their dependents.

These are all from the seven deadly sins.

Mandela once also considered that he wanted to form an alliance with a community like the seven deadly sins. After all, it is appropriate for such a community to rise to five figures, and even four figures or even higher is not unreasonable. possible things.

In the end, I didn't expect the leader of the community to come to my side to play. After helping to catch others, he was misunderstood as a prisoner and reprimanded by himself. In this way, what could happen in the story actually happened to him. Mandela is simply unbelievable.

"Watra, you came quite fast!" Lin Hui glanced at Vatra.

Vatra got down on one knee: "After all, the Fifth Primogenitor of my deep admirer is suffering, how can I possibly sit still?"

"Don't be disgusting with me. After all, you are interested in my bloodline. If you are given a chance, you will definitely devour me from the same clan, right?" Lin Hui looked at Vatra.

"But you won't give me this chance!" Vatra was very self-aware.

Lin Hui clenched his fist: "It's good that you know, otherwise I'm afraid that I can't help but kill you, and the King of War will come to trouble me."

"How dare you, even if it's me, I wouldn't dare to challenge the Fifth Primogenitor Time and Space Tyrant!" A shrewd man walked in.

The purple-haired, red-eyed woman walking beside the man smiled and said, "But with your ability, it should be easy to deal with these little guys, so why pretend to be caught?"

Lin Hui yawned: "It's nothing, it's just that these guys with no name are my friends, and they just signed a covenant, so I don't want to cause them any trouble, it's that simple!"

"Alala, so that's the way it is. If you had said earlier, Lin Hui, I wouldn't have rushed to find the King of War and Yagiz." Tokisaki Kurumi emerged from the shadows and was beside her. There was also a girl in a witch costume.

"Okay, kid, just give me a face, don't make too much trouble!" Bai Yasha was speechless to Lin Hui and his subordinates, not to mention others. Luo Hao heard about Bai Yasha After her strength, she almost challenged her, but was stopped by Lin Hui, and Luo Hao did not continue, but then Luo Hao went directly to the fifth floor, where he fell out.

With absolute strength and profound wisdom, he has cracked many gift games, and directly opened a branch of the Seven Deadly Sins in the fifth floor, which is called the Holy Church of the Five Prisons, and Luo Hao is the leader!

"No problem, you still have to give your face. Besides, I didn't intend to make 'Salamandra' ugly. After all, only some people did wrong, and Sandora was just a little loli. Although she was the leader, she also I just took over the post, and I don't plan to do anything out of the ordinary." Lin Hui spread his hands.

Bai Yasha looked disbelieving, and Lin Hui's aggressive look just now clearly wanted "Salamandra" to bleed.

"Then, I am here again to welcome the distinguished guests of the seven deadly sins and the members of the past allies no name." Sandora wisely ignored this matter.

Otherwise, "Salamandra" will continue to lose face!

"Past allies?" Reverse Izayoi clearly grasped this word with special meaning.

Algiz looked at Sandora: "In the past, and now, this covenant has been lifted? I don't know why?

For a time, the atmosphere in the field became sinister.

"This..." Sandora didn't know how to answer, but it was the truth.

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