Lin Hui suddenly said, "Listen!"

"go out!"

"go out!!"

"go out!!!"


Suddenly, everyone's feet shattered, and everyone fell.

Lin Hui originally wanted to come to a perfect landing, but no matter what, there is always a Yuuki Riko who completely destroyed his abacus by his side!

At the moment when Yuuki Riko fell, she pushed Lin Hui, causing Lin Hui, who was keeping his balance, to be pushed out by Yuuki Riko.


Lin Hui felt as if he was hugging someone in a panic, and he felt very embarrassed.

When the dust dissipated, Lin Hui felt extremely bitter in his heart when he saw that he was hugging the girl, she was the one he didn't want to hug the most.

"Natsuki Yuki, I hate H!"

The golden shadow's blond fist hit Lin Hui directly, but Lin Hui quickly dodged the blow: "That, Xiao An, I didn't mean it, listen to my explanation!"

"Xiao An, Xia Mu didn't do it on purpose, can you forgive him?"

At this time, Lala also stood up and pleaded for Lin Hui.

After listening to the golden shadow, he put away his fists: "Since the princess has interceded for you, then I will let you go this time!"

Lin Hui breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the golden shadow did not hold on to it, otherwise, he would have suffered a lot today. Although the golden shadow was not his opponent, it was impossible for him to regard the golden shadow as an enemy!

"Hohohoho, I didn't expect Xia Mujun to have a 'God Slam' skill here!"

Ji Hiiragi Lingcai said with a smile: "As expected of Xia Mujun!"

Lin Hui complained: "What kind of ability is that, I would rather not have it!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of music, which made the people who were a little scared become even more scared.

Lala, on the contrary, didn't feel afraid at all, and opened the door directly: "Is Mr. Monster there?"

However, in this music classroom, it was empty, and only a piano was playing by itself.

Suddenly, the piano flew up: "Get out! Get out! Get out!!"

Fly directly to the crowd.

Immediately, everyone was so frightened, especially Xilian Temple Haruna and Yucheng Lizi, and then, at this moment, a figure blocked the door: "Let me see, who is pretending to be a ghost!"


Lin Hui smashed the piano with one punch, but there was nothing special about it.

"go out!"

"go out!"

At this time, a skeleton walked out from the dark corridor opposite the crowd.


When everyone was so frightened that they wanted to go to the other side, a mannequin appeared, making strange noises and shouting: "Get out! Get out!"

"So that's the case, I said, you should be from the universe, right?"

Lin Hui suddenly said: "I can feel that there are three people's breaths here, and there are three people's breaths on the other side. Since this is the case, don't pretend to be?"

"Eh? You know the cosmos? Aren't you from Earth?"

At this time, a voice came from the skeleton,

"Of course I'm from the earth, but I feel that if you continue like this, you will probably die miserably. After all, there are the princesses of Debbie Lux and the famous killer of the universe, the golden shadow!"

Lin Hui said with a wicked smile.


Immediately, the cosmic people in the skeleton and the mannequin ran out, knelt directly on the ground, and apologized in the way of sitting on the ground: "I'm really sorry."

"it's okay no problem!"

Lala's heart is very big.

And Xilian Temple Chuncai, Fengang Lisha and Zetian Weiyang slumped on the ground: "Fortunately, it's not a ghost."

Furukawa Yui suddenly leaned on Lin Hui's body: "I'm dying!"

"It turns out that you are the only one afraid of ghosts!"

Lin Hui said with a smile, "I found another weakness of Wei!"

"Don't do this, okay?"

Furukawa Yui hammered Lin Hui on the shoulder.

At this time, Lin Hui was still very strange, why Yuuki Lizi didn't move, this time she was so calm, it was really rare!

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