Lin Hui quickly retreated and saw that there were many people on this street. If a war started here, he might accidentally injure others: "No way, hey, you are here to kill me, then just follow come on!"

As Lin Hui said that, the whole person rushed into the alley, while paying attention to the girl chasing from behind, he shuttled through the alley at a very fast speed.

The alleys were twisted and twisted, making the girl's pursuit a lot slower, but the girl still persevered in her pursuit: "Yuki Natsuki, you are a lot more agile than I thought, but that's it! "

Lin Hui suddenly felt a darkness on his head, and suddenly, a huge hammer smashed down at him.

Lin Hui avoided the blow by simply rolling forward.

It turned out that the huge hammer was transformed from the girl's feet.

"My dear, isn't this full of weapons? If such a killer starts to use his hands, it is simply impossible to guard against!"

Lin Hui swallowed.

"You're right, that's why the master will appoint me to kill you! You..."

Before the girl could finish speaking, Lin Hui jumped over the wall and ran away.

The girl was suddenly a little angry, and the blond hair turned into a meteor hammer and directly pierced the wall.

In the front, Lin Hui was standing there waiting for her.

"Why don't you fight back? Yuki Natsuki? Aren't you a vicious and vicious person? Although you can't tell from the outside, your powerful strength is enough to explain a lot of problems."

The girl came out and said.

"Don't fight back? Who said I didn't fight back? After all, I just fought on the street and would accidentally injure a lot of people, and I couldn't use my hands and feet in the alley, and the information who told you is just slander! However, Looking for a frame that comes to the door, I have no way not to fight, hello, are you ready?"

Lin Hui took out a sword hilt from the satchel, which was what Lin Hui took away when Lin Hui fought against aliens for the first time. Although it was picked up by Yumen Ryoko at first, Lin Hui later used his own flesh Organization changed.

Lin Hui pressed the switch, and suddenly, the blade appeared directly, turned into a lightsaber, and aimed at the girl.

The girl looked at Lin Hui's appearance and became alert: "That is to say, are you going to fight back?"

"Of course, you'd better be careful!"

Lin Hui looked at the girl: "Although you are here to kill me, your murderous aura is very weak, and there is one thing that I really don't understand, why would a little girl like you become a killer? Where are your parents? , who trained you to be a killer?"

"You have too many questions!"

Like a sore spot that Lin Hui had stabbed, the girl rushed over in an instant, her hand turning into a sharp blade and slashing at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui's backhand was a sword, and he directly blocked the blow. At the same time, he punched and hit the girl's palm, knocking the girl back.

"Oh, who is Xia Mu fighting with?"

At this time, in the sky not far away, a pink-haired girl fell.

"Her code name is 'Golden Shadow', she has the ability to turn her entire body into a weapon, and is a cosmic assassin with the ability to transform."

At this time, a red-haired woman appeared here.

"Eh? Yumen-sensei!"

Lala seemed to have found out in the New World: "Does the teacher know that girl too?"

"Forget it, but I didn't expect that child to come to Earth. It's better not to provoke her. By the way, if anyone needs treatment, just come to me!"

Mikado Ryoko said with a smile.

With Lin Hui's ear, he could naturally hear Yumen Ryoko's words. Looking at the girl codenamed "Golden Shadow" in front of him, Lin Hui felt more miraculous, because Yumen Ryoko knew this girl, and this girl seemed to be quite in the universe. Famous, so when did she start working on assassination?

Moreover, Lin Hui can feel that the murderous intention of the golden shadow is very real. He really wants to kill himself, but his murderous intention is weak. This is a very strange point. , but the murderous intention of the other party is solid, but the murderous intention is weak, then only one thing can be explained, the other party does not kill often, that is, at most, he is famous because he killed a few famous people, and the murderous intention is solid. But it is very strange, unless it is every battle, this girl will go through life and death battles to use such a firm killing intent!

Holding the kind of consciousness that kills the opponent completely, either you will die, or I will die!


Lin Hui and Golden Shadow are separated again. Lin Hui has already felt the difficulty of each other. He is indeed an assassin who has the ability to transform his entire body into a weapon!

Chapter [-] The loneliness of a person

"Is it enough? There's no point in fighting anymore!"

Lin Hui waved the lightsaber in his hand, and his arm was a little sore. This was the first time that he had fought against someone like this. Lin Hui didn't know that he could fight to this point with all his strength, but in the face of the whole body, he could become The golden shadow of the weapon made even Lin Hui a headache.

The opponent's hair can be turned into swords, spears, swords and halberds, and even if you don't pay attention, it can turn into a fist and hit you directly. The speed is very fast, and Lin Hui has to face the golden shadow's hands turned into a blade, or a golden shadow. His feet turned into iron hammers, and even Lin Hui would not feel any better if he suffered such a blow.

If Lin Hui wanted to get close to him, the opponent's body could even turn into spikes. Lin Hui was almost pierced by the opponent's body. In close combat, the golden shadow was almost invulnerable. Even if Lin Hui used his super-high speed to explode, But the golden shadow could even grow a pair of wings and fly directly into the sky. Lin Hui was unable to fight in the air and could only be forced to resist the attack of the golden shadow.

Fortunately, even though Lala noticed the situation here, she made a simple anti-gravity buoyancy device and threw it on Lin Hui's back, so that Lin Hui could fight in the air within half an hour, otherwise, I'm afraid I would only be beaten to death. .

"No, you are my target, and I won't stop until I kill you!"

The golden shadow's hands turned into extremely sharp blades and charged directly towards Lin Hui.

Lin Hui also felt that the time for the simple anti-gravity buoyancy device made by Lala was coming. It had been nearly half an hour since the battle. Even if Lin Hui's physical strength was infinite, Lin Hui felt a little helpless in the face of a killer with extraordinary strength. .

In order to prevent the device from failing suddenly, Lin Hui fell directly to the ground. If the device suddenly failed during the battle, it would be a dead end, and the golden shadow could fly. Undoubted.

"Since that's the case, then I can't sit still! I just wanted to live a peaceful life, but you all insisted on breaking my peace, so I won't be polite!"

At this moment, the lightsaber in Lin Hui's hand had the maximum output power, and a scorching high temperature began to appear on it, laying in front of him.

"A peaceful life? How could you want a peaceful life? According to my client, you are forcing the princess, and you are planning to get Debbie Lux, an extremely evil person, plus you still have such Strength, I think it's very real."

The golden shadow looked at Lin Hui.

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