Lin Hui greeted the family.

"Welcome back, Xia Mu, eh? Who are these people?"

Yuuki Meikan didn't expect Lin Hui to bring back three girls she didn't know at once, and it was a little strange. Then she looked at Lin Hui and wondered if Lin Hui had acquired some bad habit of picking up girls home. After all, Lala can be regarded as the place that Lin Hui picked up.

"Ah, it's Xiao An! Welcome!"

Lala came out of the bathroom, wearing only a bath towel.


The golden shadow said hello to Lala.

Lin Hui, on the other hand, walked into the kitchen intently.

Ji Hiiragi touched his chin: "No, it's really suspicious. It's too suspicious that Xia Mu would not even look at such a beautiful scenery."

Lin Hui almost stumbled: "What are you doing? In the minds of the two of you, am I such a person?"

Lan Yumengcong and Ji Yilingcai nodded at the same time, leaving Lin Hui speechless.

"Eh? Hello, I'm Lala, who are you two?"

Lala looked at the two curiously.

Yuuki Riko didn't know how to introduce: "The two of them know my brother..."

"Eh? Why didn't I know that Xia Mu actually knew two such lovely girls!"

Yuuki Meikan looked at Lin Hui.

"Never mind them, they are people from the future."

Lin Hui said something casually.

Lala was immediately surprised, while Yuuki Mikan was stunned.

"Hey, are you really from the future?"

Lala grabbed Ji Hiirao Reina's little hand and asked.

"Of course, we come from an incredible future!"

Ji Hiirao Lingcai responded calmly, but looking at the swaying snow-white in front of her, her nose bleeds unsatisfactorily.

Chapter [-] This world is not as simple as you think!

"Zeng Cai, you are so excited!"

Lan Yumengcong glanced at Ji Hiiragi Lingcai and said angrily.

"I can't help it, how can I not be excited about such a beautiful scenery? Could it be that you weren't excited when you made Meng Onion?"

Ji Hiiragi covered her nose with her hands and drank the blood from her nose into her stomach, suppressing her excitement.

"You dead girl, are you too small or too small?"

Lan Yumengcong didn't expect Ji Hiragana Lingcai to be able to speak so openly.

"Huh? I'm not big or small? I was born a minute before you, and I'm a big sister! You should be the one who said it's not big or small, right?"

Ji Hiirai Lingcai was a little unhappy, and put her hands on her hips, intending to use the tone of her elders to teach Lan Yumengcong a lesson.

"That, Xia Mujun, I have something to tell you, do you have time?"

Lan Yumengcong glanced at Ji Hiiragi Lingcai.

"Don't, don't, I was wrong, I was wrong, you are my sister, you can be my sister, right?"

Ji Hirao Lingcai almost knelt down to Lan Yu Meng Cong.

"What are you making a fuss about?"

Lin Hui said helplessly, but Lin Hui can also feel this familiarity, as if he had such a feeling in his own memory, although it feels awkward, after all, Lin Hui has not even fully obtained his emotions. This special feeling is really strange.

"By the way, you have a nosebleed, are you okay? Would you like to stop it?"

Yuuki Meikan intends to go there to get a home medical kit.

"It's okay, it's just a little nosebleed, normal behavior."

After Ji Hiiragi Reinking wiped off the traces of nosebleeds, it was as if there was no nosebleed.

"Eh? How strange? Well, your eyes seemed to have turned red just now..."

Lara noticed this.

It's just that Ji Hiirao Reina's eyes have turned black again, which makes Lala feel a little strange.

"Eh? Is there any?"

Ji Hiirao Lingcai wanted to hide it with a haha, but when she saw Lala holding the bath towel on her chest, her eyes turned burgundy again.

"Look, it's red again!"

Lala pointed a finger, this time, even Cheng Meikan could see clearly, and the golden shadow blocked Lala's body.

"Oh, zero dishes!"

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