Lin Hui ran directly in the direction Ji Hiragan Lingcai indicated.

"What a commotion!"

Lan Yumengcong closed the book in her hand and looked at the scene in the classroom. Fengang Lisha, Zetian Weiyang, etc. had all turned into children, and at this time, Xilian Temple Haruna also brought them into children, using Yui Furtekawa, who was carrying his own pants and underwear, walked in and placed everyone in the class.

"Well, after all, where dad is there, there will be riots. Isn't that a theorem?"

Ji Hiirao Lingcai said with a smile.


Lan Yumengcong said in agreement.


"Tsk, really, if it goes on like this, this school will become a kindergarten!"

When Lin Hui saw all the students who had become children along the way, he immediately felt so tired and his head hurt. However, being able to rejuvenate himself is probably a very fresh experience!


Just as Lin Hui turned the corner, he heard a familiar voice, and was immediately surprised: "Catch up!"

As a result, I saw a very handsome man emerge from the pink gas: "I...I am..."

Lin Hui looked at the same clothes as Gu Chuan, who usually taught Chinese, but he was obviously much younger, like a man who had returned to his youth. He couldn't help but say, "I'm going, who are you!"

Lin Hui didn't expect Teacher Gu Chuan to look like this when he was young, but the most urgent task now is to catch the weasel.

As soon as Lin Hui stepped forward, he saw a shadow flash past him, and he stretched out his hand to grab the shadow: "I finally caught you!"


Just when the rejuvenating weasel was going to spray gas at Lin Hui, Lin Hui was quick and pointed its butt out of the window. However, what he didn't expect was a blond girl sitting on a bench not far away. The window that Lin Hui aimed at was just behind the blonde girl.

The girl's body shrunk directly, and the clothes on her body also became extremely ill-fitting. At the same time, she turned her head to look at Lin Hui who was holding the weasel: "You dare to be so provocative in the early morning, as expected of you, Natsuki Yuuki!"

Lin Hui felt that his school life should become very "lively" today: "Can you give me a chance to explain and apologize!"


Behind the blond girl slowly floated several handles that turned from blond hair into sharp blades: "It's useless to talk too much!"


Chapter [-] Christmas Party

Lin Hui quietly left the house after seeing the oranges and pears that were decorating the Christmas tree.

"Huh, it's quite cold!"

Lin Hui rubbed his hands, let out a light breath, and then put his hands in his pockets and left the house: "According to Xiao An's character, let's go to school first, maybe... But, now The school seems to be on vacation, so it doesn’t matter if it’s here or not!”

Lin Hui thought for a moment, then started walking towards the school, not only about the golden shadow, Lin Hui was also thinking about it, if there were only the three Lala sisters and the golden shadow, there would only be nine people, um, still There are two people who claim to be from the future Ji Hiiragi Lingcai and Lan Yu Mengcong, but the identity of these two people remains to be determined!After careful calculation, do you want to call someone else?

It's just that Yui Gutegawa seemed to have rejected something before, so who else can I contact?

"Ah, isn't this Xia Mu-jun?"

Lin Hui heard that someone was calling him, and when he looked back, it was actually Haruna from Xilian Temple.

"Xilian Temple?!"

Lin Hui was slightly surprised.

"Is Xia Mu-jun also coming out to buy something for Christmas?"

Serenji Haruna asked curiously.

"No, I'm looking for Xiao An. After all, you see, Xiao An and Meigan have a good relationship, so I want to invite Xiao An to my house for the Christmas party. In this case, Meigan will be very happy."

Lin Hui said with a smile, and then a flash of light struck: "By the way, Xilian Temple, do you want to come along too? It seems that you and your sister are the only ones in your family? It doesn't matter if you call them together."

If it's a big deal, I'll be molested by her, and I won't lose any meat anyway.

"Ah, sorry, because my parents rarely come back this time, so I have already booked to spend Christmas with my family."

Serenji Haruna's face showed a little apology.

"Ah, that's it, I'm sorry, it was me who was abrupt. Since it's rare for my parents to come back once, we should accompany them. After all, our parents are away all year round, and it is estimated that it is rare to see each other at ordinary times. Since When they come back, they should show their filial piety as children, we are all in the same school anyway, and we can come back next time for parties or something, anyway, there are opportunities."

Lin Hui expressed his understanding of the embarrassment of Xilian Temple Chuncai: "Have fun with your family."

Xilian Temple Haruna felt very touched by Lin Hui's words: "Well."

Yes, Xilian Temple Chuncai's parents came back today, but Lin Hui's parents seem to be busy with work today, at least now Xilian Temple Chuncai feels that she is much happier than Lin Hui.


Lin Hui strolled around the school's library: "I know that today is the school holiday, and Xiao An is unlikely to come to school, so there are only libraries, bookstores and taiyaki shops in the city."

"However, you can pass the taiyaki shop first. After all, there are relatively few taiyaki shops that allow customers to sit in the store. That is to say, it is a library or bookstore in the city. Let's go to the library first!"

Lin Hui touched his chin and thought for a while, then walked towards the library in Cainan City.


"Where did that guy Xia Mu go?"

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