One of the Contestant's Victory Conditions: Defeat the Host within three hours

The second victory condition for the contestants: within three hours, find clues about the title of King Lin Hui scattered in the venue and collect them, revealing all the names of kings on Lin Hui.

Participant's victory condition [-]: The organizer cannot meet the victory condition or surrender


Prohibited matters: It is forbidden for the contestant to interfere with the organizer's participants in the preliminary round by any means.

Oath: Respect the above

Based on glory, flags and sponsorship permissions

Host a Boon Game

seven deadly sins

"Have you read it? Do you have any objections? If you have any objections, you can ask Black Rabbit for confirmation now! Remember, you only have three hours to defeat me, or believe in your own escape ability. , dodged for three hours, or maybe you have the confidence to reveal the names of all the kings on my shoulders!" Lin Hui looked at the three of them and smiled.

"As you wish, let's start the game!" Pest almost bit her silver teeth into pieces.

The original plan was very good. With the help of this gift game to gather talents, if possible, it would be good to test out Lin Hui's intelligence. Of course, the ideal is to recruit all talents including Lin Hui. under their own community.

As a result, this plan was twists and turns, and in the end, they were dragged into the gift game by Lin Hui and had to fight against Lin Hui.

"By the way, I can also give you some favorable conditions, do you want to accept it?" Lin Hui suddenly thought of a good idea.

"Tell me!" Pest looked at Lin Hui. If there was a black rabbit here, even if Lin Hui wanted to cheat, there was nothing she could do, so Pest also wanted to hear it. If it could be used as a winning chip, she would Don't mind accepting.

"We added three more contestants, going back to Sixteen Nights, Jiuyuan Bird, and Sandora Teldorek. Among them, Jiuyuan Bird played half an hour after the start of the game, and Sandora Teldorek was in the game. I will play one hour after the start of the game, and Izayoi will play one and a half hours after the start of the game, I will play two hours after the start of the game, which is a very good advantage!" Lin Hui said confidently.

"Such favorable conditions?" Pest's eyes almost popped out.

Yes, it's so beneficial, I can't believe that Lin Hui would actually offer such favorable conditions, because if this is the case, they can start from two aspects, one is to delay time, and the other is to find information about Lin Hui. The clues of the king's name on the body, collect it and reveal all the king's names that Lin Hui bears, and as the strongest Lin Hui will play in two hours, that is to say, Lin Hui has only one hour at most To defeat them, in response to this, Pest believes that if he fights, he will not be able to lose within an hour no matter what, not to mention that if he snipes his helpers, then he can still maintain enough on his side. combat power.

"Black Rabbit, can such a condition be accepted?" Pest looked at Black Rabbit.

Black Rabbit closed his eyes and used his ears to accept the voice of the center of the garden: "As long as both parties can agree, then there is no problem."

"Since that's the case, then there's no need to hide. There are still six hours until the end of today. At eight o'clock, let's start the game!" Pest looked at Lin Hui.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it ends today." Lin Hui didn't care at all.

After the three of Pester left, Izayoi was a little dissatisfied with Lin Hui's actions: "Little brother, isn't your bet too high?"

"Are you really confident that they won't be able to achieve the second victory condition within three hours?" Izayoi looked at Lin Hui: "And what's the matter with placing me in third place? My playing time has been cut in half! It's abominable!"

"Idiot Izayoi, is this what you care about?" Black Rabbit complained directly: "Mr. Lin Hui, are you really sure of winning? This is too dangerous! And let Miss Asuka be the first Appear..."

"You have to believe in Fei Niao's strength, she's not such a vulnerable young lady!" Lin Hui smiled and then said, "Then I'll leave it to you, after all, if there are clues about Wang, it's impossible to collect all of them within an hour. Qi, so from the beginning, it is necessary to rely on Asuka and Sandora to harass each other, if it can be defeated, it will be the best!"

"But, why do you want me to play?" Sandora looked at Lin Hui: "Of course, I am very happy to play, but this gift game was initiated by Mr. Lin Hui, if you let me play, wouldn't it be a little bit tricky? …”

"No, Sandora, you must play!" At this time, Mandela said directly.

Lin Hui nodded: "Yes, yes, Sandora, you must play, otherwise, all the preparations 'Salamandra' has done will be completely useless!"

"What are you preparing for? What are you preparing for?" Sandora couldn't understand what Lin Hui meant at all.

"That is to say, the demon king this time was brought by 'Salamandra' himself, just think about it, after all, the second victory condition requires more than [-] pieces of stained glass, if so many stained glass want If you show it on handicrafts, you must show the name of the community.”

Reversely, Izayoi said with a half-smile: "And if that spotted loli showed the name of a community that was once led by the Demon King, how could those stained glass still be here?"

Lin Hui then went back to Izayoi's words and said, "Unless the organizer has let it go, of course, there is no need to guess at the beginning of this matter, because I already knew it!"

Chapter [-] The Devil's Game, the challenge begins!

That's right, the demon king this time was indeed brought in by "Salamandra" himself, because Sandora was still too young, and because of this, she was looked down upon by other class rulers.

This was also one of the reasons why Lin Hui didn't reveal the behind-the-scenes this time when he was present, because if he did, I'm afraid the game wouldn't be able to unfold so easily this time.

"Brother Mandela, is this true?" Sandora couldn't believe that the devil who caused such a major disaster this time was actually brought in by "Salamandra". What is the result!

"Why...why do you do this?" Black Rabbit asked almost subconsciously: "As a member of the community led by the class ruler, and also the guardian of order, you actually colluded with the demon king who disturbed the order?"

"I didn't collude with the Demon King!" Mandela retorted directly.

Lin Hui immediately shouted: "Yes, you did not collude with the devil, but what you did is no different from collusion with the devil!"

"You just want Sandora to repel the Demon King, and tell the rest of the rulers and the people in the northern district who look down on Sandora because Sandora is too young, even if she is young, Sandora can protect it. One of the class rulers in the North District, and established a reputation for it, right?"

Lin Hui looked at Mandela with a little indifference: "However, your actions really annoyed me. Your actions are like playing with other people's lives, completely ignoring the lives of others, just a villain for your own benefit! Indeed! , you 'Salamandra' I guess everyone knows except Sandora, but what about the rest of the community?"

"Can you also be responsible for them who got them involved? If there are victims among them, do you think you will know when you die? If this matter is stabbed out, I am afraid that the current 'Salamandra' Have you been convicted?"

Lin Hui looked at Mandela coldly: "Your original intention was good intentions, but unfortunately, you were too anxious, impatiently trying to prove Sandora's ability, indeed, although Sandora was young, With strong strength, prestige can indeed be established by a major event, but you have never thought about what will happen if you fail? What will happen to you if you fail? "

"Even if you all die here, there is a way to make amends for the other communities that were implicated by you! The 'Salamandra' used to be a good community, but if there is no me and no name members this time, Mander La, do you think you can solve the devil's game? Can Sandora defeat that Pest? The five-digit devil, for you guys, is already the equivalent of a natural disaster? In the face of such a natural disaster , If you think that you can win by relying on crowd tactics alone, you are wrong!"

"The transcendence in strength cannot be compared with the number of people!"

Lin Hui threw these words and left, and the others left one after another, leaving only Sandora, who was at a loss, and Mandela, who was standing there, her face turning blue.


"What? Against the Demon King? I want to fight too?" Jiu Yuan Fei Niao was stunned: "And it's the first one!"

But the further back, the whole person is excited: "You can rest assured, I will definitely defeat them, just let you see my gift! With this gift, I will definitely win!"

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