"Do you think that the Demon King can be repelled if he can say he is repelled?" Mandela was very unhappy with Lin Hui's tone.

Indeed, the seven deadly sins are very powerful now, and they are also very powerful, and the masters are like clouds, but compared to the no name three years ago?At that time, the no name was no weaker than the seven deadly sins now. What's more, there were several demon kings in the no name at that time, and there was even a canary called "the strongest game controller".

However, it was still defeated by a mysterious and unknown demon king, and the community fell apart overnight and completely declined.

Therefore, the demon king is a natural disaster, and is synonymous with disaster. It is precisely because of this that Leticia led the vampire family to fight off the demon king at the dawn of Hakoniwa and created the class ruler system. After that, she was given the twenty-fifth A sun sovereign, because Leticia's exploits are too great.

Lin Hui shrugged: "Of course, it's not very difficult for me to repel the Demon King."

Mandela had disbelief, but Shiroyasha knew that Lin Hui was hiding a huge secret, and at least he should have a hand in dealing with the Demon King. Didn't he also lose in Lin Hui's hands?

"Mr. Lin Hui, I don't know what the price will be for you to fight back the Demon King?" Sandora saw the situation better than Mandela. After all, this is also a way to resolve the relationship between the two parties. Fighting to close the gap between the two sides is the best.

After Mandela heard it, he immediately looked at Sandora, and was stopped by Sandora when he was about to say something.

"Brother Mandela, I am the leader of 'samandra', I have to be responsible for the people of 'samandra'!" Sandra, like a little adult, spoke words of a different age than hers. It seemed, Sandra Ra indeed has the majesty of a leader.

"My asking price is not too high. If the demon king is repelled, then I will have the right to belong to the demon king! How about this?"

Lin Hui looked at the few people around him.

"We don't understand it anyway, so let's just follow what you said. After all, you are the leader!" The Forgotten War King is free and easy, yes, after all, this kind of thing is indeed what Lin Hui is best at. The Forgotten War King and others only need Just be in charge of the battle.

"However, speaking of it, it is still unknown whether this prophecy is accurate or not!" Yagis maintained a skeptical attitude towards this so-called prophecy.

"You can rest assured, after all, it was sent by the demon of Laplace..." Shiroyasha put the letter back in his sleeve: "And I'm afraid it's not only about the attack of the devil, I'm afraid even the prisoner this time has predicted Are you here yet?"

"Is that the legendary Laplace demon who can see through everything?" Black Rabbit was surprised.

"See through everything..." Lin Hui deliberately lengthened his voice.

Shiroyasha's face changed. After all, there were two things that Laplace couldn't see through, and the prophecy failed once. It was indeed not a complete hit, but except for those three times, everything else was said. bingo.

Mandela looked at Shiroyasha and was about to draw a knife, but was stopped by Sandora: "Are you fooling us?"

"I know the prisoner but don't say it, that is to say, the other party is in a position where he can't speak?" Izayoi saw through all this easily.

"Could it be that other stratum rulers colluded with the Demon King?" Black Rabbit covered her mouth, she knew that if that was the case, then something big would happen.

"I don't know, but what is certain is that at Sandora's birth ceremony, the other class rulers did not cooperate!" Shiroyasha was also a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, this time there is no other stratum of dominators involved, you can rest assured!" Lin Hui began to walk out: "Also, I already know who the culprit is, but, indeed, it is I can't say it, if I say it, I am afraid that someone will be extremely embarrassed!"

"So, don't worry, I won't say it, the demon king will be repelled by me! It's up to me, the demon king who targets the demon king!" Lin Hui opened the door: "As long as the demon king is repelled , everything can end, right?"

"Well, that's true, but, with us, even if there is a demon king, we will take action. Whether it is your turn or not is another matter!" Bai Yasha said confidently.

Lin Hui shook his head: "Don't be too confident, Shiroyasha, don't forget, as I said, if you really want to make trouble at this Fire Dragon Birth Festival, then the other demon king will definitely have a way to deal with you. I hope you don't capsize in the gutter!"

Lin Hui walked outside slowly, while the seven deadly sins left behind Lin Hui.


"However, Lin Hui, do you really have a way to deal with the unknown demon king?" Himejima Zhunai looked at Lin Hui, she had confidence in Lin Hui, but just in case, it is best to take the Seven Deadly Sins (Seven Original Sins) into account. It's better to transfer some other people in deadly sins: "Do you want to inform Rias and the others, or a few Lord Demon Lords?"

"No, because I'm here, I'm also a demon king, and I'm still a very special demon king." Lin Hui smiled softly: "I guess the whole Hakoba is my demon king, the most special, right?"

"Once the Demon King uses the organizer's authority, as long as the person who is pulled into the game by the Demon King is estimated to be difficult to escape, unless the game can be cracked, otherwise, the Demon King will either be defeated by the Demon King or die!" Lin Hui slowly "But I'm different, I'm the devil against the devil!"

"My sponsor permission is very special. It can be said to be the most special sponsor permission in the entire Hako Garden. After the Demon King uses the sponsor permission, my sponsor permission can make the game initiated by the Demon Lord enter and interrupt indefinitely!"

"What?" This time even Yagiz was surprised, going into a hiatus indefinitely?Is there such an operation?

"Yes, as long as my game is not cracked, the other party can't continue the game. This is my sponsor's authority, so I am the devil against the devil!"

Chapter [-] The Assaulted Bird

After Lin Hui left, everyone with no name also left.

"Little brother Lin Hui is really confident!" Reverse Izayoi suddenly had a more interesting idea of ​​staying in Lin Hui's community, but unfortunately, at that time, Reverse Izayoi chose to join. It was the Black Rabbit community that was almost disbanded, and Lin Hui didn't establish his own community at that time, so he could only forget it.

However, Izayoi noticed just now that Lin Hui's words meant something, indicating that someone present should have contact with the prisoner, or know who the prisoner was.

Originally, Izayoi was a brainy person, so he quickly realized that, that is to say, the prisoner should have something to do with the people who were present at the time. If no name and Shiroyasha were excluded, then the person who was present at the time should have something to do with it. There are only seven deadly sins and Sandora and her brother Mandela.

From the perspective of the seven deadly sins, if it is really their hands and feet, it is impossible for Lin Hui not to know.

Taking Lin Hui's prestige in the seven deadly sins as an example, if someone really wants to do it, someone will definitely notify Lin Hui, and Lin Hui will not be able to go to the North District to sabotage his own people's deployment, that is to say , If the prisoner should have something to do with Mandela and Sandora, it means that the prisoner should be Sandora's friend, relative or someone from "samandra".

"Looks like, Brother Lin Hui knows a lot!" Reverse returned Izayoi nodded.

Afterwards, Reverse Izayoi took advantage of the fact that it was still early, so I planned to go shopping, but the black rabbit followed Reverse Izayoi, after all, Reverse Izayoi was the biggest problem child. If it's good, it's likely to cause trouble again.

Asuka and Yao are better, but Jen Russell is also following the two girls, there is no way, this is necessary.


Lin Hui accompanies Tokisaki Kuangsan around, while Himejima Akeno said to contact Rias. After all, although Lin Hui alone can solve this demon king attack, it is okay to let them participate. , you can gain some experience.

"Lord Husband, why don't you go and take a look in that cave?" Tokisaki Kuangsan pointed to a cave, as long as there was no one around, Tokisaki Kuangsan would show his true nature and teach Lin Hui "Lord Husband" without hesitation. Yes, and Lin Hui will not refuse this. After all, a beautiful and beautiful woman called her husband, is there anything more enjoyable than this?

"Okay!" Lin Hui walked in with Tokisaki Kuangsan.

"It's so beautiful!" Tokisaki Kurumi immediately showed his affection for the exhibits hanging on the surrounding walls.

Indeed, the exhibits here are indeed very unusual. Compared with the East District, the glass products here are more and more beautiful. There are many places where various handicraft products are placed, and the light is refracted through the dark caves. Open, making the crafts here more dazzling.

"It's so beautiful!" Tokisaki Kurumi looked at a very beautiful spherical castle-like castle made of emerald green glass. It could be done so delicately. Lin Hui also admired these communities and wanted to do it. To this extent, it is not just a matter of powerful gifts, but also a lot of patience. The gifts simply simplify the process.

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