Immediately, Liu I of Tiantiaoyuan was very excited. He did not expect that a problem that was very difficult to him would be solved by a [-]- or [-]-year-old boy, and he still found a new way, in a way that no one else could imagine. Solved, it is incredible.

Even Liu I of Tiantiaoyuan wanted to hire Lin Hui as a consultant for the company, because he felt that it would be a waste of time to study with Lin Hui's talent. A master's student or even a doctoral student studying economics has no problem at all, but now he is still in a junior high school, which makes people a little puzzled.

And Lin Hui's explanation is: "Now I still want to have fun and have a rest, because I'm just a child!"

In this regard, Liu I of Tiantiaoyuan has nothing to do. He admitted that he was wrong. He used to think that this young man was just interesting, but now it seems that this young man is really terrible. As long as the other party is willing, it takes a certain amount of time. It can control the economy of the island country. Although the idea is wild and strange, as long as it is used well, it is absolutely a shocking miracle!


The next day, Lin Hui came to Tiantiaoyuan's house again. This is what Lin Hui said. As a result, what I didn't expect was that Tiantiaoyuan Sha Ji came out and said to Lin Hui, "Be my boyfriend. , Xia Mu!"

Chapter [-] Will Make You My Thing

"Huh? Are you kidding me?"

Lin Hui touched his nose: "Didn't we compare the outcome before? Why did it suddenly get involved?"

Tiantiaoyuan Sha Ji pouted: "No way, I lost to you! If I lose, I will be your girlfriend."

"No, I've never heard of this condition!"

Lin Hui repeatedly refused, joking, girlfriend?I don't even think about Yui Furutekawa, who is very close to me. Although Tenjoin Shaji's appearance and family background are very good, it does not mean that Lin Hui must be the other party's girlfriend.

In terms of wealth, as long as you think about it, you can get a lot of money very easily. Therefore, the family background of Shaji of Tenjoin is not necessary for Lin Hui. If you talk about appearance, Yui Furutekawa is not comparable to her, even in terms of stature. Even better, so, no matter what, it is impossible for Lin Hui to agree.

"Sure enough, it's the same as what the information says, any woman's confession is rejected, Xia Mujun, you won't be..."

Tiantiaoyuan Sha Ji put her face in front of Lin Hui and looked at Lin Hui uncertainly.

Lin Hui pushed Tiantiaoyuan Sha Ji away: "Don't think about those who have or not. Anyway, I don't plan to have a girlfriend now. If you have this idea, you should die!"

"Is there anything else? If it's okay, I'm leaving!"

It's not good for both parties if you reject others and stay any longer.

"Forget it, I won't force you now, then, you promise me a condition!"

Tenjoin Sha Ji made a concession.

"Oh, tell me, if I can do it, I will definitely do it."

Lin Hui didn't care about it. Anyway, this so-called competition was just a little girl throwing her own temper. Lin Hui was quite open about it. Anyway, he often teased pears and Meikan at home. With one more object, Lin Hui also felt amused when he looked at the other person's shriveled appearance.

Although it was obvious that he had won, but he had to promise the other party a condition, it was unreasonable no matter how you looked at it.

But I'm afraid you're not out of your mind when you talk to girls.

"I want you to teach Rin Kendo!"

Tenjoin Sha Ji said directly, and at the same time pushed Kujorin, who was standing behind him, out.

"Eh? Miss Shaji?"

It seems that Rin Kujo didn't expect Sha Ji of Tenjoin to come here, which is really surprising.

Lin Hui touched his chin: "Oh, that's the idea. Well, I'm not very good at kendo. If you don't mind, I'll teach you an hour a day."


Kujo Rin looked at Tenjoin Shaji.

"Rin, you also want to protect me, right, then just learn from someone stronger than you, then learn all his skills, and then give him a hard lesson, even if you are angry for me ."

Tiantiaoyuan Sha Ji was really not convinced that she lost to Lin Hui no matter what, so this is the reason.

"Yes, Miss Shaji!"

Rin Kujo happily took the order.

"Hey, hey, you are going to beat the teacher when you leave the school? This is very disrespectful to the teacher. Is it really good for you to talk about it publicly?"

Lin Hui closed one eye and said half-jokingly.

"You don't mind anyway, do you?"

Tenjoin Sha Ji said.

"Well, it is!"

Lin Hui shrugged: "Then, get ready, my training is very strict! How much you can learn depends on your own comprehension!"


Since then, Jiujiao Rin began to apprentice Lin Hui and learned Lin Hui's kendo, but the more he learned, the more Jiujiao Rin could feel that Lin Hui's strength was stronger. It was only a month before Jiujiao Rin could feel that his strength was obvious. It has been improved, and it can be seen that Lin Hui's teaching is still very useful.

For this reason, Rin Kujo even often took the initiative to go to Lin Hui to learn kendo, and he went to and fro, and also got to know Yuuki Riko and Yuuki Meikan.


"It's Xia Mu, it can be said that he has been missing for a while."

Tiantiaoyuan Sha Ji looked at the silver-haired man in front of him. It was this man who refused his request for a relationship without caring. At the same time, it was this man who suppressed all his pride with his unparalleled talent. Lin Hui was a god. The only man whom Saki Join can rely on.

"Teacher Xia Mu."

Jiujiao Rin bowed slightly to Lin Hui and gave a student salute.

"You're welcome, Rin, I don't have anything to teach you anyway. The rest is practice makes perfect and accumulated experience. If you want to accumulate experience, you can come to me at any time."

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