At this moment, Nangong came over that month, accompanied by Luo Hao and Akashia. These three people can be called the main and deputy palace masters of Lin Hui's harem. It is obvious that there is something to act together at this moment. Otherwise, it is impossible. Even Luo Hao appeared. Generally speaking, Luo Hao stayed in the room.

Luo Hao prefers to be alone, rather than being with others.

However, because Luo Hao loves Lin Hui wholeheartedly, and is even willing to change his character for Lin Hui, he will not be very self-respecting in front of Lin Hui's other harems, and when he really looks down on others, Lin Hui is very moved.

"That month sauce, Hao'er, Akashia, why are you here?" Lin Hui got up and asked.

At this time, Luo Hao said, "Husband is the only one in the world. It's natural to have love. I don't think it's necessary to make such a fuss."

"Cuilian, that's not what you said." Akasha said at this time: "But this matter is really strange, so we came over to confirm with the husband, right?"

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Lin Hui blinked, looking very innocent.

"Ahem, Lin Hui, tell me honestly, have you gone out to mess with flowers again?" Nangong Nayue asked righteously.

Lin Hui was stunned for a moment, then stunned: "Huh? Me? That Yuejiang, slander is not acceptable, you know, I've been busy these days, how can I have time to go out and make trouble? Just kidding, these two grasses I haven't messed with it yet, where's the time to find someone else? You say yes, Asuka, Yao."

The faces of Kuyuan Asuka and Kasugabe Yao suddenly turned red, especially Kuyuan Asuka, when she thought that Lin Hui had seen her body naked, and now Lin Hui said it, Kuyuan Asuka felt that she could not marry. out.

"So, how do you explain this?"

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eighth The Lord Comes To The Door

"What's the matter?"

Lin Hui looked confused, didn't he do nothing?Why are people slandered and innocent like this for no reason?Even if you are my wife, you can't frame me like this, right?It is impossible for Lin Hui to recognize the trumped-up charges.

"Lin Hui, the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, was shocked to see the Queen of Halloween, so he begged his righteous sister Bai Yasha to come to the door to talk, and the Queen of Halloween also agreed, so the Seven Deadly Sins held the most popular event among the lower classes. The grand ceremony shows the strength of the seven deadly sins, and the Queen of Halloween is married into the seven deadly sins."

"Right now, this matter is spreading in the community at the lower level of the small garden. Although I don't know where it is, there is no wind and no waves, so please explain, why don't we know about such a thing?"

Nangong looked at Lin Hui that month with an expression of "I don't believe what you say", well, Lin Hui has too many previous records, I can't guarantee that Lin Hui would do such a thing, anyway, something more daring Lin Hui It's not that they haven't done it.

It's not that Nangong Nayue didn't believe Lin Hui, but this time, Nangong Nayue wanted to make Lin Hui understand how serious it was. This time the incident was too big, and the whole lower level of Hakoten was spreading the news about it, Halloween. As an exceptional three-digit queen, she must not allow others to slander her innocence. Therefore, the other party will definitely take action to quell this incident.

The most important thing is that Lin Hui and the Queen of Halloween have no friendship at all. If such a thing is rumored, how could the Queen of Halloween choose to settle down for someone she doesn't know?

If the Queen of Halloween was like that, she wouldn't be one of Hakoniwa's three problem children.

Therefore, Lin Hui must be prepared to accept the move.

As for Lin Hui?Lin Hui was thinking about one thing.

Lin Hui blinked, this story is too wonderful, right?

I didn't expect Shiroyasha to have this kind of ability, and the problem is that the timing is too good. Take it as an example of holding the biggest festival in the lower part of the small garden. In the name of showing the strength of the seven deadly sins.

But the thing is, it's not for courting the Queen of Halloween.

Lin Hui rubbed his temples: "I'll go find Shiroyasha first, this matter will be over soon."

"Speaking of Miss Bai Yasha, she said that her mission was completed, so now I went to the southern district, and I heard that she found some suspicious characters, and she needed to be the ruler of her class. After all, there is one in the southern district. The youngest class ruler." Akashya added.

Lin Hui's mouth twitched: "You're cruel, Shiroyasha, I want you to look good!"

Luo Hao looked at Lin Hui and said confidently: "No matter who is under the pressure of your husband, you will obey your husband's instructions, so don't disturb your husband, this matter will be resolved satisfactorily, but it is about the reputation of the woman, so the husband will marry him. If you get someone, it can be considered an explanation, and the identity of the Queen of Halloween will not detract from the prestige of your husband."

Ah, look at what Luo Hao said, it is true, after all, he is one of the three major problem children of Hakoniwa. In terms of strength, he ranks among the top among the three figures, which can be regarded as an exceptional level, similar to the previous Lin Hui. , Possessing two-digit strength, it can be regarded as a pseudo-two-digit number. From the perspective of the group of gods, it is in the center of the Celtic group of gods and has a great right to speak.

In terms of appearance, it can be called a peerless beauty, and in terms of Lin Hui's needs, the Queen of Halloween is another key point.

That's right, Shiroyasha called someone down, took advantage of him, and got his hands dirty. It should be regarded as revenge for seeing her body in the past, right?

But this is too dirty, people will indeed come down, and it is very likely that it will explode at a moment.

Lin Hui just wanted to cry but had no tears, and it was difficult to explain it now. After all, the right time, place and people fit this rumor, making it difficult for Lin Hui to justify it, and it is estimated that the Celtic group would think that this rumor was a rumor. It definitely came from the seven deadly sins, in order to make the Halloween queen have to agree.

After all, the rumors spread from the Eastern District, and in such a short period of time, it spread to the lower levels of the little garden, and only the seven deadly sins, which had just ended the biggest festival of the little garden, might have done it.

It has to be said that Shiroyasha's methods are too powerful. After this step, Lin Hui understood the three major problems that children are taking revenge. After Shiroyasha's revenge is over, it will be the turn of the other protagonist of this rumor. revenge.

"Lin Hui." At this time, Leticia turned on the communicator: "The envoy of the Queen of Halloween has arrived and said that she wants to invite you to talk about something. Do you need to refuse?"

It looks like Leticia is still busy with work, so she doesn't know about it yet, but isn't refusing now a chance to attack others?

"No need, where is that messenger?"

Lin Hui felt that he had been tricked very badly by Bai Yasha this time. Lin Hui was thinking about whether he should use that condition to play Bai Yasha well?

"In the reception room."

"Understood, I'll go now."

Lin Hui was extremely tired: "You guys can continue to have the tea party, I'll deal with this matter first."

At this time, Ji Hirao Lingcai's character of fearing that the world will not be in chaos began: "Dad, do you need us to cheer for you? After all, you can't be down on morale!"

Lin Hui patted Ji Hirao Lingcai's head: "Don't make a mess, okay? Eat your biscuits well!"

Saying that, Lin Hui grabbed a biscuit and stuffed it into Ji Hierai Lingcai's mouth, making Ji Hiirai Lingcai swallow it without chewing it, stuck in his throat and kept rolling his eyes, "Old... ...Dad! Do you want to...murder...?"

Lin Hui left without turning his head. After all, Ji Hiragana Lingcai has the bloodline of the true ancestor, and he can't die even if he wants to die. Even if he dies, he can be resurrected.

Chapter [-]: Guilty or Reconciliation?

Lin Hui came to the living room and saw a girl dressed as a knight. This girl was wearing a helmet, which made it impossible to see the inside. However, it was certain that the strength of this girl knight was definitely not weak. At least, Lin Hui Hui can be sure that the other party has a very strong strength, and Lin Hui can't describe how strong it is, but on the whole, the other party should have a strength no weaker than Kuyuan Asuka or Kasugabu Yao.

After all, the other party is the favorite of the Queen of Halloween!

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