Therefore, Lin Hui locked in the third victory condition.

Lin Hui came up with the answer to this victory condition after seeing the castle and the dragon's location, and now he is asking Reverse Izayoi to collect the necessary things.


"Well, I didn't expect my little maid to have such a touching moment, I can't believe it! Leticia is really cute!"

Lin Hui suddenly praised: "This dress suits you very well."

"Actually, I still feel that the maid outfit that the master gave me is more suitable for me."

Leticia said with some embarrassment.

However, after that, Leticia's face turned gloomy: "But, Master, if you don't kill me, this game will not end, and it is very likely that Master will die, so..."

Lin Hui suddenly glared at Leticia: "Leeticia, listen to me, you are my maid, all my possessions, your body, your soul, and your life belong to me. Yes, if you want to die without my permission, even if you go to hell, I will pull you back and smack your little ass, remember it for me!"

Leticia suddenly stopped talking, because although she was being severely criticized by Lin Hui, she felt the love from Lin Hui's heart, and now Leticia suddenly had the idea of ​​crying.

"But, Master, such an idea is almost impossible to realize."

Leticia said, "Unless a miracle happens."

Yes, unless a miracle occurs, it is precisely because of the complete blockade of her own retreat that the ferocious penalty clause in Leticia's game that is impossible to establish can be established. Therefore, no matter what victory conditions are reached, Leticia must die. , If you want to rescue Leticia, you must go beyond the limit that cannot be surpassed.

"Don't underestimate me, your master, I am synonymous with 'miracle'. All I can do is to create 'miracle'! Just give me a good look!"

Lin Hui said this, checked it in the throne room, and then nodded.


"Yo, little brother, I'm back. I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You can actually find these clues. Sure enough, you can't compare to you!" Back to Izayoi felt a bit of a headache.

"No, it's just luck. What about the stuff?"

Lin Hui looked back at Sixteen Nights.

Reversely, Izayoi took out a bag: "It's all inside, none of them leaked, but, little brother, you asked me to bring it here, that is to say, this should be the place to put those fragments."


Lin Hui nodded, picked up a shard and began to investigate, then pressed the shard into a groove.

The third victory condition is to collect the broken starry sky and dedicate the beast belt to the throne. In fact, the key points are the two points of "shattered starry sky" and "dedicated to the throne".

If you look carefully, you can find that this city of vampires, which is carried by the dragon, is actually divided into twelve areas. Each area is similar to the ruins of a temple, and there are fragments of the starry sky. Broken Sky".

To "dedicate the beast belt to the throne", first of all, we need to understand the meaning of "beast belt", and "beast belt" can be interpreted as "Zodiac", which is the meaning of "zodiac".

In other words, the rest of these "shattered stars" are the fragments of the "armillary sphere".

And this castle, which is carried by a giant dragon, is a castle that circles around the world. It can also be said to be a "satellite".

The former vampire clan, as Hakoba knights, monitored the world's phylogeny to prevent the world's phylogenetic tree from going out of order.

However, a surveillance "satellite" of this size is really unprecedented, especially so extravagant as to get a pure-blooded dragon.

But if you think about it carefully, it is actually very successful, because the surface area of ​​Hakoba is more than [-] times that of the earth, and the objects of service are not only human beings, but also Shura gods and Buddhas, so it is nothing.

Ahem, that's too far, and the second half of the third victory condition, "Dedicated to the Throne" means the throne room, because only here has the throne, which is where Leticia is now bound. seat.

And "Zodiac" can also be said to be "Zodiac", and then as long as all the fragments obtained by the celestial division method are stuffed into it, this victory condition is completed.

This is a way to crack Leticia's game without fighting. In fact, as long as you carefully observe and have a certain imagination, you can come to this answer. After all, in the original book, Cai Liling spent five days. After unlocking Leticia's game, and returning to Izayoi only took six days, Lin Hui also knew how to crack the original work.

However, even if he forgets it, Lin Hui doesn't need that long. With the wisdom of a world, Lin Hui can easily break through some mysteries.

Chapter [-]: Game over

After putting all the shards into the grooves, there was no beep sound for the game clearance, which made Reverse Izayoi a little strange: "Lin Hui, why the game hasn't cleared yet, is there something unfinished? ."

"Well, of course, Izayoi, think about it, the news about Leticia you got from Black Rabbit, you should know it after thinking about it, a hint, the zodiac."

Lin Hui leaned against the wall and just said so.

Back to Izayoi, I thought for a while, all I remembered, and shouted: "It's Ophiuchus!"

Lin Hui said with satisfaction: "Yes, there are not twelve constellations on the upper line of the sun's orbit, but three. The Ophiuchus is the one that is easily overlooked."

Lin Hui flipped his hand and took out a fragment: "This is the fragment of the thirteenth constellation I found here."

"In order to summon the strongest species to Hakoba, most of the situations require the sovereignty and intermediary of the stars, and Leticia has met two conditions: the bloodline of the vampire royal family generated from the pure blood of the dragon, and the accumulation of the blood over the years. Proof of his achievements, he also obtained the sovereignty of the thirteenth zodiac - the sovereign of the sun 'Asclepiue'!"

Lin Hui turned around and looked at Leticia: "I should be right?"

"Master, you really know everything."

Leticia didn't expect her game to be cracked by her master at a glance. Her master is really scary.

"Leeticia, I ask you as the master, what will happen to you if I put the fragment of the thirteenth constellation into the groove?"

Lin Hui looked at Leticia playfully: "Think about it, if I'm not honest, I'll be angry."

"As long as the victory conditions are met, the giant dragon will disappear soon, and it can also end the game by making me powerless."

Leticia took a deep breath, and then answered Lin Hui's question in a calm manner

"you're lying!"

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