As everyone knows, Lin Hui's action has great lethality to this fourteen-year-old girl.

Kasugabe Yao's face turned slightly red: "That, Mr. Lin Hui..."

"Just call me Lin Hui, it's so unfamiliar to call Mr. Lin!" Lin Hui said with a smile.

"Then, Lin Hui, you said before, who can help me become stronger? Before my gift is completed." Kasugabe Yao held the wooden sculpture on his chest.

"Well, there is indeed a way, why, have you figured it out?" Lin Hui looked at Kasugabe Yao.

"I want to be stronger!"

The girl's voice entered Lin Hui's ears.

Chapter [-] Is it just taking advantage of it?


Lin Hui snapped his fingers: "OK, as long as you have this heart, then there is no problem at all, come with me!"

Afterwards, Lin Hui turned around and took Kasugabe Yao to a relatively secret basement.

Standing here, Lin Hui began to chant Yan Ling: "Thousands of beasts, infinite beasts, divine beasts like stars, obey my call, not for the ravages of the evil, nor the righteousness of the good. , come only for our wish to protect!"

Immediately, dozens of divine beasts who had fought with the star beasts summoned by Shiroyasha appeared here. Of course, there are definitely no divine beasts with a terrifying body like Gugalan, the bull of the sky. After all, they are too huge. Once they appear, Don't talk about the basement here, it is possible to directly overturn the resident of the seven deadly sins.

"This, these are..." Kasugabe Yao looked at the divine beasts in front of him.

Then, he touched it lightly.

The legendary auspicious beast, the unicorn, bowed his head very meekly and let Kasugabe Yō caress his head there.

Kasugabu Yao can feel the kindness from the unicorn, and he can also feel that he seems to have obtained the power of fire that the unicorn can manipulate. If it is said, in the previous game, Kasugabu Yao obtained this. The ability to manipulate Ruihuo, then the enemy of the ghost system can also be defeated.

However, when Kasugabe Yō's hand was released, the ability to manipulate Ruihuo, which was originally stored in the "Life Catalog", was also constantly passing away, and it only took half an hour to completely drain it.

"Lin Hui, this is it?" Kasugabe Yao looked at Lin Hui and didn't quite understand it. If he had to make such a supplement every time, then it was too much trouble for Lin Hui. Kasugabe Yao was also a very proud woman. Child, although she is relatively quiet, as a girl who can make friends with many legendary creatures and gain their abilities, she also has her own dignity. If you have to rely on Lin Hui every time, then even if she You will look down on yourself.

Even Jiuyuan Flying Bird just asked Lin Hui to parse out the gifts on her body. Those gifts were obtained by Jiuyuan Flying Bird relying on her own abilities.

Although Kasugabe Yō also learned about the power of her gift from Lin Hui, but because of the lack of many legendary creatures appearing in front of her, her strength progress will be so slow.

Therefore, she would go to ask Lin Hui, and her target is also Lin Hui's incarnation of the beast. If there are a large number of legendary creatures that can get some of them, even only a few can be, Kasugabe Yao's There will be huge gains in power, because that's what her boons are.

You can collect those characteristics from any living body, and then "evolve" and "synthesize", and even let Kasugabe Yao continue to evolve his own life genes. If you get enough life characteristics, let alone gods, it is even pure. The power of blood dragons and even Protoss can be simulated by Kasugabu Yao.

This is the "Catalog of Life", the existence that ranks among the highest-level gifts of mankind.

It's a pity that Lin Hui's incarnation of monsters is not life. If you insist, it is just a magical life form composed of a part of the magic power separated from Lin Hui. If Lin Hui does not maintain it, these mythical beasts will immediately turn into magic power and start again. Return to Lin Hui's body.

But Lin Hui's own life is human, and it is impossible for him to carry the characteristics of various life forms. Otherwise, is Lin Hui a collection of humans or monsters?

Therefore, Lin Hui can only use this method to help Kasugabu Yao. As for maintaining the lost power, Lin Hui also has a way.

"It's okay, Yao, you first collect the characteristics of these divine beasts, and I'll help you stabilize the lost power later!" Lin Hui patted Kasugabe Yao's back: "Go!"

It's not that Lin Hui doesn't want Kasugabu Yao to collect more life characteristics of divine beasts, but with Kasugabe Yao's current ability, being able to obtain the life characteristics of twenty-four divine beasts is already the limit. It takes a while to get used to, just like eating one bite at a time, with Kasugabu Yō's current appetite, these twenty-four divine beasts can already satisfy Kasugabu Yō.

"Yeah!" Kasugabe Yao listened happily, and began to continuously obtain their life characteristics from these divine beasts, the killing power of the White Tiger, the Suzaku's unafraid of fire damage, and even the ashes will speed up the recovery of injuries, Xuanwu's Defense power, Qinglong's vitality and flying ability, Soaring Snake's power to manipulate the earth, Sphinx's Word Spirit and Cyclops' improved arm strength, and Pegasus's increased flight speed, etc.

After obtaining the life characteristics of these twenty-four mythical beasts, Lin Hui released the incarnation of the beast, and at this moment, the first Qilin's ability to manipulate Ruihuo had less than fifteen minutes left.

"Please!" Kasugabe Yao pleaded with Lin Hui.

Lin Hui touched his face: "I just hope you don't hit me later!"

"Huh?" Kasugabe Yao was a little confused, it was Lin Hui who was helping him, but why did he hit Lin Hui?

The power of the incarnation of Warcraft comes from the power in Lin Hui's body. If he wants to be stable, then he naturally needs Lin Hui's power to stabilize, and there is only one best way to stabilize.

Lin Hui hugged Kasugabe Yao all of a sudden, making Kasugabe Yao panic a little: "Eh? Lin Hui?"

Amidst Kasugabe Yō's shoving and his blushing face, Lin Hui lowered his head and took away the girl's first kiss without hesitation.

"The power between heaven and earth, all turned into my power, give to the person in front of me, give him the supreme protection, admit it, agree with it, and then praise it, this is the love of the supreme king!"

Chapter [-] Yao's gift has changed!

Lin Hui chased Kasugabe Yō while patting the dust on his clothes: "Yao, I've already apologized, so don't be angry, okay?"

"How can you not be angry?" Kasugabe Yao turned his head to look at Lin Hui: "How could you do this without asking the girl's opinion!"

Even Kasugabe Yō, who has always been quiet, has rarely made such a big fire, which shows the meaning of the first kiss to a girl.

At this moment, the crimson on Kasugabe Yao's face has not yet subsided, and it can be seen that Kasugabu Yao is still immersed in the humiliation and anger of being forcibly kissed by Lin Hui just now.

However, I have to say that Lin Hui's protection was indeed well sent into Kasugabu Yao's body, allowing the life characteristics of the twenty-four divine beasts to remain in Kasugabu Yao's gift, even if enough time , Kasugabe Yō completely "analyzed" the life characteristics of this part, and finally "synthesized" the "evolution". Even without Lin Hui's protection, the life characteristics of these divine beasts will not disappear.

This is the power of Kasukabe Yō's gift "Life Catalog".

Just now, Lin Hui sent the escort into Kasukabe Yō's body by kissing, helping Kasugabe Yō to stabilize that part of his life characteristics. Now Kasugabe Yō can still feel the warm power flowing from Lin Hui's mouth. Filling his whole body, the blushing on Kasugabe Yō's face couldn't go away when he thought about it.

When Lin Hui let go, Kasugabe Yao was barely able to stand still by relying on Lin Hui's arms holding her. At that time, Kasugabe Yao was dizzy.

However, when Kasugabe Yao woke up, he directly threw Lin Hui over his shoulder, which caught Lin Hui off guard and fell directly to the ground.

However, Kasugabe Yō's reaction was to be expected, it was a good idea not to slap himself on the spot.

After all, one of the three most important things for a girl has been taken away by herself.

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