"Get out of the way, get out of the way, I have RH negative blood, a super rare blood type!"

My dear, you dare to say anything to make vampires suck your own blood, and you are not afraid of sucking you dry!

"No no no, we will only suck the blood of Cheng Xiamu!"

Lan Yumengcong closed one eye and said, stuck out her little tongue.

Suddenly, everyone was stunned, and then looked at Lin Hui's location.

However, Lin Hui's seat was empty.

Impossible, it was still there just now, what happened?

And on the grass outside the classroom, Lin Hui sat there: "Really, anything can be said to me!"

Afterwards, Lin Hui ran away immediately. At least for a short time, he was not allowed to go in the class. Anyway, he often ran away, and it was a big deal to be told by Yui Gutegawa, but it was good to be able to avoid the limelight.

"Oh, my uncle, I finally found you."

At this time, Lin Hui, who was wandering around the campus, actually met Sustin.

"Huh? Sastin, what are you doing? Why are you in school?"

Lin Hui did not understand.

"That's it, Uncle, you know that Lala's father is the king of Debbie Luke, the overlord of the universe."

Sustin looked at Lin Hui.

"Ah, you said that too."

Lin Hui nodded.

"This time, the purpose of his coming to Earth is probably to see the ability of the uncle, so please be careful with your actions on weekdays! Because King Debbie Luke is likely to be invisible to the uncle. looking at you."

Lin Hui's heart was a little nervous, but he finally came. Lin Hui knew that since he had made a marriage contract with Lala, this person would definitely be involved.

The tyrant of the entire universe, the number one man in the universe who swept the Galaxy Wars!

Chapter [-] The weird chain that wraps around the body!

Lin Hui stared at the scenery outside the window boredly. Anyway, Lin Hui had already learned from the teacher's class, and he could speak better than the teacher. Whether he listened or not depends on Lin Hui's mood. Seriously, especially Ji Hirao Lingcai and Lan Yu Meng onion.

As for the previous skipping class, Yui Gutegawa really found Lin Hui after class, criticized him, and only temporarily let Lin Hui go after Lin Hui apologized repeatedly.

However, Tenjoin Shaji wanted to capture Lin Hui directly during the get out of class, because since the sports festival, Tenjoin Shaji understood that if she wanted to deal with Lala, she had to join Lin Hui together. Taking it into consideration, it turned out that I was using the "Uchida-ryu Big Tree Binding", hey, isn't this the so-called tortoise shell binding?Don't act like anything!

In short, because Yui Gutegawa stood in front of Lin Hui, he became Lin Hui's replacement, and was directly tied up by Fujisaki Aya.

Lin Hui also knew how to untangle this tying technique, but the position was not good, because the knot was right on the inside of the twin peaks that Kotegawa Yuina was highlighted by the rope binding.

Fujisaki Aya naturally has no scruples in binding, and both parties are women, but Lin Hui has to reach out to untie the knot, and Lin Hui is a man, what should I do?

Lin Hui thought about it for a while, and at the urging of Yui Gutekawa, he reluctantly asked Lala to borrow scissors. As a result, Lala took out her own invention "Kacha Kacha Scissors", and when she automatically cut the rope, together with Furute Chuan Yu's clothes were also cut together.

Fortunately, Lin Hui was quick-witted, and directly covered his clothes on Gute Chuan Yu's body, so that Gute Chuan Yu's spring was not exposed.

After that, Pei Kai reluctantly resolved the matter by using his own abilities to repair the clothes for Yui Furutekawa.

On the other hand, Ji Hiirao Reika saw Lin Hui's beauty in this school. It was really enviable, and he was almost excited again just now.

With the strengths of Ji Hiirao Lingcai and Lan Yu Mengcong, how could it be impossible to see Yui Gutegawa's delicate body before being covered by Lin Hui's clothes?

Although only a little is exposed, the snow-white ketone body and the proud twin peaks really make the blood flow.

In this regard, it is normal for Ji Hiirai Lingcai to be excited, and Ji Hiiragi Lingcai is very skeptical. With the current strength of Lin Hui, it should be impossible not to see it, right?

However, Ji Hiirai Lingcai was not stupid enough to ask. After all, Lin Hui doesn't know the two of them at all. Maybe it's okay to tease Lin Hui about some things, but some things go too far and are recovered by Lin Hui. It's a bit troublesome to remember to settle accounts afterwards.

"Really, Sha Ji is staring at me now, sigh, can you make my life a little more peaceful today?"

Lin Hui scratched his hair and felt very distressed. If it was in the past, it would be a riot. Anyway, he could handle it, and he was not afraid, but now the problem is that King Debbie Luke is coming. It's Lala's fiancé, what would she think if she saw that she was too close to other women?

Lin Hui thought about it, um, he probably would break his leg.

Well, Lin Hui suddenly felt that half of his legs were missing.


Suddenly, Lin Hui felt a sharp weapon flying towards him.

The whole person dodged slightly to the side. As a result, he was stable and could dodge this blow, but suddenly his foot slipped for no reason, and the other foot had not yet landed, so the whole person fell directly down the stairs.


Lin Hui saw something that seemed to be green, and his hands seemed to be holding something soft and warm. Could it be...

Lin Hui jumped up all of a sudden, sat on the side, and saw a girl with light green long hair smiled shyly at him: "Ah, it's Xia Mujun."

"I'm sorry I'm sorry, I really slipped my foot just now, I'm really sorry!"

Lin Hui now suddenly wants to understand that Yuuki Riko was wronged by himself before, and it seems that he will ask Yuuki Riko to apologize in the future.

"It doesn't matter, if it's Xia Mujun!"

Lun's face flushed slightly.

Hey hey hey, you must be very related, and why are you blushing now!

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