Miyako Ryoko sighed a little: "I can't say that a man without wealth is the iron rule of a woman! Girls, they are very weak creatures!"

"It's very real, thank you for your explanation!"

"You can just get into the money's eye!"

Lin Hui secretly complained.

Just as the two men took Lala's hand, Lala threw them into the air.

"Ah, Lara passed this obstacle with ease!"

"Furthermore, I crossed the finish line with the Xilian Temple Haruna contestant. It's amazing!"

Saruyama was very excited.

Lin Hui has no expectations for this sports festival.

Chapter [-] Why should I participate in such a sports festival?

This time, the sports festival of the private Cainan High School was simply jaw-dropping, and Lin Hui no longer knew how to complain about the sports festival this time.

Why did the school sports festivals used to be normal, and this time it has become such a situation?Hey, hey, do you think aliens can do whatever they want?Are you kidding me?

Lin Hui felt his head hurt!

The next race is the men's and women's mixed [-]-meter relay race. Lin Hui originally wanted to sneak away, because Lin Hui knew that this race would never be able to pass smoothly. I even thought of an excuse for pretending to be sick, but as a result...

"Brother, you can't slip away! You are our sure-win ace!"

Yuuki Riko sold her brother without hesitation.

"Pear! You wait for me!"

Lin Hui let out a scream, and was finally dragged to the track by Yuuki Riko.

In desperation, Lin Hui could only prepare to start. Lin Hui was the third best player, while Yuki Riko was the fourth best player.



With the sound of a gunshot, the No. 1 player in Class [-]-A, Gutegawa Yuki, rushed out: "I can't lose!"

Yui Guate Chuan's speed is very fast, directly throwing off most of the players, even the second place has a huge gap with Yui Guate Chuan.

"Okay, just hand over the baton to the next contestant... hand... eh? Why is there no one?"

Furute Chuan Yu was completely stunned. There was no one in front of his runway. How could it be possible?

Zetian Weiyang rang out immediately: "No, the second one is Lian who exited the stage to find the legendary sword!"

Lin Hui really wants to scold people, why can't he play even without anyone? Isn't this funny?Is this a normal sports festival?don't joke, okay?

Shouldn't a normal sports festival have to order the number of people first?Why?Why is this sports festival so weird?

Furukawa Yui ran to the second handover, but she couldn't take over if there was no one, she could only stand in place.

"What should I do?"

All the contestants handed over the baton to the second contestant, and Class 1-A went from the first to the last one, truly falling from heaven to hell.

"Keep you waiting! I'm here!"

At this time, a young man wearing a strange armor and holding a real [-]-meter long sword appeared on the stage!

Even stepping on the plastic track can make a "squeaky" sound, which shows the weight of this armor and the big knife.

"Sorry for being late, I'll run to the end!"

Lian walked to his own runway, ready to take over the baton.

"Oh oh oh! Even the players have arrived, and they have brought the legendary sword from somewhere in the world. They are very, very enthusiastic. This is called a relay race. It is really hard to predict what will happen!"

Saruyama's explanation caused Lin Hui to get stuck in his throat, wanting to vomit but he didn't know how to vomit.


Furukawa Yui put the baton in Lian's hand.


"Let's have a showdown! Yuki Natsuki!"

Lian charged towards Lin Hui extremely fast while resisting the legendary sword.

Lin Hui really wants to quit this game now and have a showdown with himself?Hey, hey, isn't it a class?How can it be so decisive!

Also, put it down, put down that [-]-meter-long broadsword in your hand!What do you want to do, kill someone?Or do you want me to run [-] meters first and then chop me?

However, I have to say that the speed of the connection is fast enough. Although it is behind by nearly two-thirds of the gap, the continuous sprint burst against the legendary sword, which directly shortens the distance, and then directly closes the distance like a bowling ball. It knocked all the runners in front of him flying.

"I am a man, and I will never admit defeat!"

Lin Hui covered his face with one hand, this is a competition, even, you're already breaking the rules, right?Hello, what about the referee?Directly sentence 1-A class to be disqualified because of the collision?

Even if I take the baton, I don't want to run away, it's too embarrassing!

However, after running and running, suddenly, the whole person slowly leaned back.

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