"Beyond the name 'Fantasy', you can also call him a storyteller. He was the one who made Leticia degenerate into a demon king." Lin Hui said such an astonishing fact.

Immediately, the pupils and eyes of Hei Tu and the others shrank, because even the Black Rabbit didn't know about this matter. Bai Yasha looked at Lin Hui in surprise: "What do you know?"

"Nothing! It's just that tomorrow's opponent can be determined, right, Fei Niao?" Lin Hui looked at Jiu Yuan Fei Niao.

"Yeah!" Jiu Yuan Fei Niao nodded after thinking for a while: "I was attacked today, and what I encountered was a mouse, and if the mousetrap means a person who drives a mouse, then the person who attacked me today should be' Hamel's Piper' man!"

"Is there such a thing?" Bai Yasha suddenly felt that things were complicated: "But it shouldn't be possible!"

"Yes, because the community led by the Demon King lost a certain battle with a community, and that community should also disappear." Black Rabbit explained.

"That Demon King is leading the demons summoned from nearly 200 magic books. The name of that community is..." Bai Yasha was about to buy a pass, and wanted to see Lin Hui's reaction.

"'Grimm Grimoire', however, I can tell you that the 'Storyman' is not dead, although his community is indeed dead, but his power is still there,' Hammel's whistle Therefore, it is possible for the Piper to be summoned!" Lin Hui began to think: "However, I think the achievements of the Ratcatcher in the story of 'The Piper of Hamel' should not be enough for that person to be summoned. There should be a bigger reason for the demon that came out to become the Demon King!"

Bai Yasha looked at Lin Hui: "What do you mean, although the Demon King is the community of the 'Pied Piper of Hamel', his identity is not?"

Chapter [-] The Piper of Hamel

There was a plague in Hamel, and there were so many casualties that the residents were helpless, and at this moment, a Pied Piper in a red and yellow, ground-length robe came to the town, claiming that he could eradicate rats.

With the mentality of giving it a try, the mayor promised to ask him to take action with a generous reward.So the Pied Piper played his flute, and all the rats in the town were led into the river, and all of them were eradicated.

However, the mayor violated the agreement and refused to pay him.The angry Pied Piper played the flute again and led away 130 children from the town, and eventually disappeared at the execution ground in the hills.

This is a story from "The Pied Piper" in "Grimm's Fairy Tales". In this story, Hamel is the city where the event prototype of this story is located. The stone tablet of the city is inscribed like this:

The Day of John and Paul, June [-], [-]

The piper in bright costumes vanished from the execution ground near the hill with one hundred and thirty Hamel-born children.

And this piper is the Rattenfanger in Grimm's fairy tales, that is, the rat catcher, who can manipulate mice.

This is the story of the so-called Piper of Hamel.

And Jiuyuan Asuka can be sure that the person who attacked her is definitely the mouser from the story of "The Piper of Hamel", not only because the other party is a person who can manipulate mice, but also because the person said, impersonating Rattenfanger's is this little elf lying on her lap.

"In other words, is there still a 'Grimm Grimoire' remnant party? No, maybe it's not just the remnant party, I will make people pay attention, if it is the original Demon Lord, it will be troublesome, this time Be careful!" Bai Yasha suddenly felt that the incident of the demon king's attack this time seemed to become more and more confused.

"Don't worry so much, Bai Yasha, this time I can be sure that the Demon King will not appear." Lin Hui stood up and said to Bai Yasha, "If it's all right, I'll go to rest first, I'm exhausted. ."

"Hey, boy, you are boasting about getting rid of the demon king, is it really good?" Bai Yasha looked at Lin Hui: "Since you also know the demon king, you should be very clear about the power that the demon king possesses. , and it is the strength you need, is this really possible?"

Lin Hui scratched his head: "Don't say that, Shiroyasha, let's not say whether that Demon King will appear, and even if he does, I just happened to bring 'that' over here! If so, he really If it can pose a threat to me, I will not keep it, and I can try my new power at that time!"

"This time, I won't lose, Shiroyasha, you'd better pay attention to yourself. If something happens, it's you who will be the most embarrassed!" Lin Hui shrugged.

"Don't think of us as weak, okay? Anyway, it's not your turn to attack the Demon King this time!" Shiroyasha said confidently.

"Not necessarily, do you want to make a bet?" A smile appeared on Lin Hui's mouth.

"When... Forget it, your kid is too evil to bet against you." Shiroyasha was originally very confident, but when he thought of this kid, he seemed to know a lot of things, even the "Grimm Books of Fantasy" that had disappeared. Grimoire)" knew, and was very clear about his own affairs, and even beat himself in that game of bounty, letting himself lose to him a promise.

In this regard, Bai Yasha was a little unconfident, so he stopped the car in time.

"Che, it's really boring, the duck flying to the mouth." Lin Hui was very helpless.

The corner of Shiroyasha's mouth twitched, and he really didn't know what to say.


"Are you all ready?" A petite girl closed the book in her hand and looked at the two subordinates who were kneeling behind her.

"Yes, everything has been figured out." The man said softly.

"Master, the other party has a very terrifying guy. If the master hadn't rescued me this time, we might have been discovered by the other party." The woman was a little annoyed.

"Well, I know, so this time I have to work harder. The other party seems to be the leader of the newly established community 'seven deadly sins' and his subordinates. It seems that this time we have to do something. It has changed, is everything ready?" the girl asked.

"But, Master, do you really want to do this?" the man asked.

The girl nodded: "For our sad wish, to take revenge on the lazy sun, you must exert all your strength from the beginning, so I will give you a godhead at that time."

The woman was startled: "But, even if the master becomes a god, he should..."

"Don't worry, it is precisely because of the arrival of the 'seven deadly sins' leader, so those people want to try the strength of this community leader, after all, he has only participated in the gift game once so far, and That time was also carried out in the exclusive game field, so there is too little information, this time, I hope to test the strength of the other party." The girl said blankly.

Both the man and the woman bowed their heads. They also knew that their master was regarded as an abandoned son by those people, but the master did not give up the plan. On the contrary, he wanted to defeat the other party. If he could recover the seven deadly sins ) and the community to which he belongs, then their master has a greater right to speak.

"For the master's sad wishes, I will do my best!" The man and woman said in unison.

"Everything is about to start, get ready, tomorrow is the time when my long-cherished wish will come to an end!" The girl looked at the moon in the sky, and the bright moonlight shone on her fair face, adding a sadness to her.


At this moment, Lin Hui also looked up at the moon: "Finally, we can start to trace the trace of that guy. As long as there are those things, let me find them and see where you can hide this time? So I can follow the vine and pull up the alliance behind you!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Hui's mouth. This will be the first time Lin Hui has faced the mastermind behind the world.

Chapter [-]: The Black Document Falling From the Sky

On the boundary wall between the east and north areas, there is a passage dug out of the huge rock wall.

This passage leads to a circular game venue, and the auditorium is set up along the outline, showing the form of an ancient Roman arena surrounding the venue, which reminds Lin Hui of his previous experience in the FGO world. The real Roman Colosseum that I saw there.

On the high platform of the venue, Black Rabbit stood on it, still wearing an incomparably attractive black silk miniskirt suspender, which made people drool.

"I've made you wait for a long time! The main gift game of the Fire Dragon Birth Festival is about to begin! The host and referee will be the exclusive referee of thousands eyes! The familiar black rabbits will be responsible for serving everyone! Please give us more advice!"

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