"I'm in!"

At this time, Gutegawa Yu opened the door and walked in with a tray: "I brought the coffee."

"Oh, thank you Big Brother You."

Lin Hui came over, took the tray and put it on the table.

"Hey, Xia Mu, I want to ask you, where have you and Wei been now? My little sister is good at everything, but she's a little brainless, but it's easy to be deceived, you have to hurry up!"

At this time, Gute Chuanyou put his arms around Lin Hui's neck and said with a smile.

Lin Hui's mouth twitched: "Brother You, Wei is looking at you!"

Chapter [-] was pitted by Lala again

"go out!"

Gute Chuan Yu's face immediately flushed red, and the whole person was about to burrow into the ground: "Shameless!"

"Yes, yes, then, I will not disturb you!"

Furutegawa Yu laughed and left the room.

The atmosphere was pretty good at first, but now, being so troubled by Gute Chuanyou, Lin Hui and Gute Chuan Yu were both embarrassed. In addition, yesterday, Gute Chuan Yu was protected by Lin Hui when he was hiding from the rain, and his heartbeat even accelerated. Originally it was possible to have a normal conversation, but now Yui Gutegawa didn't dare to look at Lin Hui's face.

If she really wants to say it, Yui Gutegawa can really feel her feelings, but she used to dare not say it, and now that Lin Hui has Lala, Yui Gutegawa is even more impossible to say it.

In fact, as long as they get along with Lin Hui for a long time, no matter who they are, they can feel the faint sense of distance from Lin Hui.

Women are slender emotional creatures, even Lala can feel it, not to mention Yui Furutekawa who grew up with Lin Hui.

However, the recent sense of distance is gradually fading. Although it is very subtle, it can be felt.


Furukawa Yui wanted to say something to ease the awkward atmosphere on both sides, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Yi, your friend came to see you!"

At this time, the voice of Furutegawa Yu rang from outside.

"Yi, I brought everyone to see you!"

Lala opened the door and entered the room first: "Oh, is Xia Mu here too?"

"Well, I got a copy for Wei."

Lin Hui said calmly.

"Is this really the only thing?"

At this time, Lun showed a suspicious expression,

Lin Hui said angrily, "Of course!"

At this time, Xilian Temple Haruna and the golden shadow came to Yui: "Student Gutegawa, you look good, that's great."

And the golden shadow took out the two bags of taiyaki in his hand and handed it to Yui Furutekawa: "Here, taiyaki, it's a condolence."

"Thank you."

After Yui Gutegawa took over, he felt warm in his heart, and the embarrassment of being alone with Lin Hui before disappeared invisibly.

"I feel like there are a lot of cats here!"

At this time, Lala looked at the pink cat doll in Lin Hui's hand, took it from Lin Hui's hand, and held it in her arms: "Wei, do you like cats very much?"

Gute Chuan Yu suddenly showed a shy look: "Eh? That...this..."


At this time, Murasame Shizuo carried a large bag and placed it at the end of Yui Furutekawa's bed: "I brought a lot of medicines from Mito-sensei."

Lin Hui got rid of Lun's entanglement in a timely manner, and said incidentally: "I don't think this is necessary, right? This is estimated to be enough for twenty years, right?"

"Ha ha……"

Yui Gutegawa didn't know how to answer the call.

And Murakami said to Lin Hui, "After I told Yumen-sensei about Yui's cold, she asked me to bring more."

Looking at the hilarious situation in the room, a faint smile appeared on Furukawa Yui's face. As a result, his face suddenly turned red and he said, "No... shameless!"

All the people present, including Lin Hui, were dumbfounded!


It's been a few days since I went to visit Yui Furotegawa at Yu's house.

On this day, Lala was walking with Lin Hui in the corridor. Suddenly, Lala's pocket was in commotion, and a strange pink light was emitted.

"Huh? What happened?"

Lara curiously took out the teleport phone "The dial" from her pocket, but as soon as she opened it, she saw a lot of things falling out of the teleport phone.

"Yeah, there seems to be something wrong with The dial, let me see!"

Afterwards, Lala took out her universal tool and began to repair The dial, but there were really props scattered all over the corridor.

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