Leticia, who used to be the Demon King, just lost her godhead, and her power dropped to less than one-tenth.

Even if some ordinary beasts have obtained the divine status, they will be instantly upgraded to beast gods and demon gods.

And Lating, who was originally a six-digit figure, became a god after receiving the gift of the godhead, and it is not surprising that his strength has grown to the current level in one breath.

Although Lating is not a character who is good at fighting, but after being given a godhead, his strength is not weak at all, and being able to fight with Dean's long-distance flying bird is enough to see the fear of godhead.

While Lating was entangled in the long-term flying bird, Perst and Weser were still looking for the "King's Clue", because without Lating's search by manipulating the mouse, the speed slowed down a lot.

However, even so, Pest successfully deciphered the first king's name given to Lin Hui.

"Lin Hui, you used to be the undead who received the curse of God, the true ancestor of vampires, you have the name of the fifth true ancestor, you are called the tyrant of time and space, you command the beasts that manipulate time and space, you are a vampire s King!"

Although some words on the slate are incomprehensible, it is enough to reveal the name of the king that Lin Hui possesses.

The first king's name was revealed, and all the slates about the king's name all gathered together to form a huge slate that floated in the air.

"King of Vampires? Are you kidding me? Little brother, do you still have such an important identity?" Back to Izayoi looked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui said nonchalantly, "It's nothing, it's just in the past. I've given up this name a long time ago, haha!"

"The Fifth Primogenitor?" Sandora recalled what Vatra said at the time:

"Your Excellency the Fifth Primogenitor!"

That is to say, this identity is unquestionably confirmed. I didn't expect Lin Hui to have such an identity, which is really amazing.

After Jiu Yuan Fei Niao heard Pest's words, he was already in his heart. He didn't expect the other party to put together the first slate so quickly and revealed Lin Hui's name as a king. No one knew how many kings Lin Hui had. Names, maybe there are many, maybe only two?

Thinking of this, Jiuyuan Fei Niao decided not to keep his hands anymore, and directly increased the output regardless of the loss of Lingge!

"Defeat her, Dean!" Kuyuan Asuka shouted.


Chapter [-] When the game is in progress (middle)

Dean's arm stretched out in an instant, directly piercing three Sytroms, and grabbed Latine fiercely.

After all, it is made of divine precious iron. As one of the gifts that can maximize the use of long-term birds, Dean's toughness is excellent, and he can completely not worry about damage.

"What?" Lating didn't expect Dean to have such an outburst. He was trying to avoid it, but it was inevitable.


A strong black smoke collided with Dean's palm, directly bouncing Dean's arm away.

"Be careful, Lating, these people are all sent by that guy!" Pest's wide sleeves released extremely strong black smoke directly at Jiu Yuan Fei Niao.


Dean received the order, and the badge in front of him released a strong light, directly blocking the wave of black smoke.

"Take advantage of it now!" La Ting didn't know when he had come to Jiuyuan Fei Niao's side. When he was about to shoot down Jiu Yuan Fei Niao, he saw Jiu Yuan Fei Niao smiled: "Do you really think I won't have any preparations?"

"Don't think about it!" Accompanied by a lilting coquettish shout, a strong flame sprayed towards Lating, directly forcing Lating back.

"As the ruler of the Northern District, I will never allow you to do anything wrong!"

The time was just right, just at the moment when Jiuyuan Bird increased its output, the game started for an hour, just to let Sandora enter the field. In order to prevent anyone from noticing, Jiuyuan Bird deliberately launched a strong attack, directly forcing Pester. Came out to rescue Rating, but didn't notice that Sandora was on the field.

"Miss Asuka, please deal with Lating, let me fight the Demon King!" Sandora looked at Jiuyuan Asuka.

Jiuyuan Bird nodded: "Be careful!"

"No matter what, I'm also the class ruler of the North District!" Sandora smiled sweetly at Asuka Jiuyuan, and then rushed towards Peste.

"You're not too brave!" Pest snorted coldly, and released a large black wind directly. It was a black silk virus that almost became a solid body. Just a little bit of it was enough to kill people. Black wind is different, this is a qualitative change, and it is also the manifestation of the black death god of death, this is the gift she has!

Immediately, Sandora directly released a large flame. This is Sandora's gift. In terms of phase, it should be Sandora to restrain Pest. However, after all, the strong flame can easily take away the creature. Even the virus is no exception. However, the situation at the scene was that although Sandora could support her, she was suppressed at a disadvantage.

Indeed, although Sandora is the class ruler of the North District, it is still a reality that she is still young. In the face of a five-figure Demon King, even other North District class rulers have to deal with the existence carefully, and Now it's really hard for a little girl who is only eleven years old to deal with it alone.

And the bad news came one after another.

"Lin Hui, you once had the bloodline of a monster that is unique in the world - the bloodline of the great monster of the realm. You have the power of the realm that no one can match. You defeated the strongest monster, Arkad, and took his title. You are the king of monsters!"

Another slate floated into the air, and Lin Hui's second king's name was revealed.

King of Monsters!

This time, going back to Izayoi was even more interesting.

"Hahaha, little brother, just tell me what title you have, you monster, I didn't expect you to be the king of monsters, it's really interesting, but why did you give up now? Also, what is your realm? Is it the same as the Realm Gate?" Nihui Izayoi asked Lin Hui a series of questions like a studious student.

The only people who can know the name of King Lin Hui are the organizers and contestants. Although everyone else can see the rise of the slate, they don't know the name of the king that Lin Hui once owned.

However, seeing the appearance of the two slates now, even ordinary people know that the situation is not good.

After all, no one knew how many names Lin Hui had.

"Why, aren't you in a hurry?" Mandela looked at Rias and the others, obviously the names of their leaders were revealed one by one, but they seemed to be completely unaware.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Mandela, Lin Hui is not someone who will lose so easily!" Rias knew that since Lin Hui dared to propose this game, then there must be a reason for Lin Hui. Indeed, this game has customs clearance. The conditions are very harsh. However, all of this is in accordance with the rules of the small garden. If Pest and others don't pay attention, they will easily be ignored. The name of Lin Hui's last king is not the devil, nor is it The King of Humans is a deeper, but more easily discovered, but easily overlooked title.

Another half an hour passed, and Izayoi stood up: "Then, little brother, I'll set off first!"

One and a half hours after the start of the match, that is, half the time, Reverse Izayoi joined the battlefield.

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