Fortunately, the two of them still don't know that they are not their biological brothers. If they knew, um, the door of the room should be locked in the future.

The two were arguing, and in the end, Lin Hui pinched his cheek alone to stop their quarrel.

As soon as Lin Hui entered the restaurant, he saw the dishes on the table and the big cake in the middle with nine candles on it.

Her two younger sisters prepared this birthday dinner for her, which is considered a heart.

However, compared to surprises, Lin Hui felt that Yuuki Riko and Yuuki Meikan couldn't play with him, and they were weak!

Moreover, they also need two people to cooperate, but they can be completely competent alone!

After all, the birthdays of Lizi and Meigan are approaching. Lizi's birthday is October [-]th, and Meigan's birthday is November [-]rd. Speaking of which, my birthday and Meigan's birthday are exactly one month apart. It's kind of a coincidence.

Lin Hui can't remember his own birthday, but Lin Hui remembers the birthdays of his two younger sisters better than anyone else, which makes people feel incredible.

After a birthday dinner, Lin Hui, Lizi, and Meigan all had a great time eating and having a good time. Although Lin Hui took care of the final mess, after all, they were all children. It was also easy to sleep. Lin Hui hugged his two younger sisters and placed them directly on the bed in the room, covering them with quilts, while he went to clean some living rooms and wash the dishes.

Just now, Lin Hui was "loved" by his two younger sisters. After eating some of the cake, Lizi slapped Lin Hui's face directly. He picked up a piece of cake and slapped it at Lizi, hitting Lizi's face, and then Meikan joined the fray.

The final result was naturally that Lin Hui was defeated. After all, the two fists were no match for the four hands. However, after the three of them cleaned up, they played other games, and the final result was like this.

"Alas, it will take a while to clean up!"

Lin Hui rolled up his sleeves and did what he said.


Time has passed, and two years have passed in the blink of an eye. Lin Hui, the once-famous Prince Charming, is still admired by many people, but there are fewer and fewer people who confess.

Because Lin Hui is one of the few cool and beautiful teenagers in this elementary school, but all the girls who confessed were rejected, without exception.

There are only a few people who can play with Lin Hui, and even fewer of the opposite sex. Except for some girls in the class, only Gutegawa Yui can usually talk to each other. For this reason, there are rumors that, In fact, Lin Hui and Gutegawa Yui were in private contact, but they did not make it public.

For this reason, Furutegawa Yui became a member of the discipline committee and punished all those who spread rumors.

"Shameless" has become her mantra. In the regulations of the disciplinary committee, what she most respects is the prohibition of impure men and women!

This shows that she really has nothing to do with Lin Hui. It's just that everyone believes it or not, that's everyone's business.


Lin Hui scratched his head, just came back from his father, and there are still many things to deal with.

As a result, while walking on the road, Lin Hui felt a gust of wind blowing. When Lin Hui looked, he saw a seemingly drunk big sister pounced on him directly.

What the hell is this?Lin Hui was a little confused.

Chapter [-] My sister is actually pretty too!

Originally, Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple had planned to drink so much alcohol, and since they themselves were not yet of adulthood, this time they drank a lot by exception, and Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple was not very good at drinking. , I drank a little and my face was red, and now I am even more dazed.

As soon as she walked out of the store, she saw a little boy with silver hair. This little boy always felt that he had a feeling of attracting her. Taking advantage of the drink to strengthen his courage, Xilian Temple Qiusui also thought of teasing the other party.

Lin Hui watched Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple rush towards him. He was stunned, but he still had to catch it.

Meiyu fell into her arms, and Lin Hui directly supported the elder sister, putting one hand on his shoulder and holding the other's waist with the other. Fortunately, Lin Hui is now [-] meters tall, otherwise it would be difficult to support. help.

Although there was some alcohol smell on the other side, more of it was some peculiar scents that kept penetrating into his nose, some of them smelled good, but Lin Hui didn't even have the slightest inclination.

"Sister, you seem to be drunk? Do you need help?"

Lin Hui was a little distressed, how could he encounter such a thing when he went out casually.

"Ah, this little handsome guy, what, do you want to send my sister home? I tell you, many people want this opportunity, but I won't give it!"

Xilian Temple Qiusui said with a wicked smile.

Lin Hui secretly slandered, it seems that this gentle-looking big sister seems to be a little black-bellied. I don't know why she found herself, and she doesn't seem to have had contact with the other party, right?

"Yes, yes, then, does eldest sister need me to take you home?"

Lin Hui is still very obediently said.

"Well, big sister likes a very good little boy like you, then, I'll give you this chance!"

Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple swayed and wanted to stand up, but in the end he held onto his shoulders and said a place name. It seemed that it was not too far away. If you took a shortcut, it would take about ten minutes to arrive.

"Then, big sister, if you feel uncomfortable, just say it!"

Lin Hui pulled his arms around and directly let Xilian Temple Qiusui lean on his back. He squatted down, held up Xilian Temple Qiusui's thighs, stood up slowly, and started to move towards him. Xilian Temple Qiu Sui's house to go.

"Huh? It's not a princess hug?"

Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple leaned on Lin Hui's body, and the pair of plumps on his body were squeezed on Lin Hui's back, but although Lin Hui was feeling there, he didn't have much emotional ups and downs, desire, or desire. , Lin Hui did not quite understand this feeling.

"Sorry, big sister, the princess can do it with me, but I don't have that good physical strength. I'm just a child!"

Lin Hui reluctantly said that he was really unlucky. He came out casually and met a drunk woman. Fortunately, he met himself. What if it was a bad person?

Besides, this eldest sister is quite beautiful, and from the outside, she is also the kind of gentle and virtuous wife. Although she may be a little black-bellied, she is definitely a great girlfriend.

"That's right, but, little handsome guy, can you protect the big sister? You seem to be in some trouble."

Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple has already grasped the mobile phone. If the other party dares to mess around, he will call the police directly. Although Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple is a little confused, his consciousness is still clear.

And the disadvantage of taking shortcuts was manifested at this time, and a group of gangsters who seemed to have bad intentions began to approach.

Lin Hui raised his head slightly, revealing his face covered by Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple and his bright silver hair.

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