Lin Hui could feel Lala's strength from the very beginning, which was derived from the strength that Lala showed from time to time. It can be said that the fighting potential is endless, it just needs to be stimulated, not to mention, as Debbie Road The first princess of the nemesis, how could she dare to wander in the universe alone without any strength?

"It's really surprising."

After listening to Lin Hui's words, the golden shadow refreshed his views on Lala.

"However, the name Xiao An is still very cute, and it matches better with a cute girl like Xiao An."

Lin Hui did not stingy with his praise.

"Xia Mu really understands me."

Lala hugged Lin Hui all of a sudden.

"Cute? You mean me?"

The golden shadow was a little shy, and the whole person was a little overwhelmed.

"Don't you like it? Or do you want to change your name?"

Lin Hui was a little annoyed by Lala's embrace, and asked.

"It's nothing, this is the first time someone has said this to me, it doesn't matter what it is called."

The golden shadow seemed to turn around a little shyly, so that no one could see the expression on her face.

"So what are you going to do next? Go back to the universe? Or stay on Earth?"

Lin Hui touched Lala's little head, making her happy for a while.

"It's not my style to stop halfway through the accepted mission. Yuki Natsuki, you are my goal. Before the mission ends, I will stay on Earth until..."

The golden shadow suddenly turned his head and said with a slight blush on his face. Before the golden shadow could finish speaking, a figure suddenly jumped out.

"The legendary killer-Golden Shadow, are you the killer who wants to take your uncle's life? I won't let you hurt your uncle's hair!"

Sustin was wearing armor, holding a lightsaber, and his clothes looked upright.

Before the golden shadow could speak, Lin Hui slapped Sustin on the back of the head: "Sastin, are you stupid? I have already said that all those who intended to murder me have been arrested. Over there, Xiao An is the bodyguard I invited. It's not because of your inaction that I have been working hard all day, so what's the point of asking a bodyguard? Xiao An said just now that he will stay on Earth until the end of the mission. It's to protect me, you know?"

"Ah, so that's what I'm really sorry for. I'm being rude. Then, I'll take these criminals away now."

Afterwards, Sustin asked Debbie Luxing's spaceship to take away himself, Lacospo and others.

"I'm the one who wants to kill you. Is it really okay for you to protect me like this?"

The golden shadow looked at Lin Hui and didn't understand. If Sastin had just let Sastin take him away, wouldn't it save a lot of things?

Lin Hui smiled indifferently: "You already said that I am your target, then you will definitely not let others kill me, which means that you have protected me in disguise, I said you are my bodyguard, what's wrong? "

"And oh, I welcome you to kill me at any time! Please take care of me in the future."

Chapter [-] Sports Festival!

"What a strange man, aren't you afraid of death?"

The golden shadow looked at Lin Hui, very puzzled, that someone would welcome him to kill him.

"No, of course I'm afraid of death, no one is not afraid of death, but, I will fight your assassination with [-] points of spirit, don't worry, maybe, I will become stronger because of this! When you can't beat me, don't say anything!"

Lin Hui could feel that the strength of his body began to increase because of the battle with the golden shadow. That is to say, the more he fought, the stronger he became, until one day, he would not be afraid of anyone.

The golden shadow looked at Lin Hui, and his eyes changed slightly: "I will definitely kill you, don't worry, I won't make you stronger until I'm not your opponent!"

"Then I'm looking forward to it!"

Lin Hui said, and then suddenly thought of something: "By the way, Xiao An, you just came to Earth, right?"

"Well, yes, what's wrong?"

The golden shadow looked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui stepped aside, picked up the satchel that he had put aside during the battle, and took out a book from it: "By the way, this book is about some entertainment and daily necessities on Earth. You who have just come to earth should help, take a look, by the way, can you understand the words of the earth?"

Golden Shadow took the book and read it: "Roughly understandable, in order to wander in the universe, I have learned many words between different planets, so it's no problem."

"That's good, I'm worried that you won't understand. After all, when Lala first came, she couldn't understand the words of the earth. Although she could speak, she couldn't understand it. She scored zero in the first test."

Lin Hui smiled helplessly.

"Hey hey hey!"

Lala said shyly, "But it's all right now!"

"By the way, Xiao An, where do you live, we will visit you when we have time!"

Lin Hui suddenly thought of this.

"Please don't worry, there are people I know on Earth who will go somewhere to help temporarily."

The golden shadow replied.

Lin Hui nodded and said goodbye to the golden shadow with Lala.


Several days passed quickly.

Yuuki Riko looked very excited, humming along the way.

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