"It doesn't matter, the purpose of this event is to bring all the communities together and play a game happily. Of course, there are also the purposes of making our community famous and making money." Lin Hui said very casually. .

"Your Excellency is so polite. If you want to talk about fame, your community 'seven deadly sins' has long been known to everyone in the lower level of the garden, and now your Excellency has held such a huge ceremony. It is estimated that the upper echelons of the small garden are also very interested in your community." Sarah spoke very appropriately: "Besides, if you want to make money, holding such a huge ceremony already shows that your community has huge wealth. "

"But this time I came here to send an invitation letter to Your Excellency and Your Community." Saying that, Sarah took out an invitation letter.

Lin Hui opened it up and smiled softly, "It's really scary to have the president of the 'Dragon Horned Griffon' Alliance come to send me the invitation letter for the harvest festival in person!"

Sarah shook her head: "Because it's Your Excellency, I have to deliver it myself."

"I know, the 'seven deadly sins' will definitely go, but I can't be sure if I have time, but you'd better make sure that all the prizes are taken by us!" Lin Hui put away the invitation.

"If so, this is what your community deserves." Sarah nodded to Lin Hui and left.

Watching Sarah leave, Lin Hui thought for a moment: "Are you testing me? Or, is it really just to send me an invitation letter? Forget it, anyway, wait until the end of the gift game I prepared. , even if the preparations for this world are almost done, then let’s just let it take its course!”

Lin Hui stood up, with a sinister smile on his face: "It's been three days since I started, and I occasionally showed my face, it's my turn to make arrangements in the next four days, all gods and gods, When you see the big gift I gave you, I hope you will not be too surprised!"


After these three days passed smoothly, the festival on the fourth day ushered in a huge climax. A series of powerful communities headed by the seven deadly sins and no name finally began to be attacked by other communities. Blocking, after all, in the past three days, whether it is the seven deadly sins (seven deadly sins), no name, or other powerful communities, they have harvested too many prizes, and they have been envied by many communities. Therefore, in some team battles Or in other melees, some slightly weaker communities all united to resist the attack of these powerful communities.

"Very good, very good, that's it!" In the face of the alliance of many communities, Izayoi was not afraid at all, but instead he took the lead and forcibly opened a bloody path.

"We have Izayoi-kun here, so the job of opening the road will naturally be left to the men!" Jiuyuan Asuka smiled softly on Dean's shoulder.

Reversely, Izayoi stopped for a while: "Yes, yes, Miss!"

Kasugabe Yō was sitting next to Kuyuan Asuka: "Actually, I want to try it too."

"Ah, I didn't expect Yao to have such a hot-blooded side!" Jiuyuan Asuka joked slightly.

Kasugabe Yao shook his head: "No, I just want to try it out, this power."

Jiuyuan Asuka looked at the wood carving on Kasugabe's chest: "I really can't believe it, I didn't expect Yao's gift to be so powerful!"

"Asuka's is also very powerful." Kasugabe Yō said with great certainty.

"Yeah! So, let's do our best together!" Kuto Asuka said to Kasugabe Yao.



On this day, there are really many communities that have been successfully blocked by other lesser communities. After all, there is no such thing as inadmissibility in the rules of the game. However, a truly powerful community can always break through obstacles, such as no name, There are also seven deadly sins, especially those in the DXD world, and the night attack squads in other worlds have basically achieved good results, but after all, the starting point is a bit lower, even if they get a good score in this world Small progress, but still a long way from the top.

After all the games were over, everyone began to return to the accommodation arranged by the seven deadly sins to prepare for rest.

Lin Hui also hurried back dragging his tired body: "Huh, it seems a bit reluctant to finish it in one day, but there is still time, so don't be too nervous, go take a shower first!"

It was very late, and Lin Hui also noticed that many doors were blocked, which was considered a place forbidding others to enter, and some important places were also closed.

Lin Hui saw that there was also a ban on the door of the large bath, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Forget it, explain to Leticia later, there is no need for the bath, after all, there is nothing worth stealing!"

Afterwards, Lin Hui directly broke through the ban by relying on the physique of his own godslayer. After opening the door, a snow-white beauty was imprinted in his eyes.

History is always strikingly similar!

Chapter [-]: Old Siji Bai Yasha!

Well, it's really good!

Fabulous Fabulous!

Let's talk about the people in the bath first. There are Leticia, Kuto Asuka, Kasugabe Yao, Black Rabbit, Shiroyasha, Gurefia, Ji Hiiratina, Blue Feather Moe Onion, and Chiye Mengxiang. People, although it is a bit extravagant for nine people to use a large bathroom that can be used by a hundred people, but usually only Lin Hui or the girls around Lin Hui use it, but because there are really a lot of girls around Lin Hui, so Can't say anything extravagant.

But the problem is that it is already late at night according to the time, and these people have not gone to bed but are bathing here, which is a bit unreasonable!

But I have to say that the girls here are really thin and fat, colorful and unforgettable!

At this moment, Leticia has released her transformation. After taking off the ribbon on her head, she has turned into an adult form. Although Leticia still has some sad thoughts on her chest at this moment, her slightly cold face and her slender figure, The pure white jade body seems to be just right, and the special temperament bonus of being the king of vampires in the past makes people want to completely suppress it.

Similar to Leticia's figure is Kasugabe Yao, but her figure tends to be slender, full of balance, and her posture is very beautiful. Even if she looks a little immature, her collarbone and lines are quite attractive, although she is only a fourteen-year-old girl. , but the slightly green girl also gives people a strong impulse.

Then came the black rabbit, ah, worthy of being the plaything of the gods, at first glance, he was only about sixteen or seventeen years old, but the plump and well-developed European style in front of him was formed and did not collapse at all. The ideal body shape is obviously such a lewd body, but the heart is extremely pure, such a strong contrast makes people unable to control.

There is also the eldest Miss Jiuyuan Fei Niao, who does not develop like a fifteen-year-old girl at all. From the collarbone to the Oupai, the development is so plump, but the line of the navel has not collapsed at all. If you touch it lightly, it must be The soft and slender girl's skin, and if you knead the buttocks to the thighs, you can definitely feel the tender and girly touch between your fingers, ah, it seems to touch it!

Next is Gurefia, that long silver-white hair will make all the silver-haired unable to control themselves, plus that mature and developed by herself, it can be called protruding front and back, breasts. The perfect figure with fat buttocks is completely a ripe peach. Lin Hui, who once tasted it, still has a lot of aftertastes!

Chi Ye Mengxiang is also a girl with a perfect figure, and she is also a legendary vampire. The charming aura she inadvertently exudes is a man's poison. Although it is not as prominent as Gurefia, her face is occasionally revealed. The weak expression gives people a desire to hold it in the palm of his hand and take good care of it.

Needless to say, Ji Yuncai has the same face as Ji Yixuecai, but in terms of stature, it completely blows Ji Yuncai. The vice expression, as the daughter of Ji Hiragana Yukina, Ji Hiragana Lingcai can be exactly the same as Ji Hiragana Yukina, and the strong temperament that occasionally reveals gives people the feeling of wanting to rub her sharpness and suppress it completely.

Although Lan Yumengcong is not nearly the same as her mother like Ji Hiiragi Lingcai, she has inherited Lanyu Shallowan's intelligent mind, plus her researcher's temperament, and she can be compared with Lanyu Shallowan. Body, if a girl's perfect score is [-]%, then Lan Yumengcong is [-]%!

In addition, the last three are their own daughters, so the feeling of breaking through the taboo is really unbearable!

As for the last person, Lin Hui looked over, and after meeting his gaze, he looked at the other person's body, and in the end he could only make a "ha" sound.

Well, after all, although she is a loli, Shiroyasha can't be called a loli at all, loli, she should be like Nayuki-chan. Although she is small, she must be arrogant and cold, and you can't show like Shiroyasha. The expression like a idiot, this is simply a blasphemy to Loli, yes, Bai Yasha can only be regarded as an old Siji!

"Hey, boy, what do you mean! When you look at other people, you look like a pig, why did you become a saint when you came to me! Explain it to me! What does 'he' mean? !"

Bai Yasha pretended to roll up his sleeves, and was already rushing all the way to the rhythm with Lin Hui!


Immediately, there was an earth-shattering cry in the large bath. Fortunately, Lin Hui had been prepared and had already set up a soundproof barrier around him, otherwise it would definitely disturb the surroundings, especially at this time, in case someone caught him. This current situation is not very good.

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