Lin Hui said angrily: "I didn't intend to ask your opinion. Yes, and let's come down together during dinner. Anyway, the more people there are, the more lively the family is. It's not bad for your share, but the room is really not good, so It’s best that you can create your own space to live in.”

"Great, Nana, Mengmeng, let's go, let's go to Oppa Seven-color Hot Spring together!"

Lala said happily, "I haven't been there for a while recently!"


Mengmeng was very happy. When they were brought home to live, Mengmeng and Nana had soaked in the seven-color hot springs. It was very comfortable. What’s more, there were many different types of hot springs. Fengang Lisha, Zetian Weiyang Or, Furukawa Yui and others will come to Lin Hui's house to rub. After all, there are free natural hot springs. It's not worth it, so Lin Hui is considering whether to charge for it.


"Wow, it's the sea!"

Lala dragged the two of Xirenji Haruna to the beach, and the two of them had already changed into their swimsuits.

"The waves are really big!"

Furukawa Yui was carrying a swimming ring in his hand, and the whole person said with some worry.

"Hee hee, don't be afraid, Wei, even if you are washed away, there is still Prince Charming who can save you!"

At this time, Fengang Lisha pointed to Lin Hui who was looking at the sea with a smile on his face.

And Zetian Weiyang also took the opportunity to say: "Yes, yes, hurry up and take advantage of this opportunity!"

"You two, shameless!"

Gute Chuan Yu was immediately made a big red face, but his eyes were secretly aimed at Lin Hui, because as long as Lin Hui was there, Guate Chuan Yu would have a sense of security.

"That's awesome!"

At this time, Nana and Mengmeng who had changed into their swimsuits also came out, along with Yuuki Riko and Murasame Yujing.

"Xiao An, let's go over there and play together!"

Yuuki Meikan pulled the golden shadow and ran to the other side. The two petite girls had a common topic.


At this time, Lun ran directly to Lin Hui and hugged Lin Hui: "Let's swim together!"

Lin Hui, however, waved his hand to refuse, and pointed at Xilinu who was lying on his head: "You and Kyoko go with me, I also want to accompany my little princess!"


Lun was a little shriveled, and there was nothing he could do. Lin Hui used Xilinu as an excuse. This is really nothing to say, and Xilinu is indeed super sticky to Lin Hui. It can be said that in Yucheng's house, the relationship with Lin Hui is the best. of.

At this moment, a burst of exaggerated laughter came over: "Ahahaha, blue sky, white clouds, and Miss Ben, Tianjoin Shaji, welcome everyone to my private beachfront!"

Having said that, Tiantiaoyuan Sha Ji has already done a good job of being praised by everyone, but it is a pity that everyone has already started to play together, and they have not listened to Tiantiaoyuan Sha Ji's words.

"Listen to me seriously! Who do you think is the blessing to come to such a wonderful place!"

Tenjoin Sha Ji is going crazy.

"Quickly thank Miss Shaji for entertaining everyone."

At this time, Jiujo Rin's somewhat plain words rang out, um, it is very common for this group of people to disrespect Shaji of Tenjoin. Thanks to this, everyone can play together like ordinary people. .

What a wonderful thing this is for Tenjoin Shaji, who has not had many friends since he was a child!

Chapter [-] Don't cheat on me again!


At this time, everyone shouted in unison, causing Tianjoin Shaji, who was already a little wronged and wanted to cry like an abandoned puppy, to be stunned, and then the whole person laughed exaggeratedly again: "Ahaha Haha, you're welcome, then, please have fun!"

"Oh oh oh--!"

Immediately, all the talents officially began to play. At this moment, the world is wonderful, for Lin Hui.

Lin Hui has no "love" and no "desire", but it does not mean that Lin Hui does not appreciate beautiful eyes.

Snow-white skin, beautiful face, tall and straight twin peaks, slender thighs, for men, this is a dreamlike paradise!

Xilinu quickly climbed down from Lin Hui's head and along Lin Hui's body, went directly into the sea, and swam quickly. Although who was relatively shallow there, for Xilinu, this little one, Still deep enough to cover the water above his head.

Lin Hui also followed in order to prevent accidents.

At this time, Lala poured water on the spring vegetables of Xilian Temple, and the whole person of Xilian Temple also showed a happy smile: "Lala, don't do this!"

"Look at the move! Look at the move!"

At this time, Nana on the other side waved her hands frantically, and poured Mengmeng into a chicken, but Mengmeng was not to be outdone, and directly drew two flowers and sprayed two water jets at Nana: "Mengmeng , you are fooling!"

"Ara, I didn't say it's not allowed!"

Mengmeng smiled darkly, and directly got into trouble with Nana.

Although Murakami's proficiency in the body is no longer a problem, but the number of times in the sea is not large, so she still suddenly fell into the water, causing everyone to laugh.

Golden Shadow was lying in the swimming ring, floating quietly on the sea, while Meikan was leaning on the swimming ring, chatting with Golden Shadow, laughing from time to time, so uncomfortable!

When Xilinu was tired from swimming, she returned to Lin Hui's side. Lin Hui took Xilinu back to the shore and put Xilinu on the beach. At this moment, Xilinu also started to play with sand there. An extremely innocent smile appeared on his entire face, which was extremely healing.

"Ha, I'm exhausted!"

At this time, Yuuki Riko was lying on the beach without any image, and the whole person was panting.

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