Lin Hui was thrown to the ground again, and he felt a little tired, and the alloy long sword in his hand had been inserted upside down.

"OK, this is the end of today's training. You can do some self-training later. By the way, you have reached the limit of my combat training in the last month, and then you will start to improve your body. Good quality."

Ji Hiiragi Lingcai could probably feel the changes in Lin Hui's body, so she made a suggestion.

"I see."

Lin Hui took off the vest on his body, picked up a heavier Ma Jian from the ground on the side, and added weight to his wrists and ankles at the same time.

Chapter [-] Must be changed!

Ji Hiiragi took away the alloy sword and vest left by Lin Hui, and at this moment, Lin Hui's weight has reached [-] kilograms, and the new vest alone is a full [-] kilograms. , and Lin Hui wore [-]kg wristbands on his hands and [-]kg weights on his feet. He started running and headed towards the park from home. Lin Hui did this every day, every day. Caused to get up at [-]:[-], and practiced with Ji Hiirai in the yard until [-]:[-] in the morning, then started to run all the way to the park at home, spent half an hour, and then spent another half an hour on self-training, and then returned home to take a shower Just ready to go to school.

After running to the park, Lin Hui began to do push-ups on the ground in the park. Under the weight of [-] kilograms, Lin Hui's push-ups took a lot of effort, and now Lin Hui gives people a kind of body. It felt like an adult sitting down. To sit and do push-ups under such circumstances, I had to say that Lin Hui's strength was enough.

One hundred push-ups were quickly completed, and then I moved my body and began to prepare for the next training.

"Malone, don't run so fast!"

At this time, a girl in a light blue dress ran towards the park with a rope, and on the rope was a Boston black and white dog with a very strange face.

"Eh? Xia Mu-kun?"

At this time, the girl looked at the silver-haired boy who was moving his body in surprise.

"Xilian Temple, did you take Ma Long for a walk?"

Lin Hui asked while moving his body.

"Yeah, I happened to pass by here today, so, who is Xia Mujun?"

There was a hint of joy on the face of Xilian Temple Haruna.

Lin Hui stood up: "Exercise, because I feel that my own abilities are not enough, so I have to change myself, no, I have to make changes!"


Xilian Temple Chuncai did not expect Lin Hui to say such words, which surprised her, because in Xilian Temple Chuncai's view, Lin Hui is already very good, good at learning, and very strong in athletic ability. He can get good rankings in various competitions, he can also do housework at home, and he is very gentle with people. He is simply a perfect person.

However, under such circumstances, Lin Hui still felt his own inadequacy, so he came out to exercise, how could Haruna of Xilian Temple not feel admiration?

Looking at the sweat on Lin Hui's forehead is enough to show that Lin Hui has been exercising here for a lot of time.

"Well, Xia Mu-kun, if you don't mind, wipe the sweat with my handkerchief."

At this time, Xilian Temple Haruna took out her handkerchief and handed it to Lin Hui.

"Thank you."

Lin Hui did not refuse. He picked up the handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Xilian Temple, what's wrong?"

Xirenji Haruna felt a little hesitant or should say she had something to say but didn't know how to say it.

"Well, I think it's a very good idea for Xia Mu to change himself. I think I have to learn too."

Xilian Temple Haruna took a deep breath before speaking her mind.

"Well, this is a good thing. People are constantly improving and changing themselves. It is very good for Xilian Temple to have such an idea. Some people may not even think about it, so they cannot step out. Your first step, come on!"

Lin Hui encouraged the Xilian Temple.

"Then, can I cheer for Xia Mu-jun?"

At this time, Haruna of Xilian Temple blurted out.

Lin Hui was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Xilian Temple Chuncai would say such a thing. Xilian Temple Chuncai was also suddenly stunned, and then his face turned a little red.

"Welcome, if someone can cheer for me, I'll probably be even happier!"

Lin Hui said with a smile.

"Well, I should go back too, see you later!"

Xilian Temple Chuncai held the chain: "Ma Long, go."

Lin Hui looked at the back of Xilian Temple Chuncai leaving, and couldn't help sighing: "What a good girl!"


The next day, Lin Hui ran into the park again and saw that Xilian Temple Chuncai was already waiting there. He also brought barley tea and his pickled dried radish. Lin Hui drank barley tea and ate dried radish. , Immediately feel refreshed all over the body, and when you are physically and mentally tired, a little sour to stimulate your taste buds instantly makes you feel refreshed.

Lin Hui's praise immediately inspired Xilian Temple's spring vegetables, and he was very happy, so he would bring some different food to Lin Hui to taste each time, and Xilian Temple's spring vegetables were also very good, although they were similar to Lin Hui. There is a gap, but Lin Hui's cooking skills have already entered the realm of the gods, so they can't be compared together at all.

If the culinary skills of Xilian Temple Chuncai are more practiced, it should be similar to Yuuki Meikan. After all, Meikan has always been learning from Lin Hui, and he has been preparing three meals at home alternately with Lin Hui since he was a child. Naturally, he is not good at cooking. low.

Now Lin Hui and Xilian Temple Chuncai seem to have developed a good tacit understanding. The two went to the park at almost the same time. After being in the park, Lin Hui exercised while Xilian Temple watched Lin Hui from there. Exercising and helping Lin Hui to count at the same time, this saved Lin Hui some effort.

Lin Hui's body is not bad at all. Although he is carrying a load on his body, he can still do the same as usual, and this load can also be switched on and off. It is Lala's invention, and it should be said that it is rare and has no defects. invention.

Lin Hui's physical fitness is indeed improving little by little, which can lead to more power hidden in the body, which Lin Hui can clearly feel.


"Xia Mu-jun, will you come on Sunday too?"

Xilian Temple Haruna looked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui moved his body, stood up and said, "Of course, because I think if I don't exercise for a day, my body will rust."

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