Lin Hui crooked his neck, his arms began to stretch, and there was a "click" sound from his body: "Do you think I'm stupid? After tonight, you all ran away, where can I find you? Compensation, let’s talk about it, although it’s by the way, but I can’t watch Lala being taken away by you, I’m going to do a big deal today, kidnapping aliens!”

Lin Hui made a rhetoric, and the whole person rushed towards Sustin at once.

"Hmph, young man, since you're obsessed, then just fall here!"

Sastin took a step back, bent slightly, and punched Lin Hui.

Lin Hui turned his back and kicked Sustin's fist directly. Suddenly, Sustin's body was knocked back a little, and Lin Hui continued to bully and approach, and slammed into Sustin in an instant.

Sustin would not show weakness, he took a step forward. At this moment, a powerful force gathered in Sustin's fist, and a punch collided with Lin Hui.

Lin Hui felt that his bones were about to break, but Sustin was blasted by Lin Hui and fell into the river outside.

"Wait, wait a minute..."

Sastin was struggling in the water. He was not ready just now, but he was punched into the river and choked several times.

Afterwards, Lin Hui took advantage of the sluggish moment of the two men in black, grabbed one of the men in black and threw them at the other.




The two men in black immediately rolled together.

"Lara, is there something even that can tie someone up?"

At this time, Lin Hui suddenly asked.

Lala's eyes suddenly lit up: "Wait a moment, turn around Rope-kun!"

Two ropes flew out of Lala's mobile phone-like thing and tied the two men in black directly.

"Yes, it's Lara-sama's invention?!"

"Damn, I can't break free!"

The two men in black were directly tied together and fell into Lin Hui's hands.

"Ahem, damn, I was almost defeated by an earthling, so I'm going to show my real skills next!"

As soon as Sustin spoke, he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his head. The moment he turned around, he saw Lin Hui standing behind him with an iron rod: "Actually, sneak attack..."


Sustin was hit with a sap by Lin Hui and fainted on the ground. Later, Lala took out a twisting rope and tied Sustin up.

"What's next?"

Lin Hui thought.

"Xiamu, you are so amazing, you really beat Sastin, it's really great!"

Lala flew over directly, hugged Lin Hui, and jumped and jumped, looking extremely happy.

"Okay, okay, it's okay, but I need to think about the next thing."

Lin Hui looked a little distressed: "Lala, do you have any way to contact that spaceship?"

"Well, if my spaceship is still there, maybe it's ok. It is estimated that only Sastin and the others can contact them. By the way, Lin Hui, what do you want?"

Lala's face was full of curiosity.

Lin Hui smiled wickedly: "Of course it's the ransom, my appearance fee can't be less, these three people are considered hostages, and they can leave only after paying the ransom, otherwise, let me think about it, I can't keep these three people in vain, Just be my servant and help me work!"

"Okay, okay, it's really fun, then I don't have to be taken back!"

Lala hugged Lin Hui, showing a very intimate look.

Chapter [-] Lala, can you give me a chance?

"That's how things are, so please send someone over to pay the ransom, so that people can be brought back!"

Lin Hui's clothes were turned into black by Pei Kai, and he had the demeanor of a robber. However, the problem was that La La, who was beside Lin Hui, pretended to be a robber together. The two pressed Sastin and the other two. People, talk to the spaceship directly through the communicator on Sastin.

What turned out to be a good robbery scene turned into a comedy under Lala's miraculous talent for hilarity, and even Sastin and the other two men in black were speechless.

Lin Hui squatted on the side, watching Lala's various "threatening" remarks, which made people laugh.

"Sorry, I understand your painstaking efforts. It's really hard for you to have such a princess to protect you."

Lin Hui now understands the hard work of Sustin and the others. With such a troublesome princess, it is very hard for them to work hard.

"It's great that you understand!"

Sastin couldn't help sighing: "You know what? My hair is so sad and white."

"Ah? Captain, aren't you born with silver hair?"

The person beside him suddenly said very frankly.

"Shut up, Boise!"

Another person named Maru is very observant. After seeing Sastin hear Boise's words, his entire face is pitch black.

"Hey, can you tell me something about Debbie Lux? I think there should be a reason for Lala to hate those things. Although she looks like a princess from a planet, she always feels that there is something inside. ."

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