"And Xiao An's concern for classmate Ya Ya should be the same as mine, because this is the first time Xiao An has found your sister! Because of this, Xiao An, you and Ya Ya are not weapons!"

Lin Hui's words dyed the golden shadow's cheeks red. Although he was very shy, the golden shadow was unwilling to move his eyes away.

Lin Hui's eyes seemed to encourage the golden shadow at this moment, giving the golden shadow a kind of feeling. As long as Lin Hui is there, then everything can be at ease, and the feeling that Lin Hui will take care of it all is very exciting. Incredible, because a long time ago, the golden shadow also lived alone, and would not think of relying on the help of others.

However, ever since he was attacked by a cosmic assassin who had been defeated by him and was rescued by Lin Hui, the golden shadow's mind has gradually changed. Lin Hui will always take action at a very critical moment to solve his own worries. The heart of the golden shadow has changed. Even the golden shadow himself is not aware of this change, but it has a very wonderful feeling.

Now that he has decided to do it, Lin Hui will not have any hesitation.

But what to do is what Lin Hui needs to consider. After all, it is not an easy thing for Lin Hui to open the heart of Kurosaki Yaya.

It is like a person who is helping others every day, but ends up telling others that what you are doing is wrong and must not be done. It is not an easy thing to completely break the values ​​that others have established.

However, Lin Hui already has an idea. The key point is Nana. Although Nana seems to be thinking about something all the time, Lin Hui's eyesight alone can probably guess what Nana wants to do. After all, for Lin Hui, Nana's mind is too easy to guess.

Therefore, Lin Hui has already decided, if this method is not enough to change Kurosaki Miya, it can only be rough.

However, before making the decision, Lin Hui still intends to keep searching to see if it is possible to find out about Nemesis. Otherwise, he will always be at a disadvantage, and it will be very difficult to get information from Kurosakiya. , it is almost impossible to bring Kurosakiya to her side.


"what can we do about it?"

Lin Hui felt a little helpless, but the get out of class was about to end. Lin Hui was about to go to the health room to pick up Xilinu home, but saw Xilinu holding a U-shaped prop and raising her hand towards the golden shadow.

"what is this?"

When the golden shadow was about to take it, he heard a voice: "Don't touch that, little dark!"

Golden Shadow was startled. Just as he was about to withdraw his hand, the U-shaped prop suddenly flashed with electric light. In an instant, Golden Shadow's hand and Lin Hui's hand were glued together, but it looked like two Personally holding hands.

Lin Hui's mouth twitched, why didn't he realize that Xilinu actually brought this thing out, didn't he tell Lala to put it away?

The most important thing is that he is still stuck with the golden shadow's hand, but it is better than when he is stuck with Nana's tail, right?

And the golden shadow raised his head, his eyes fixed on Lin Hui, as if asking Lin Hui, what the hell is going on?

The most important thing is that a trace of displeasure flashed in the eyes of the golden shadow, and he continued to exert force, but he was still unable to pull his hand out of Lin Hui's.

Lin Hui's face was full of embarrassment. Who would have known such a thing would happen? Lin Hui can only say now that Lala's invention is really enough to deceive herself. Once is not enough, I have to do it again. .

Lin Hui was very disturbed by the eyes of the golden shadow, for fear that the golden shadow felt that his hand could not be opened, so he chopped off his hand at once. Lin Hui believed that the golden shadow was really able to do it.

"Xiao An, don't be angry, I can explain it!"

Lin Hui swallowed a mouthful of water and said in a trembling voice.

Chapter [-] Wants to be in harmony

Lin Hui felt a little embarrassed, no, it was very embarrassing.

Although the golden shadow was very uncomfortable with Lin Hui holding her hand.

Yes, from the outside it looked like Lin Hui's big hand completely wrapped up the golden shadow's small hand, but in fact it was because it was impossible for Lin Hui and the golden shadow to separate their hands. As a result, it became what it is now.

The golden shadow walked in front, and took Lin Hui to the school gate with the schoolbag.

Lin Hui has to say in this school that he is also a celebrity, and the golden shadow is even more famous. He is not only a cosmic person, but also a special cosmic person with the ability to transform. Coupled with his cute appearance, he is very popular in school. She also has a lot of popularity in China, although she has no self-consciousness.

However, this time, Lin Hui and the golden shadow were strutting around the school holding hands, how could it not be noticed by others?

"Xia Mujun? Xiao An?"

Seeing this scene, Xilian Temple Haruna was stunned, because the golden shadow kept saying that Lin Hui was her target, the target of assassination, but now the two are holding hands, which is not normal. situation, right?

"Wait, what's the matter with you? This is too shameless, isn't it?"

Furute Chuan Yu was even more startled. He didn't expect the two of them to act like this blatantly in front of him.

Lin Hui had a tangled expression on his face. He just explained it to the golden shadow just now, and now he has to explain it again. Lin Hui feels that his whole person is not very good.

"Wait a minute, there's a reason, you listen to me..."

Lin Hui's heart is very tired. Although he knows that Lala's inventions are easy to deceive people, especially himself, why does he always bump into them?

Is this the curse of the gods?

Nana, who was on the side, said angrily: "The emperor's invention malfunctioned, and her hands were stuck together."

"Eh? How could this be?"

Yui Furutekawa didn't expect such a thing to happen, it's really incredible.

At this moment, the Universal Magnetist was kept in a sealed bag by Mengmeng, so as not to affect others again: "This, seems to have been taken out by Xilinu."

And Kurosaki Miya was very interested, her eyes were shining, and she came up directly: "It's so interesting, absolutely inseparable?"

Lin Hui sighed: "It's like this at the moment, the hand is firmly attracted like a strong magnet, but because it is activated randomly, it will gradually weaken over time."

Nana also nodded: "That's right."

Yes, Nana was the victim last time. When the two of them were together, Nana suffered a lot!

"Just to live with you hand in hand until then?"

The golden shadow looked at Lin Hui, and the whole person seemed to have a sense of resentment and nowhere to express: "It's really unpleasant."

"I'm so sorry then!"

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