"What are you doing?!"

Nana, who originally wanted to sleep with her, suddenly became furious!

Lin Hui was abruptly woken up, looking at his side, clutching his heart: "Can you let me get a good night's sleep!"

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Two The Changes of Cyril

Lin Hui sat silently and looked at the three Lala sisters who were eating Lin Hui's breakfast.

Lala was very happy to taste Lin Hui's breakfast, with a very happy look in her eyes.

Nana looked at Lin Hui angrily, as if she was still worried about what happened last night.

Mengmeng's eyes kept peeking at Lin Hui, and when they met Lin Hui's eyes, they immediately looked elsewhere, with a shy blush on her face, which made people feel a little speechless.

Lin Hui never thought of it. He didn't expect Lala to learn how to use the spare key to open her door and sneak in. However, the problem was that after Lala came in, Mengmeng refused to come and lay down together. Coming in, Lin Hui's subconscious action was to cover the three of them with the quilt.

If that's the case, it's fine, why did Nana come here too, hugging a pillow, this is obviously like sleeping with me, and the end result is that Meigan wakes up, and it's been [-] or [-] in the morning, In the end, both Lala and Mengmeng could only leave Lin Hui's bed unwillingly.

After taking a nap for three or four hours, Lin Hui also woke up. After all, I made breakfast by myself today, so I had to wake up. Although my breakfast tasted really good, the three Lala sisters felt delicious, but Can't suppress the hostility in Nana's eyes.

It's fine if it's just Lala sleeping beside her. After all, the two of them are considered to have a marriage contract. Although it is beyond Nana's psychological tolerance, why does Mengmeng sneak into her room!

Lin Hui glanced at Mengmeng, and always felt that Mengmeng seemed to have some hidden thoughts.


At this time, Ji Hirao Lingcai yawned and walked to the dining table and sat down.

"Morning! Just put things in the sink after eating, Lala, let's go, it's going to be late!"

Lin Hui looked at the time and said to Lala who had already finished eating.

"Well, by the way, isn't it called pear?"

Lala looked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui said speechlessly: "If you don't call, let her be late!"

It's not that I don't want to bark, it's that I really can't bark. I sleep like a dead pig. Yesterday, I was obviously not affected by the pollen, but I still fell asleep at the end, which is really confusing.

When passing by the yard, Lin Hui suddenly saw that Xilinu seemed to have no energy, and fell to the ground softly.

"Wait a minute Lara, I'll go see Cyril."

After Lin Hui finished speaking, he jumped over the wall and entered the yard: "Xilinu?"

Xilinu seemed to lift the huge flower, opened her mouth, and seemed to want to say something, but it was a pity that Lin Hui could not understand Xilinu's language.

"Are you okay? It feels like you have no energy."

Lin Hui touched the huge flower of Xilinu: "Would you like to water it?"

Hillino shook her head and the flowers seemed to say no.

"Chillino said she's just too tired, so it's okay."

At this time, Lala pulled Mengmeng out.

"Huh? Do you understand what Cyril is saying?"

Lin Hui looked at Mengmeng in surprise.

"Well, Mengmeng her, but she has the ability to talk to plants!"

Lala said proudly: "By the way, Nana has the ability to talk to animals!"

"Even in Debbie Lux, only the two of us have the unique ability! But looking at the appearance of Xilinu, I feel like I have the blight. This is a disease unique to her breed, but from the symptoms Look, it's a little different."

Mengmeng looked at Xilinu and felt a little strange.

"Blight disease? Is there a way to treat it?"

Lin Hui was a little anxious, because this was Lala's birthday present to him. Usually, Lin Hui often took care of Xilinu, and sometimes accompanied Xilinu to talk, chat, etc. Although Lin Hui I didn't understand what Xilinu said, but I always felt very happy at that time, but Lin Hui didn't want to see Xilinu become like this.

"Let me think about it, after all, I also know about the breed of Cylino, but there is really no way for the blight disease, because there are too few varieties of Cylino, and it doesn't seem like it's dead. It looks like a blight, but I can't say exactly what it is."

Mengmeng racked his brains: "I remember that there is a plant on a certain planet in the Milky Way, and the fruit of that plant is a magical fruit that can cure any plant disease, but I have never been to that planet. I don’t know the exact location, and if it’s really blight, there won’t be enough time.”

Lin Hui took a deep breath, and immediately took off his shoes and ran upstairs, knocking on Lan Yumengcong's room.

"Come onions, come on!"

"What's the matter? Didn't I say it? I want to ask for leave today!"

Lan Yumengcong said with a yawn.

"I want to ask you, is there any way I can do it without Hillino?"

Lin Hui took Lan Yumengcong to the yard.

"What's wrong with Hillino?"

Lan Yu Meng onion looked at the huge plant in front of her.

"I don't know, I just think that Xilinu's condition is similar to that of the blight, but it is a little different, because the roots of Xilinu are still turquoise, not the kind that is a little yellowish."

Mengmeng pointed at the roots of Cyril and said.

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