Then Vera left.

Lin Hui leaned on the chair. Lin Hui didn't know much about Maxwell. He only knew that the other party liked Vera very much, and he liked it to a perverted level, so he was hated by Vera, but the other party was indeed Immortal, it seems that no matter how you kill it, you can't die.

However, Maxwell seems to have something to do with the third perpetual motion machine. Otherwise, it would be impossible to manipulate the clone of the three-headed dragon. After all, the clone of the three-headed dragon can be said to have an inseparable relationship with the third perpetual motion machine. The three-headed dragon must first unravel the meaning of the final trial of mankind represented by the three-headed dragon.

The two-headed dragon of the first generation was a breakthrough, and Maxwell was another breakthrough, but Lin Hui had forgotten a little. If he wanted to deal with Maxwell, he was not quite sure how to deal with him.

Chapter [-] is completely hated!

Lin Hui has forgotten the essence and some aspects of Maxwell in the original work, but his strength has reached the level of Lin Hui, and he no longer needs to rely on the original work. Reference, but cannot rely on.

Now what Lin Hui is thinking about is how to get more and better remuneration from Villa, and he also needs to squeeze all its use value from Maxwell. Maxwell's body got a breakthrough about the capture of the three-headed dragon.


After Lin Hui waited for a while, Vera walked in with a pumpkin freak, Jack.

"Hi Lin Hui, my name is Jack. I heard that you can help our leader fight off that demon king?"

Jack asked.

Lin Hui thought for a while: "How to say it? I'm not very sure, after all, I haven't played against it yet, but I can guarantee that as long as his strength is not in the triple digits, he can't be my opponent. "

Jack thought for a while, and then said: "Then I can assure you that his strength is not three-digit strength, but his ability is very strange. It should be said that his ability is space jumping, and he has harassed us many times. The leader, so our leader is so helpless, after all, we can't deal with him."

Lin Hui touched his chin: "Yeah, but I can also imagine it. After all, Miss Vera is very cute. She is a man who wants to get her, right?"

Jack suddenly laughed: "That's true, then, what kind of reward does Your Excellency Lin Hui need?"

Lin Hui thought for a while: "If it's a kill, then I hope you can form an alliance with us to become an alliance that advances and retreats together, and then I need some more special gifts. If you don't mind, I can list them. A list, let's see what's closer."

Jack thought: "Well, it is indeed possible, what does the leader think?"

Vera blinked, looked at Jack, and then at Lin Hui: "Well, it doesn't matter."

Lin Hui nodded: "Then, let's set off in a day. The sooner things are resolved, the better."

"Okay." Jack also had no opinion, and Vera was even more happy that he could finally get rid of the perverted demon king.


"Pumpkin Jack? It's really not easy!"

After Lin Hui left, just now, Lin Hui opened his eyes to spy on the essence. Although he didn't see it at first, after a period of time, when he traced the essence, Lin Hui understood.

The masterpiece produced by Vera Za Ignifates, the world's oldest pumpkin ghost, the real body is "Unidentified Strange Jack" including Jack the Ripper and Jack Spring Leg.

Such a person has the authority of the organizer, in a word, that is, the devil.

It's just that I didn't expect this Pumpkin Jack to like children so much. This is something that Lin Hui can't imagine. After all, in the inheritance of Jack, the Jack before his death was a major sinner in two lives, and the second time was supposed to be a murderer. Jack the Ripper.

Regarding this inheritance, Lin Hui feels that there should be follow-up content, but Lin Hui can't figure it out for the time being.

"How tricky is Maxwell? After all, Vera is a great demon born from the realm of life and death. He has a deadly pale flame that can tear down the wall of all phenomena and the ability to jump in any space without any preparations. He can open it at will. The ability of the 'realm gate', even someone like Vera can't deal with it."

Lin Hui suddenly had a headache: "I hope you can see his essence."


The next day, Lin Hui was ready, and when he was about to leave, Lin Hui suddenly felt something thrown at him.

Lin Hui caught it with his backhand and took a closer look.

The thing in the hand should be called a cross blunt weapon, and the scientific name is called a hammer.

After that, Lin Hui felt that there was a moment of gaze watching him.

Lin Hui was immediately speechless. When he was reading novels before, he thought Vera's behavior was very interesting, but after experiencing it personally, Lin Hui suddenly felt helpless for a while.

Yes, Vera has a nasty habit of throwing blunt crossed weapons at subjects of interest and watching the reaction.

"Miss Vera, I warn you, appear in front of me the next moment, and you are not allowed to throw this kind of thing against me in the future, otherwise, I will not help you to solve that demon king."

Immediately, Vera appeared in front of Lin Hui, blinked her lovely eyes at Lin Hui, and then nodded intentionally or unintentionally.

The corner of Lin Hui's mouth twitched, and he immediately wanted to throw the hammer in his hand on Vera's head.

"Ah, I'm very sorry, Your Excellency Lin Hui, our leader has such a vicious habit, please bear with me."

When Jack saw the hammer in Lin Hui's hand, he knew that it must be Vera's vice again.

Lin Hui directly transferred the hammer away. There was no other way. He handed it over to Vera to prevent her from throwing it to him on a whim. Lin Hui said that he was not an M.

"Let's go... Wait a minute, it seems that we don't need to go to the North District. The other party seems to come to the door."

Lin Hui's expression changed, and then he took Vera and Jack to the outside of the station, a man dressed like a clown in a gorgeous coat of red and blue contrasting colors said angrily: "How is it possible, how can I not jump? How about going in?"

"Because I don't welcome bad guys here, without my permission, it will take a while to get in even if it is a three-digit figure, unless it is a two-digit strength, or an exceptional level of strength in the three-digit number. That kind of ability can directly break through, as for you, don't even think about it."

A very frivolous voice reached the man's ears, and when the man looked back, he immediately became extremely obsessed and intoxicated.

"Oh, Vera, are you finally willing to accept my love and appear in front of me?" The man's eyes showed an ecstatic look: "I was waiting for you to come back in the North District, but you As if you haven't come back yet, I will come to pick you up."

The man stepped forward, as if he wanted to hug Vera.

Suddenly, Vera's body drilled behind Lin Hui, revealing a small head, her eyes full of disgust: "Maxwell..."

Lin Hui immediately laughed when he saw this scene: "Oh, what a failed man, you seem to be completely hated!"

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