Lin Hui held the hilt of the sword, and at this moment, the Golden World directly encircled all four of them.

"here is?"

Maxwell had a bad premonition, watching all these changes, the surrounding space could not escape by himself, as if he was trapped here.

"Maxwell, no, you should be called the Maxwell Paradox, the imaginary demon of James Clark Maxwell!"

Lin Hui spit out this sentence slowly, and immediately made Maxwell's eyes freeze: "You!"

"James Clark Maxwell, who was a very famous physicist and mathematician in the history of country Y, the founder of classical electrodynamics, and one of the founders of statistical physics. "On Theory" by James Clark Maxwell Electricity and Magnetism is regarded as a classic of physics that has the most important influence on modern science after Newton's Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy."

"Therefore, James Clark Maxwell is widely regarded as one of the most influential physicists in physics, and without the electromagnetism he laid down, there would be no modern electrotechnical science, much less modern civilization. This A scientist even realized that there is an energy control mechanism in nature that opposes the increase of entropy, but he could not explain this mechanism clearly, and could only humorously assume it as a kind of 'demon', that is, an existence such as an elves. "

"This 'demon' can assign random thermal motion particles to certain phases according to certain order and rules. In other words, it is a hypothetical method in physics that can detect and control the motion of individual molecules. 'Shemale' or a mechanism that functions the same."

"This mechanism was conceived by Maxwell to illustrate the possibility of violating the second law of thermodynamics."

"This mechanism is what later generations call Maxwell's Demon, also known as the existence of Maxwell's Elf."

"There is no doubt that this existence conceived to illustrate the possibility of violating the second law of thermodynamics is an existence that has been denied by science, and you Maxwell, the Maxwell's demon denied by science, is a paradox born from the supposition. Overhead demon."

In the process of Lin Hui telling the words, a golden sword with very mysterious characters engraved on the handle of the sword continued to emerge from the air...

Chapter [-]: Exterminate, get the third perpetual motion spirit

Lin Hui pointed at the golden sword in his hand, and all the golden swords were aimed at Maxwell.

"This, is this..."

Maxwell is naturally not a fool. He can also see that this kind of power is definitely not something that a human being can use. He can clearly feel that this kind of power definitely comes from the power of gods.

"This kind of demon whose existence has been denied scientifically should have been like a paper tiger. It's just an illusion that will disappear after being torn apart and thrown away, a few extremely weak demons that can be defeated only by physical attacks, similar to A undead-like existence at a lower level."

"However, you, Maxwell, have been endowed with a powerful spirituality, and that spirituality is also an existence that has not yet been recognized by science."

"That's the spirit of the third perpetual motion machine!"

"The so-called perpetual motion machine refers to a machine that can continuously move and perform external work under the condition of only one heat source without external input of energy and energy."

"In history, there was a period of time when the upsurge of inventing this kind of machine was prevalent, but it was denied one after another, because, first of all, a machine that does not consume energy and can always do external work, itself violates the law of conservation of energy."

"In the absence of temperature difference, the continuous absorption of heat from seawater or air in nature and the continuous conversion of it into mechanical energy, a machine that can continuously move with only one heat source, violates the second law of thermodynamics. "

"Therefore, the above two kinds of perpetual motion machines are concepts that violate the current objective scientific laws and cannot be manufactured."

"The former is called the first perpetual motion machine, and the latter is called the second perpetual motion machine!"

"As for the third perpetual motion machine, it generally refers to a machine that is always moving. It refers to the essence of a dream that converts a kind of energy into work, which consumes energy to do work infinitely and can generate energy out of nothing."

"It stands to reason that the third perpetual motion machine has not been invented yet."

"And you, Maxwell, have the spirit of the third perpetual motion machine completed after 2120."

"Originally, Maxwell himself was an unrecognized 'demon' in nature, without a true body of his own. With the support of the spiritual personality of the third perpetual motion machine that can generate energy out of nothing, this paradox without a true body The devil can be continuously created, and even if it is smashed to pieces, it can still return to its original state."

"This is the origin of your Maxwell's immortality!"

"Whoosh whoosh—!"

Countless golden swords all pierced into Maxwell's body.


Maxwell felt that the pain he felt now was different from the extremely terrifying and severe pain in the past. At this moment, Maxwell really felt that death was so close to him.

"Asshole, don't underestimate me!!!"

Maxwell's body is full of golden swords, but extremely powerful energy is still gathered in his hands.

"Maxwell, you are not a demon that exists now, you came here from a farther future, you came to Hakoba from a world where the third perpetual motion machine has been completed, so you have the third The spirit of perpetual motion machine!"

Lin Hui held the golden sword in both hands, and at this moment, the golden sword that did not pierce Maxwell began to merge into the golden sword held by Lin Hui: "You are actually a paradox demon denied by science, and your The spirit is the third perpetual motion spirit. These are all the attacks you get in the 'historical transition period' caused by the world you are in in 2120. Therefore, you are the target that cannot be killed. "

"Denied by science, there is no physical body. If you get the third perpetual motion spirit, you will have a steady stream of energy. Even if you are smashed to pieces, you can still be resurrected. This is your essence!"

Lin Hui cut off Maxwell with a single sword.


"how is this possible?"

Maxwell didn't believe until he died that he would actually die in such a place, and would be directly beheaded by someone with a sword.

After Maxwell's immortality was broken by Lin Hui with a golden sword, his spirituality was cut off, and after everything was sealed, Maxwell became no different from ordinary people.

Lin Hui walked up to Maxwell and snatched a light source directly from Maxwell's body. Although the light source was very dim now, for Lin Hui, unblocking it was only a matter of thought.

That's right, this group of high beams is the third perpetual motion spirit.

This time, Lin Hui just killed Maxwell, but he still couldn't find a breakthrough to defeat the three-headed dragon.

"Dead... dead?"

Jack looked at Maxwell's body lying there.

"Yes, I have already killed it! If you don't believe it, you can go and see, Maxwell is really dead this time and can't die again!"

Lin Hui stretched his waist: "Even if it's me, I'm a little tired. Let's talk about the rest tomorrow."

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