Galahad crushed his jade card and ended his trip to the gift game this time.

The rest of the members of the Round Table Knights also crushed their jade cards. From the battle between Saber and Galahad, they can see Saber's disappointment. They need to reflect on what they have done. Is it worthy of the names of those knights in the Round Table Knights?


"Yo, Saber, can you fight with me next? I'm a little embarrassed, but I want your original sin token!"

Reverse Izayoi charged directly towards Saber.

Saber raised his sword and slashed directly at Izayoi: "I accept your challenge!"


The terrifying force directly shattered everything, and the land under the two of them was directly shattered by the impact, revealing a large lava lake. Then, the two sides immediately left here and moved towards the next area.

"Take it!" At this moment, Izayoi directly punched Saber.

Saber's backhand was a sword immediately, and he stabbed directly at Hungry Reverse Izayoi.


The attack of the two surprised everyone again. The terrifying collision of power was unbelievable. The power of Reverse Izayoi was seen in the previous Boon game.

But you must know that Saber is seriously injured right now!

Under such circumstances, it was unbelievable that he could still be on a par with Reverse Izayoi.

"Your injury, don't tell me..." Reverse Izayoi noticed immediately, Saber's complexion was much better than before, and the whole person started to attack Reverse Izayoi.

"It's not impossible for me, who has enough magic power, to give out a part to heal my body, right?"

Saber directly admitted this in disguise.

If Saber's injuries were to be healed, everything that Kasugabe Yō had done before would be in vain.

Thinking of this, Reverse Izayoi couldn't bear it any longer: "There is no other way, I can only use this trick! I didn't want to use it originally!"

At this moment, Nihui Izayoi directly blasted out a beam of light. At this moment, this beam of light shattered everything, directly penetrated Saber's body, and shattered everything.

"This...this is..." The white-haired boy immediately noticed that this was the true power of Izayoi Izayoi, and at the same time, he also understood, Izayoi Izayoi's true face.


"Hoho, is that so?" Shiroyasha looked at Reverse Izayoi, and immediately became interested.

Lin Hui looked at Bai Yasha: "What's wrong? What did Izayoi do just now?"

Bai Yasha pretended to be mysterious and said, "It's nothing, I just didn't expect it!"


Immediately, everyone in the audience was stunned. Originally, when they saw the cooperation of Kasugabe Yō and Jiuyuan Asuka, when such a powerful force erupted in one breath, everyone was stunned. In addition to the six nights, there are two monsters. If it is in the gift game, no one can resist the combined blow of the two.

Later, there was a battle between Izayoi Izayoi and Saber. In the end, I thought Izayoi Izayoi and Saber would fight to the end, but Izayoi Izayoi shot a beam of light that directly penetrated Saber's body. Completely defeated Saber.


"Young man, you won, but you defeated the two original sin leaders. From now on, you will bear two responsibilities, and your future will be a road full of thorns."

Saber's voice was very calm, and the whole person began to disappear into this world as a light spot, only one original sin token with a different color from the other six original sin tokens floated in the air.

The color of the rest of the original sin tokens are all black, only this original sin token engraved with the word "arrogance" is golden, as if it represents its different identity.

"Reverse Izayoi defeated Saber, and has obtained the original sin token 'Pride', everyone's jade card will show the location of Reverse Izayoi, and the jade card held by Reverse Izayoi is golden! If I send Reverse Izayoi to the competition, the original sin token will definitely drop!"




"Notice: All the original sin leaders have been defeated, and the Trial of original sin in the gift game has been challenged. In the remaining time, please work hard to get points and capture the original sin token. I look forward to your success. score."

Reversely, Izayoi exhaled softly: "It's finally over!"

"Nice job, Izayoi-kun!" Kuyuan Asuka followed Dean, and Kasugabe Yō came over with Vera's help.

"It's okay, Miss, but now we are the fat sheep in the eyes of others!" Nihui Izayoi said with a smile: "Don't forget, we took four of the original sin tokens this time. , more than half, it is impossible that no one will be jealous."

"If you dare to snatch it, let them taste the power of Yao!" Kuyuan Asuka looked at Kasugabu Yao, and then took Kasugabu Yao from Vera's hand: "Thank you for protecting Yao before."

"It's okay." Vera looked at Kasugabe Yō, then at Kuyuan Asuka, then turned and left.

"What a strange person."

"Yeah, but, let's say now, we won!" Reverse Izayoi raised his palm.

Both of them took advantage of the trend and returned to Izayoi to give a high-five.

However, no one knows the hidden meaning behind this gift game.

Chapter [-] The Strange Place

The last day of the bounty game also came to an end, and finally, in the grandest festival held in the lower level of Hakoniwa held by the seven deadly sins, all the bounty games came to an end.

Since the Trial of original sin of the gift game completed the customs clearance challenge on the sixth day, on the seventh day, many people basically scored points in the eighteenth floor and defeated other communities to capture their Points, however, more of the less powerful co-opted out of the game directly, concentrating the points all on one person.

As a result, the scores of many weaker communities are far ahead in the rankings. In addition, there are constant community contestants being knocked down, and the top [-] rankings are constantly changing.

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