Lin Hui then prepared to leave. After all, if the Queen of Halloween doesn't like seeing her so much, why should she see her?

"Eh? Aren't you going to give me my power back? Maybe I'll marry you if I'm so excited!" The Queen of Halloween continued to seduce her, but she didn't show it at all on her face.

"Forget it. Anyway, it's not once or twice that Bai Yasha has provoked you like this. Isn't it a good life now? However, if Bai Yasha finds out that you have no power, what do you think she will do?"

Lin Hui suddenly asked with a half-smile.

The smile on the Halloween Queen's face disappeared at that moment, and then looked at Lin Hui: "Are you threatening me?"

"No, I didn't say that. Anyway, about the rumors, I can go to Bai Yasha to settle the account, but if you don't go to Bai Yasha's troubles, this is impossible, even if I don't talk about it. , Shiroyasha will definitely feel strange, but she came over to see, oh, the power of the enemy in the past is gone, so what will she do to you? I'm very curious about it!"

Lin Hui suddenly doesn't want to leave now. Anyway, the Queen of Halloween doesn't pose much of a threat to him. In the attack just now, Lin Hui injected the power of the simulated star chart into the Queen of Halloween. If Lin Hui doesn't do anything, unless he uses those A simulated star chart that can offset the power of its own simulated star chart, otherwise it cannot be lifted.

"You are the first to dare to threaten me like this now!"

The Queen of Halloween's words suddenly became vicious.

"That's an honor, but I believe I will live well." Lin Hui sat directly on the stone bench and looked at the Queen of Halloween: "So, does Her Majesty have any advice?"

"You said you were going to settle accounts with Bai Yasha? Can you beat her?" said the Queen of Halloween suddenly.

Lin Hui directly held up a contract document, which clearly stated that Bai Yasha's defeat and a condition owed to Lin Hui: "If she returns to the White Night King, I think I will deal with it better!"

"That woman actually lost to a human being. It's really funny. Now I suddenly realize that I seem to like you a little bit." The Queen of Halloween was very interested.

"Forget it, the Queen's love is too heavy, I can't bear it, okay, I've talked about it, I should go too." Lin Hui really left this time. Anyway, the Queen of Halloween is the biggest The problem children, there must be many people who have offended, and now they have lost their power. Although other gifts can be used, the power related to the sun, such as the power of the sun, and the essence exposed by Lin Hui and then sealed cannot be used. .

"Wait a minute, I now think that the White Night King did a good thing, I agree." The Queen of Halloween suddenly smiled tenderly: "I think following you, it shouldn't be boring."

"Forget it, Queen, I have enough wives, so don't make trouble. Also, aren't you and Shiroyasha an enemy? And I have a good relationship with Shiroyasha. It's impossible for me to be with Shiroyasha. It's broken, you give me up on this point!"

Lin Hui originally didn't intend to spend too much time with this woman, but this woman had to guard against her methods. After all, she was a woman with an unstable temperament.

"Are there many wives? This is a problem, but it seems to be very interesting, and there is no solution to the White Night King's side. After all, you have this condition, I think you can make good use of it. All fourteen Sun Sovereigns are coming, what do you think?"

The Queen of Halloween said suddenly.

Lin Hui stopped, thinking he heard it wrong: "What did you say?"

Chapter [-] was attacked

"Sure enough, you are very greedy. I guess you want to use this condition to get the fourteen Sun Sovereigns from the White Night King, right?"

The Queen of Halloween immediately saw through Lin Hui's mind.

"So what? What's more, I'm not only eyeing the fourteen Sun Sovereigns in Shiroyasha, but also the six Sun Sovereigns on your side."

Lin Hui said unceremoniously and directly, as for whether the Queen of Halloween will give it or not, that is something Lin Hui needs to consider.

"Giggle, I really dare to say it. Sure enough, I should have used my strength to kill you before. After all, I dared to attack my idea of ​​Sun Sovereignty."

The Halloween Queen's expression suddenly changed, and she became helpless again: "However, if you can get the fourteen Sun Sovereigns in the hands of the White Night King, I can't give you six of them."

The Queen of Halloween suddenly sighed: "Thousands of years ago, the White Night King and I spent a lot of time fighting for the sovereignty of the sun. We even fought each other and became enemies, but in the end we only got a part of the sovereignty of the sun. will make such a commitment.”

"However, if you get all the sovereignty of the sun, then it's really a legend. It's really unimaginable. It's a pity that the sovereignty of the sun is not collected now. After all, there are two in Among the other groups of gods, one is lost, and the other is the thing that sealed the oldest demon king. If you want to take that, you must unlock the seal of the oldest demon king. In that case, Someone will stop you!"

The Queen of Halloween suddenly said: "Because that is an existence that can be called the nightmare of all the gods."

"So what? The ultimate trial of mankind is an existence that must be overcome and defeated. If it is not defeated, once the final time limit comes, everything will be destroyed."

Lin Hui spoke directly and said in a very disdainful tone: "It is estimated that after Aziz Dakaha comes out, the first thing that those greedy people will think of is to escape, not how to eradicate Aziz Dakaha. what."

"What an interesting human being, this is the first time I heard someone dare to speak of a god like that." The Queen of Halloween suddenly stepped forward and looked at Lin Hui: "Then, do you really not think about it?"

Lin Hui snapped his fingers, and immediately, all the power of the Queen of Halloween came back.

"This is?" The Queen of Halloween didn't quite understand Lin Hui's approach.

Lin Hui didn't know why he did this: "It's just a whim, anyway, I already know your essence, if you dare to take action against me or the people around me, I will kill you next time, even if you can't gather the sovereignty of the sun. It doesn't matter."

"Then, tell me what you want me to do, and I will do it on a whim." The Queen of Halloween smiled softly.

Lin Hui wouldn't hide it. After all, it was just to cover up the traces. It was a piece of cake for the Queen of Halloween, but the Queen of Halloween didn't know why Lin Hui wanted to erase such traces, but since Lin Hui didn't say anything, The Queen of Halloween wouldn't even ask.

Compared with White Yaksha, the Queen of Halloween's favorability to Lin Hui is only high, after all, there is no lower possibility.

"You can really think about what I said."

Before Lin Hui was about to leave, the Queen of Halloween suddenly said something like this, which made Lin Hui almost stumble, this woman really seemed to be entangled in her!

Shiroyasha, Shiroyasha, you really will find something for me to do!


After staying in the community for several days, the harvest festival of the "Dragon Horned Griffon" alliance finally began, and Leticia also went to the harvest festival with a dozen girls from the seven deadly sins. After all, it is a festival held by the largest alliance in the Southern District. Although it is not comparable to the festival held before the Seven Deadly Sins, it is definitely not small.

After Leticia left, Lin Hui also began to take over the affairs of the community, and in order to deal with these things, Lin Hui even used the wisdom of the world. Now Lin Hui understands how hard Leticia is working every day.

"It should really relieve some of her stress!"

Looking at these materials and documents, Lin Hui basically wanted to form an alliance with the seven deadly sins, or jointly hold a gift game, or cooperate with him. Know how Leticia perseveres every day.

Of course, there are also financial statements of the income and expenditure of the funds of the various divisions, as well as things like personnel disputes that occur.

After working for a few days, Lin Hui suddenly didn't want to do it anymore. Anyway, for him, it didn't matter how the community played, it was just a name for those individuals and let them put their own brand on them.


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