"Lating, you go look for the slate, fast!" Pesto launched an attack directly at Jiuyuan Bird.

"Dean!" Jiuyuan Asuka shouted when he saw the attack coming towards him.

Dean was attacking Lating originally, and Lating was about to lose his strength. However, if Jiuyuan Bird died, then it would really be worth the loss, so he could only give up attacking Lating and protect Jiuyuan Bird instead.

The red iron fist dissipated the black wind, and Lating took the opportunity to jump out of the battle circle, and immediately played the flute to let the mouse search for those slates in an all-round way. It seems too laborious.

Pester suppressed Sandora and Kuyuan Asuka alone, and the two sides could only stalemate.


The moment I heard the bell rang, Izayoi smacked his tongue: "Really, even the little brother has appeared, so the game should be over, it's time! Come and try it, you've always wanted to take advantage of it. Follow the trump card I took out!"

"Have you found it?" Weser felt a little bad. If it was found, it would be very bad, and the other party would definitely be on guard.

"What's wrong, don't keep your strength, Weser, that look in your one-shot win really annoys me!" Reverse Izayoi said this, but the expression on his face The excited expression has already betrayed the mood of Reverse Izayoi.

Weser tugged at the collar: "OK, die, brat!"

Afterwards, Weser spun the stick and gathered all the powerful forces together, just in one blow!

"Not bad, it seems worth looking forward to!" Reverse Izayoi's whole body bent forward slightly, and rushed towards Weser in an instant.

"Come on, stinky boy!" Weser also poured all his power into the name, and slammed it into the reverse of Izayoi.


The entire town of Hamel was trembling, as if a magnitude [-] earthquake had occurred, and a mushroom cloud rose from the battle between Reverse Izayoi and Weser.

"Damn, where is it? Where is it?" Lating kept searching.

"Are you looking for this?" A voice came out. Although it was very calm, it was like a thunderbolt in Lating's ears. When she looked back, she saw the silver end that was constantly shining under the moonlight. Broken hair.

Lin Hui held a relatively core slate in his hand and threw it aside, while a red magic spear appeared in his hand: "Piercing! Penetrating! Penetrating the Gun of Death (Gae Bolg Alternative) !)"

Lin Hui pinned Lating to the ground with a single blow, and another magic spear appeared in the other hand, which directly pierced through Lating's hungry heart, killing him with a single blow.

"You really are a monster!" La Ting's body was gradually disappearing.

"You're welcome, I'm often told that." Lin Hui disappeared in place.


Peste felt that both of his subordinates had disappeared. At this moment, he released his powerful power with all his strength: "I only need Shiroyasha, and everyone else will die!"

Suddenly, a black wind of death appeared in the sky, and Sandora and Jiuyuan Asuka looked at all this with extremely frightened eyes.

"Is it because Shiroyasha is the star spirit in charge of the sun?" At this moment, a figure stood in front of the two women.

"Disappear!" Pest called all the wind of death towards Lin Hui.

Lin Hui looked at all this and raised a hand gently: "The fallen sun wheel, the glorious Tianma, come quickly at this moment, obey my call, and give all destruction and perish!"

At this moment, the strong light dispels the virus, dispels the darkness, and turns the world that was originally late at night into day.

"How is that possible? It's actually the sun?!" Pest said in horror.

The Black Death was originally because the solar activity entered a minimum period, which made the earth enter a cold period, and the black death continued to spread. When the solar activity resumed frequently, the cold on the earth was dissipated, and the black death The disease gradually disappeared.

And Peister's gift came from the Black Death, the sun was the biggest world for the Black Death, and the last power in Lin Hui's body was the symbol of the sun and the Pegasus that carried the fire of the sun!

"Why? Why do you have the gift of the sun?!" Pest looked at Lin Hui with a sad expression in her eyes, as if to say, why haven't you said it before?

Pegasus came galloping, and directly burned Peste with the fire of the sun.

Due to Pester's death, the town of Hamel is also gradually disappearing, and the magic book will naturally not be able to exert its power without the support of power.

Lin Hui snapped his fingers, and all the talent glass about "Hamel's Piper" was collected by Lin Hui. After all, this is an important thing to summon Spotted Loli, and it is still possible to track Spotted Lolita. A clue to the person behind.

After all, Spot Lolita did not become a god by proper means, so the godhead can only be given to one person at most. However, it is too strange that even La Ting has a godhead, that is to say, this godhead was sent by someone else. Take a look at your own strength.

This anomaly is more worrying!

Destroy it if you can't grasp it, just like Arcadia when it was extremely strong, a demon king shot, defeated Arcadia, and took everything that could be taken away, making it the current no. name.

"Do you want to test me? Be careful not to be turned against by me!" Lin Hui smiled. If others wanted to test him, he also wanted to test others!

Chapter [-] After all, there is one more object that can be molested

The boon game is over, and all those who have been hit by the Black Death virus have recovered. Since the game initiated by Lin Hui was won by Lin Hui's side, the game initiated by Pest's side has naturally changed. Lin Hui and others won the victory, and as a result, Bai Yasha's ban was lifted.

"Ah, what a shame!" Bai Yasha couldn't help but said while sitting on the seat: "You reminded us so much, we didn't expect that we would still be hit, but after all, the other party took the 'death of [-] million people'. The Demon King of the Black Death, I can't blame us for becoming like this!"

Baiyasha feels aggrieved. If it is because of this aspect that he is sealed, then there is no way for Baiyasha. After all, the other party appeared specifically to restrain himself, but it seems that in addition to Baiyasha, there is another The individual bears the sun on his back, and the other party is very special, and it is also unheard of in the small garden to target the demon king.

"Then, as compensation for this time, please help me call out that spotted loli again!" Lin Hui took a sip of tea and said, "Well, Zhu Nai's craftsmanship has improved."

"Alala, Lin Hui is really polite!" Jijima Akeno held a tray on the side, and said with a smile on his face with one hand.

This time, Rias and the others were just here to make up a number. They originally planned to deal with Pest at the very beginning, but unfortunately, they were helpless in the end, so Lin Hui could only launch the gift game to pull the other party in. However, Rias had seen the gift game of the two demon kings. One was initiated by Pester. Although Rias knew the situation, if it was this kind of gift game, it would take a certain amount of time to crack it. It is best to get enough time.

However, if there is a situation like this that cannot be delayed, the sooner it must be resolved, the need to show sufficient negotiating skills, this is what Rias needs to think about.

Not only that, after seeing Lin Hui's gift game, Rias put herself in the position of Pest to explore the key to the game's success. First of all, she didn't know how many Lin Hui's king's name was. We must try our best to collect them, and we also need to pay attention to whether Lin Hui has the possibility of hiding the name of the king, and we also need to work together to deal with the people who continue to leave the field with the passage of time.

It's just that Pest didn't do a good job here. Although Lin Hui's two kings' names were revealed, but after the reveal, they each encountered opponents. It is better to use the time spent searching for the slate to deal with the first one to end. In other words, the long-term flying bird, or rather, is dealt with by Pest rather than by Lating who can manipulate the mouse, so the odds of winning are better.

"Oh, is that right? It's just that it might not be that simple to call out that Spotted Loli again! But according to Hakoba's rules, the ownership of the defeated Demon King is yours, and it will take a while!" Yasha said while fanning his fan.

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