Zetian Weiyang suddenly shouted.


Lin Hui was very surprised that Zetian Weiyang would actually say such a thing at this time.

"Yeah, it's a shame for the earth to let someone as bad as Saruyama be a gift representing the earth!"

Fengang Risa said plausibly.

Lin Hui looked at the two girls suspiciously. No way. Could it be that these two people have changed sex today?Don't you usually watch the fun and don't think it's a big deal?

"Yeah, I'm the shame of the earth, so don't take me as a gift!"

In order to not be a gift, Saruyama also sacrificed himself, and actually admitted to such a title.

"So, let's turn Saruyama into a good gift!"

At this time, Fengang Risa and Zetian Weiyang set up Saruyama, with a sinister smile on their faces.

"What? Hey, let me go!"

Saruyama was dragged into the women's toilet by two women. Lin Hui only heard screams outside. Soon after, Lin Hui saw the door being pushed open, and a humanoid creature like a fish jumped out of it. Come out and jump.

Lin Hui was taken aback and kicked the creature directly.


Taking a closer look, it turned out that it was Saruyama wearing a fish-shaped coat. Lin Hui touched his chin. He didn't expect things to go so smoothly. It would be better to say that because of the participation of Fengang Risa and Zetian Weiyang, his plan can be said It was super perfect.


Several people moved Saruyama to the infirmary and threw it directly beside the strange cat mother.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, here comes the gift!"

Lin Hui said to the strange cat mother.

"Ah, this..."

The mother strange cat was obviously shy: "Great, I think this child will be happy too, if he can be the father of this child... just kidding."

Suddenly, the mother strange cat was very shy, and the whole person became embarrassed.

"Wow! It seems very happy."

Lala said with great excitement.

"But... I think, Mr. Saruyama will already have someone to associate with. If there is, then I will give up Mr. Saruyama as a gift, because Mr. Saruyama's happiness is the most important thing."

The strange cat mother said with some regret.

Lin Hui raised his eyebrows, hey hey hey, no, is it all God's will?Even this strange cat alien is so cooperative?Saruyama, it looks like you can't escape.

"As far as I know, no!"

Lin Hui said, in order to push the plan forward smoothly, Lin Hui said directly.

"Ah, so..."

The strange cat mother suddenly became excited.

"Who says I don't have one, I have someone I associate with!"

Saruyama suddenly jumped up, and the whole person said with righteous indignation.

"where is it?"

Lin Hui smiled playfully.

"I'll bring her here now."

Saruyama quickly left the infirmary with his hands and feet.

"Sure enough, Mr. Saruyama is such an excellent person after all..."

The strange cat mother said sadly.

"He doesn't have one, so now we need to find one!"

Lin Hui said, "Don't worry, I will let him accept you. It is better to say that my plan is going smoothly."

"So that's what happened, that's why you asked me to do this!"

Lan Yumengcong leaned against the door frame and said, but she seemed to be looking forward to it.

"let's start!"

Lin Hui raised his hand: "For Saruyama's future 'happy life'!"

Chapter [-] Lala who wants to take a hot spring!

Lala first took out the "Changing Guns" she made, which was made by using the database collected from people on earth. It can randomly change the appearance of the other party into a similar person in the database. appearance.

Lala used this invention to turn the strange cat mother into a woman in human form, and she looked okay, although not as good as Lala, but it was okay.

On the other hand, Lanyu Mengcong injected the nutrients to restore the body into the body of the strange cat mother, and at the same time injected the reshaped medicine into it, completely changing the strange cat mother into the appearance of the earth, not Laura The time-limited change of La was completely transformed into the appearance of an Earthling.

At the same time, Lala and Lanyu Mengcong also turned the little male cat into the appearance of an earthling.

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