If Lin Hui is not helpless, it really doesn't look like he has too much contact with the Queen of Halloween, it is too dangerous, not only himself, but also the people around him, unless everyone around him is able to communicate with the Queen of Halloween. The power of equality, otherwise, in case the Queen of Halloween wants to do something, there is no place to cry by herself.

Even killing the Halloween Queen afterwards would not help.

"Actually, you can ask me for it, and I won't mind."

The Queen of Halloween smiled and looked straight at Lin Hui.

Immediately, Lin Hui's heart really moved. Sovereignty of the sun is one of the highest-level gifts in this little garden. It holds the power of the sovereign power of the sun's movement. It can be said that having the sovereign power of the sun is equivalent to controlling the sun. , and can also summon the star beast of the sun to help him fight.

Lin Hui is also very clear about the power of the sun star beasts. Each of them has at least four-digit power. When he fought against Shiroyasha before, his monster incarnation did not hesitate to kill at all costs, losing almost half of the number of divine beasts. A few star beasts died, showing the power of the sun star beast.

However, Lin Hui eventually resisted the temptation, because he owed the Queen of Halloween by borrowing the sovereignty of the sun. If he asked for it, then he really had an unbreakable fate with the Queen of Halloween.

"No, let's borrow it."

Lin Hui took a deep breath. This kind of feeling is really not very good. After all, a huge temptation was placed in front of Lin Hui, but Lin Hui finally refused.

"Well, well, forget it, let's congratulate you here first, you will be able to gather all the sovereignty of the sun soon, but be careful of other groups of gods to snatch it!"

The Queen of Halloween put a gift card in front of Lin Hui.

Lin Hui took it over and took a look. Immediately, the whole person was stunned, because the number of Sun Sovereigns on it was slightly wrong.

In the small garden, everyone knows that the Queen of Halloween holds six sun sovereignty, and the white yaksha has fourteen. With more than half of the sun sovereignty, a new small garden can be created. Therefore, the white yaksha will be stared so hard.

However, the sun sovereign displayed on the gift card handed to her by the Queen of Halloween is not six, but eight!

Yes, eight sun sovereigns!

That is to say, now Lin Hui only has the Dragon Sun Sovereign that was used to seal Az Dakaha, and he has accomplished a feat that no one in the entire small garden can accomplish, and has gathered all the Sun Sovereignty. Achievement!

The one hundred and fifty-four chapters are all handed over!

"You, thank you."

Lin Hui naturally knew that the extra two sun sovereignty must have been obtained by the Queen of Halloween from other gods. It is conceivable what price the Queen of Halloween would have to pay for this. Each sun sovereignty is extremely high. Precious, there must be hidden secrets that others don't know about.

"Oh, I didn't expect to hear the word 'thank' from your man's mouth. It's really surprising. Sure enough, you're very interesting. I didn't read the wrong person, so I'll just look forward to it. , what are you going to show me next, if it's interesting, I might be on your side too!"

Since the Queen of Halloween has always had a smile on her face since she saw Lin Hui, it seems unbelievable to others, so that no one knows what happened to the Queen of Halloween, and she is actually fascinated by a man .

Yes, fascinated.

To this end, the Queen of Halloween specially took away the sovereignty of the sun from other gods, and used the authority of the sponsor to bet on her own solar sovereignty, and in the case of making huge concessions, she won the gift game, and all of a sudden Two sun sovereigns are in hand.

For those two groups of gods, there was nowhere to cry. For this reason, many groups of gods sternly asked the Queen of Halloween why she did this, and warned the Queen of Halloween not to do such things in the future.

The group of gods did not force the Queen of Halloween to hand over the sovereignty of the sun, because in the hands of the Queen of Halloween, it can be said that it is as difficult to get it back.

Coupled with the strength of the Halloween Queen, the two gods who were deprived of the sovereignty of the sun can only swallow the bitter fruit. After all, this is a very helpless thing.

However, no one knew that the Queen of Halloween actually wanted to give it to a man when she grabbed the sovereignty of the two suns. If other gods found out, they would definitely drop their jaws.

Lin Hui listened to the laughter of the Queen of Halloween, and the originally stiff face gradually softened a little. After all, the Queen of Halloween was able to do such a thing, it has already explained everything.

Lin Hui also didn't know what was so good about him that he was worthy of such a big sacrifice by the Queen of Halloween.

"If you have anything in the future, just ask me, I can help."

Lin Hui made a promise to the Queen of Halloween, and sighed in his heart, that's it, the rumors are almost coming true.

After Lin Hui left, a figure appeared beside the Queen of Halloween: "Is it enough? I really don't know what's so good about that man, to make you do such a thing?"

A purple girl with a parasol sat next to the Queen of Halloween: "It's nothing, if you have been in contact with him for a long time, you will know, this man has great potential, the future of this world is on his shoulders, so don't Surprised anything he does, because he will definitely protect the world."

"He is the hero who saves the world. He is the king who protects the world. He is also my man!"

The Queen of Halloween looked at the purple girl: "Then I'll have more contact with him. This person is indeed quite interesting."

"I hope you don't get caught in it, in that case, you won't be able to get out." The purple girl responded, and then the whole person disappeared.

"It's an interesting couple, um, I hope we can go to the lower realm to see, but the group of people will definitely not agree, it's really troublesome."

The breath on the Queen of Halloween became weaker: "In this way, it should be fine."


After Lin Hui left, he was also in a rather melancholy mood. No one knew that he had gathered all the Sun Sovereigns with just one trip back and forth, and that the Queen of Halloween would actually help him to take care of the remaining two. The sovereign of the sun, who knew where it was, took it over and gave it to him.

If the Queen of Halloween is not obsessed with herself, then there must be a reason for it. As for what it is, Lin Hui does not know, but he can only know that the reason is so great that the Queen of Halloween can give so much for it.

"Let's look at Kalji, don't let me down!"

Lin Hui took a deep breath, and the whole person immediately moved the space and came directly to the city where "Salamandra" is located - the City of Flaming.

"Don't make me wait too long."

Lin Hui didn't know how long he would be able to hide it. Anyway, there was only one thing he could know, and that was the first reaction of most of the people in the millions of gods once Azi Dakaha appeared. It is to run away instead of defeating Az Dakha.

In the face of Az Dakaha, the group of millions of gods had been scared away two hundred years ago, and they thought that no one could defeat the demon dragon of Zoroastrianism. Therefore, this little garden was absolutely unstoppable, because except for Aziz ·Besides Dakaha, there is also a time-limited device. Once the time is up, if the final trial of all human beings has not been defeated, then the strongest god-killer, the wind of decadence that can destroy everything will come and destroy everything. .

After waiting for a day, suddenly, the entire ground of the City of Brilliant Flames began to shake, but then calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

Lin Hui opened his eyes: "It's good luck, they did it very quickly."

Lin Hui then got up and left the room. No one ever knew that there was a person who could be called the most talked-about person in Hakoten in this room.


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