Chapter [-] Trial ([-])

Although Kasugabe Yō defeated Assassin, no one dared to go to the tenth and eleventh floors even after three hours had passed. After all, before the battle was over, everyone who entered was teleported out, and the poisonous gas was also present. It has been spreading upwards and downwards.

Right here, a girl in red rushed in desperately.

Through the new jade card, I immediately found the location of Kasugabe Yō, which was the medical station on the tenth floor.

"Yao, are you alright?" Kuyuan Asuka immediately put on a new jade token after being teleported out and went directly to Kasugabu Yao.

Kasugabe Yao waved his hand, although there are still wounds in some places on his hand, but it is all right now: "It's all right."

"Congratulations, Yō!" Kuyuan Asuka looked at Kasukabe Yō, and said happily immediately after confirming that Kasugabe Yō was all right.

"Well, Asuka also has to work hard!" Kasugabe Yao said with a smile.

Jiu Yuan Fei Niao is naturally full of confidence: "Of course, I also have to win an original sin token!"

As a trio of troubled children, Jiuyuan Asuka is the only one left without the original sin token, and Reverse Sixteen Ye got the original sin token as early as the first day, and the second original sin token is in It seems to be in the hands of a community with a relatively small reputation. After all, the name of the other party has not been heard by Asuka and Kasugabe Yoshio for a long time. However, the fact that the other party can defeat the leader of the original sin also has a little strength. Maybe it is the so-called powerful community that they do not know. maybe.

The third original sin token is naturally in the hands of Kasugabe Yō.

It's amazing to see this, no name is really going to become famous this time in Hakoniwa, not only has the strength, but also the luck is first-class, the first time back to Izayoi was really lucky, the second time was Those who have the means of restraint can only be defeated. However, for Kasugabe Yō's bravery, the people present also hold respect. In that case, dare to perish together, even if the token of original sin is likely to be picked up by others. It doesn't matter.

No, it should be said that she trusts her team members very much. She knows that Jiu Yuan Fei Niao will be the first to rush through. Even with such a violent poison, she will definitely arrive first, so she will ignore it. All in one go.

Facts have proved that her choice was right, but the ending was happy, she herself was not eliminated, and Jiu Yuan Fei Niao was the first to arrive here.

Therefore, no name now has two pieces, almost occupying one-third of the original sin token, and the original sin token is only seven, and the seventh piece is on the twentieth floor, on the other floors. Half of the land has already appeared, and now, the other half is missing, not even the shadow of the original sin leader.

Therefore, those communities in the arena who were determined to win the original sin token began to look for the original sin leader, as if they wanted to find all the other original sin leaders.

At this moment, Reverse Izayoi finally arrived at the eleventh floor, while Kuyuan Asuka and Kasugabe Yao also entered the eleventh floor from the tenth floor.

No name's three big problem children finally converge.

Afterwards, Izayoi explained the content of this gift game to Asuka Kuto and Kasugabe Yō a little bit, and chose the six warriors to fight against the dragon in the way of Dragon Quest. This game should be played after defeating the dragon. There is a follow-up, but it should not appear in this festival, and now I just plan to pick out seven heroes.

"Speaking of which, Lin Hui is really a childish person!" When Jiuyuan Fei Niao thought that his body was actually looked down upon by such a person, his whole person became unwell in an instant.

"So, is this original sin token still useful?" Kasugabe Yao looked at the original sin token in his hand, and the word "lust" engraved on it, his face was a little broken: "But this The original sin token sounds awful!"

"Okay, the two eldest misses, accompany me to the sixteenth floor!" Reverse returned Izayoi to the two girls.

"Let's go, go and open the entrance to the sixteenth floor." Kuto Asuka took Kasugabe Yō and Rei back to Izayoi, and manipulated Dean to run towards the lower floor.


At this moment, although he is carrying the original sin token, at least some people around don't dare to go up when they find the no-name trio. One is a fierce man who killed an original sin leader on the first day, and the other can be eliminated. The ruthless man who was killed by the original sin leader who killed nearly a thousand people, the one who manipulated the red steel giant is not easy to mess with, so if you find trouble with these three people, even if you have companions by your side, you won't dare to go!

On the contrary, the side of the white-haired boy has been attacked and ambushed several times. After all, not many people know them, and they should be easier to bully.

However, after a few times, the group of white-haired boys also had fewer people to harass them. They were able to continuously defeat those who attacked and ambushed in such a situation, but they took all their points. This is not What a simple role!

For this reason, Cai Liling's score rushed to the top [-] in one breath, and even almost squeezed into the top [-].

At present, the highest score among the original sin token holders is Kasugabu Yao, ranking [-]th, followed by Reverse Sixteen Nights, ranking [-]st, and Caili Ling is the [-]th. .

Looking at these three people, many communities have felt that if Chi You can hold the original sin token, the score cannot be too low. After all, there is an existence that can defeat the original sin leader.

At this moment, everyone is looking at the current ranking first, belonging to the community "Seven Heavenly Great Sage", his father is Garuda, the head of the eight heavenly dragons, and his race is the golden-winged Dapeng bird, ranking among the seven great demon kings. The fourth Peng Demon King's Jialing, this is definitely a fierce person.

After all, Jialing's strength is placed there, and the strength is a top four-digit existence, and this time, only Jialing came over to the community "Monkey King". This game attracted her, and she also showed her strength as the Peng Demon King during the Seven-Day War, and took the top spot in one breath.

With Jialing's strength, there is naturally no problem, but unfortunately, because she has always been alone, with no companions or teammates, and no one even dares to approach her, otherwise, Yi Jialing's gift can definitely be turned directly in the palm of your hand. Killing that Assassin, unfortunately, she didn't know about it.

Many people are more regretful, because there was once a token of original sin that was easily available to Kaling, but it flew away because it was out of tune with the people around him.

Chapter [-] Trials ([-])

However, Jialing, who was sweeping the "imaginary enemy" on the [-]th floor, found a passage that was not on the map. Suddenly, Jialing thought of one thing, and that was about the original sin leader. If nothing else happened If so, perhaps, there is an original sin leader in the fourteenth floor.

Thinking of this, Kaling immediately rushed in.

However, because no one paid attention to Jialing's behavior, no one found that Jialing seemed to have encountered the original sin leader. After all, this Jialing's action had to be observed on nearly [-] screens, unless he paid special attention, otherwise he would not. found.

However, Lin Hui noticed it, so he immediately notified Black Rabbit.

"Black Rabbit, broadcast it to Kaling of the community 'Seven Heavenly Great Sage'!"

After receiving the news from Lin Hui, Black Rabbit immediately switched the broadcast, which surprised many people, because Jialing was flying in a long and narrow tunnel at the moment, and there was no fighting behavior at all.

But it was this seemingly ordinary behavior that revealed an unusual feeling.

As we all know, there are billions of "imaginary enemies" in the underground maze, so almost every layer of the underground maze is densely packed with "imaginary enemies". There is such a place where no "imaginary enemy" exists.

Unless there is one point, that is, this is the passage to the original sin leader.

Jialing saw that the exit was in front of him, and the whole person rushed in quickly. The moment he entered the ground, he saw a red land. On the plain not far away stood a young man with his arms folded on his chest. gun, eyes closed.

At the moment when Jialing rushed in, the young man slowly opened his eyes: "Are you here? Those who want to defeat the original sin and challenge the original sin?"

Jialing fell to the ground, and the whole person was full of arrogance: "That's natural, I'm here to defeat you!"

This young girl with long black hair, wearing boldly open from the shoulders to the back, with gorgeous decorations, but her appearance looks a little young, with a little flame burning all over her body.

With hair that grows at will, the skin all over his body looks a bit translucent and white, his eyes are as sharp as a polished blade, and his exposed chest is inlaid with red gems, brewing a young man with a more coquettish feeling than a woman. Putting down his hands, at this moment, an extremely incredible breath appeared.

This young man has a set of golden armor that is not so much wrapped around the whole body, but seems to be fused with the body, exuding a sacred brilliance, and it is shining at the moment.

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