At this time, Lala just came downstairs when she saw two people busy in the kitchen.

At this time, Lin Hui handed a prepared shaved ice to La La, and at the same time handed a spoon: "Come, try it!"

Lala took the shaved ice curiously, then scooped out a spoonful of it with a spoon and ate it.

Suddenly, Lala's whole body trembled as if she had been electrocuted: "Wow, the ice is so delicious, what is this Xiamu Xiamu?"

"It's called shaved ice, and it's made with ice cubes that are ground into fine particles and seasoned with a variety of flavors."

Lin Hui briefly introduced: "I'm still making some now, you can try the seasonings for yourself later, maybe there will be a taste you like better, oh, by the way, don't eat too much, Otherwise, you'll have a headache, it's ice after all!"

"Mmmm! It's delicious!"

Lala dug with a spoon, and her whole body was immersed in happiness.

"Huh? Shaved ice, Xia Mu-kun, give me one!"

At this time, Ji Hirao Lingcai also ran over excitedly, looking at the seasonings on the table: "I want this, and this, by the way, add a little of this too."

"Understood, you wait a moment, pear, help me make another cup. By the way, do you want a side dish, Meng onion?"

Lin Hui began to help Ji Hiirato prepare the taste she wanted and asked at the same time.

"Oh, yes, it doesn't seem like the scallions have come out yet. It was too late to do the experiment last night. This, and this, are the flavors that scallions like to eat. I'll bring them to her later."

Ji Hiirao Lingna thought for a while and said.

Lin Hui nodded, and after helping Ji Hiirai Recipe prepare, he handed the shaved ice to Ji Hiirai Recipe. Ji Hiirai Recipe ate it all at once, and the whole person showed a very happy look.

Then he rushed to the table and took another shaved ice without any seasonings, and prepared another serving for Lan Yu Meng onion and gave it to Ji Hiiragi.

Ji Hirao Lingcai brought the portion that belonged to Lan Yu Meng onion upstairs.

"Here, brother, the rest is estimated to be able to make two or three more cups."

Yuuki Riko handed the prepared shaved ice to Lin Hui, Linhu took it and said, "Enough is enough, then you can eat it yourself, I'll go up first."

Lin Hui added some mango juice to the shaved ice in his hand and walked upstairs.

"Knock knock knock!"

"Wait a moment."

Yuuki Mikan's voice came from the room.

"whats the matter?"

Yuuki Meikan opened the door, looked at Lin Hui with her hands behind her, and asked.

"Here, Meigan, would you like to try it? It tastes very good!"

Yuuki Meikan's eyes lit up a little, then took it over and nodded: "I see, thank you Xia Mu."

At this time, Yuuki Mikan heard Lala and Riko's arguing from downstairs, and for some reason, she seemed a little depressed.

"What's the matter, Meikan? You don't seem to be in a good mood?"

Lin Hui soon discovered the strangeness of Yuuki Meikan.

"It's nothing, Xia Mu, go out, I have to change clothes!"

With that said, Yuuki Meikan pushed Lin Hui out of the door.

"Jingle Bell--!"

A burst of phone ringing attracted Lin Hui's attention downstairs, and shook his head helplessly: "Really, won't you come again?"

"Hello, who is here, and who are you looking for?"

Lala answered the phone very obediently...

Chapter [-] If...

"Eh? Madam?"

Lala was surprised.

Lin Hui's brows furrowed. Good guy, this time it shouldn't be an invitation call.

"Well, yes, that's right."

Lala's face immediately bloomed with joy.

"Now, honey, are we going to buy an apartment?"

Lala shouted to the stairs.

"Not buying!"

Lin Hui knew that he was here to sell, so he rejected it directly.

"Okay. My husband said no, right, honey?"

Lala looked at Lin Hui and showed a bright smile.

Lin Hui rolled his eyes, and you can call Lala whatever you want. Anyway, since she's engaged, she must get married in the future. Of course, if she's dead, that's another story.

"By the way, what are you trying to do wearing this?"

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